
Soil Science and Agrochemistry

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Brown forest soils of watersheds of Moldova's Codry are characterized by high total reserve of natural K (1917-2671 mg/100 g ) which is less, but comparable with the total reserve of K in the xerophytic forest chernozems. A feature of structure of the reserves of K in these soils is that immediate and near reserves in them are significantly smaller by size than in the xerophytic forest chernozems. They have relatively high proportion of potential reserve represented by coarse mica and potassium feldspars, and have higher degree of differentiation in the distribution of reserves by the profile as a consequence of lighter granulometric composition and their other genetic characteristics.

About the Authors

V. E. Alekseev
Институт Почвоведения, Агрохимии и Защиты почв им. Н.А. Димо, г. Кишинев, Молдова
Russian Federation

V. V. Cherbari
Институт Почвоведения, Агрохимии и Защиты почв им. Н.А. Димо, г. Кишинев, Молдова
Russian Federation

A. N. Burghelya
Институт Почвоведения, Агрохимии и Защиты почв им. Н.А. Димо, г. Кишинев, Молдова
Russian Federation

E. B. Varlamov
Институт Почвоведения, Агрохимии и Защиты почв им. Н.А. Димо, г. Кишинев, Молдова
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Alekseev V.E., Cherbari V.V., Burghelya A.N., Varlamov E.B. BROWN FOREST SOILS OF MOLDOVA'S CODRY: NATURAL RESERVES OF POTASSIUM. Soil Science and Agrochemistry. 2014;(1):87-94. (In Russ.)

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