Agroeconomical efficiency of winter wheat fertilization systems on highly cultivated sod-podzolic loamy soil
In the field technological experience on highly cultivated sod-podzolic loamy soil, the agroeconomical efficiency of different fertilization systems of winter wheat, depending on the method of basic tillage, was studied. It was found that the sealing of straw without a compensating dose of nitrogen, both with traditional and surface tillage, did not have a negative effect on the uniformity of seedlings and the development of winter wheat plants. Due to the use of fertilizers in a block with traditional tillage, the yield of winter wheat grain increased by 31 % on average and the protein and gluten content significantly increased, i. e. fertilizers provided food grain along with an increase in yield. In the block with surface tillage, the yield was on average 4,6 c/ha higher compared to similar options in the block with traditional tillage.
About the Authors
T. M. SerayaBelarus
E. N. Bahatyrova
T. M. Kirdun
T. V. Machok
O. М. Biryukova
Y. A. Belyavskaya
M. M. Torchilo
N. Yu. Zhabrovskaya
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For citations:
Seraya T.M., Bahatyrova E.N., Kirdun T.M., Machok T.V., Biryukova O.М., Belyavskaya Y.A., Torchilo M.M., Zhabrovskaya N.Yu. Agroeconomical efficiency of winter wheat fertilization systems on highly cultivated sod-podzolic loamy soil. Soil Science and Agrochemistry. 2022;(1):85-94. (In Russ.)