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The application, on a background of 30 t/ha of organic fertilizer, complex fertilizer (NRK - 13:12:19) with modifying additives, which included sulfur, boron, zinc and iron, binders and biologically active substances, helps to ensure a maximum yield of hop cones (1930 kg/ha) and additional yield increase (270 kg/ha) compare with the variant, where the standard mixture of mineral fertilizers was applied. The content of alpha-acids increased from 11,6% to 12,2%, which ensured their collection of 237 kg/ha, and an increase of 43 kg/ha. The application of the complex fertilizers contributes to the shift of the ratio of cones to the mass of leaf mass in favor of the cones and the ratio of leaf mass to its area in favor of leaf mass. Soil and climatic conditions of our republic are favorable for the formation of high and good -quality cones yield. The qualitative indicators of the Hallertauer Magnum hop variety, grown in Belarus, the content of α-and β-acids, kogumulon and other indicators comply with the requirements of the brewing industry. The application of the complex fertilizers leads to an increase of the β-acids, reduction of the share of the kogumulon and increase of the lupulon and adlupulon in the hop cones.

About the Authors

G. M. Milosta
Гродненский государственный аграрный университет, г. Гродно, Беларусь
Russian Federation

G. V. Pirogovskaja
Институт почвоведения и агрохимии НАН Беларуси, г. Минск
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Milosta G.M., Pirogovskaja G.V. THE INFLUENCE OF COMPLEX FERTILIZERS ON YIELD AND BEER QUALITY OF HOP. Soil Science and Agrochemistry. 2009;(2):205-215. (In Russ.)

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