The joint analysis of “soil blowing null model’ reference positions by V.M. Gendugov and G.P. Glazunov and conclusions derived on the basis of developed by us wind erosion ‘power’ model confirmed their identical effectiveness in the postcritical range of wind velocities. Application of threshold, initial quadratic and critical velocities introduced by us in wind erosion ‘power’ model allows to widen its scope, determining complex wind erosion parameters and soil blowing intensity in the undercritical range of wind velocities. The “exponential” wind erosion model effect by V.M. Gendugov and G.P. Glazunov do not spread out this range. Has shown, that the ratio of critical speed (for given soil) to factual wind velocity, laid down in the ground of “soil blowing null model’ by V.M. Gendugov and G.P. Glazunov, is similar to received by us soil resistance of wind exposure parameter (SRW).
About the Author
N. A. Lihatsevich
Институт почвоведения и агрохимии, г. Минск, Беларусь
Russian Federation
1. Гендугов, В.М. Ветровая эрозия почвы и запыление воздуха / В.М. Гендугов, Г.П. Глазунов. - М.: ФИЗМАТЛИТ, 2007. - 240 с.
2. Лихацевич, Н.А. Комплексные характеристики процесса выдувания почвы / Н.А. Лихацевич, А.Ф. Черныш // Почвоведение и агрохимия. - 2012. - № 2(49). - С. 27-33.
3. Лихацевич, Н.А. О пороговой скорости ветра при количественной оценке интенсивности дефляции / Н.А. Лихацевич // Почвоведение и агрохимия. - 2012. - № 1(48). - С. 38-44.
For citations:
Lihatsevich N.A.
THE ANALISYS OF COMPLEX SOIL WIND EROSION CHARACTERISTIC. Soil Science and Agrochemistry. 2013;(1):68-80.
(In Russ.)
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