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The application of NPK with B and Mo increased the seed yield sowing peas at 6,0 t/ha. The treatment of crops Adobe B in and MicroStim-Bor the background N18P63K96 increased the seed yield of peas by 4,5 and 4,9 t/ha, and Ekasila and Kristalina - 4,9 t/ha. Seed treatment of pea by inoculum in the background N18P63K96 and N18P63K96 + MicroStim-Bor provide the maximum yield (is 39,3 and 39,7 t/ha),crude protein (of 8,37 and 8,.58 in с/ha ) and digestible protein (to 7,20 and 7,38 kg/ha).The provision of a feed unit with digestible protein was higher in variants with the use of microelements boron and molybdenum - NPK with b and Mo, N18P63K96 + B and Mo, N18P63K96 + Adob Bor, as well as Ecosil in the budding phase. In these versions of the experiment, the provision of feed units of digestible protein ranged from 131 to 137 g, respectively.

About the Authors

I. R. Vildflush
Белорусская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия, г. Горки, Беларусь
Russian Federation

O. V. Malashevskaya
Белорусская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия, г. Горки, Беларусь
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Vildflush I.R., Malashevskaya O.V. THE INFLUENCE OF MACRO-, MICRONUTRIENTS, GROWTH REGULATORS, AND INOCULANT ON YIELD AND SEED QUALITY OF SEED PEAS. Soil Science and Agrochemistry. 2018;(1):228-237. (In Russ.)

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