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Influence of macro-, micronutrient fertilizers and growth regulator on the dynamics of dry matter accumulation, yield and removal of corn nutrients during cultivation on green mass


Corn is one of the most important agricultural crops in the world. A significant accumulation of dry matter, an increase in the productivity of photosynthesis is facilitated by the use of fertilizers, which in turn has a positive effect on increasing the yield of corn.

The experiments also investigated the removal of nutrients by the resulting crop of green corn mass, its quality and chemical composition.

The use of an organomineral fertilizer system contributed to obtaining the highest yield of the green mass of corn, the dry matter content, as well as the highest content of nitrogen and crude protein in it among all the fertilizer systems used. When applying 60 tons of manure + N90+30P70K120 and 60 tons/ha of manure + N90+30P70K120 + MicroStim- Zinc, the yield of green mass was 697 and 737 kg/ha. The maximum amount of dry matter was obtained in the variant using manure +N90+30P70K120+microstim zinc (the sweeping phase is 126.33 c/ha, the milky-wax ripeness phase is 204,66 c/ha), which ensured the maximum yield of the green mass. The maximum content of nitrogen (1,79 %) and crude protein (11,23 %) was in the variant with the use of manure against the background of N90P70K120 + N30. The specific nitrogen removal was maximal in the variants of the manure-mineral fertilizer system (Manure 60 t/ha + N90P70K120 + N30 and Manure 60 t/ha + N90P70K120 + N30 + MicroStim-Zinc (75 g/ha Zn) and amounted to 4,5 and 4,7 kg/10 с.

The specific removal of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was lower in the version without the use of fertilizers. For phosphorus, the specific removal in the fertilized variants was quite stable and fluctuated within insignificant limits. The maximum specific removal of copper and zinc was in the variant with the use of foliar fertilization with micro-fertilization of MicroStim-Zinc, Copper and amounted to 4,7 and 25,4 g/10 c, respectively.

About the Author

S. S. Mosur
Белорусская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия


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For citations:

Mosur S.S. Influence of macro-, micronutrient fertilizers and growth regulator on the dynamics of dry matter accumulation, yield and removal of corn nutrients during cultivation on green mass. Soil Science and Agrochemistry. 2021;(2):132-143. (In Russ.)

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