
Soil Science and Agrochemistry

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The aim of the research was intended to identify the highest productivity of forage sorghum and the output is the sum of sugars per hectare depending on the timing of topdressing nitrogen fertilizer CAS both irrigated and rainfed lands. As a result of researches it is established that the highest productivity of green fodder for silage provides a hybrid Dovista as irrigation with a yield of fodder units of 18,5 t/ha and on rainfed and 11.6 t/ha with feeding urea ammonium nitrate dose N40 in the phase of 4-5 leaves. Irrigation increased the sugar content in the stems of the plants to 15,6 % in the hybrid, and the rainfed in the variety of Silo 42 is 12,8 %. Hybrid Dovista on irrigated array is most productive as forage productivity, and for the collection of sugars per unit area.

About the Author

R. N. Vasiltnko
Институт орошаемого земледелия НААН Украины, г. Херсон, Украина
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Vasiltnko R.N. THE EFFICIENCY OF USING UREA-AMMONIUM NITRATE (UAN) IN THE CULTIVATION OF SWEET SORGHUM. Soil Science and Agrochemistry. 2018;(1):238-243. (In Russ.)

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