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Restoration of the qualitative state of degraded leached chernozems of Central Moldova through combined the agrotechnical and phytomeliorative methods.


Studies on the restoration of the qualitative state of the degraded arable layer of leached (cambic) chernozems of Central Moldova through the combined use of agrotechnical and phytomeliorative methods have shown that when in the arable layer is introduced the green mass of 2 vetch crops in the field as «busy fallow» under winter and spring vetch, 12,4 t/ha of dry mass of vetch were introduced into the soil, from which 4 t/ha of humus could be formed. This dry mass of organic vetch residue contains 310 kg/ha of biological nitrogen, 60 % of which is of symbiotic origin. In the soil layer 0–10 (12) cm treated with a disc harrow, the average content of organic matter increased by 0,20 %; a positive balance of humus and nitrogen was formed, the physical condition of this layer improved significantly.

About the Authors

V. V. Cherbar
Институт почвоведения, агрохимии и охраны почв им. Н. Димо
Moldova, Republic of

T. G. Lyakh
Институт почвоведения, агрохимии и охраны почв им. Н. Димо
Moldova, Republic of


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For citations:

Cherbar V.V., Lyakh T.G. Restoration of the qualitative state of degraded leached chernozems of Central Moldova through combined the agrotechnical and phytomeliorative methods. Soil Science and Agrochemistry. 2023;(1):48-58. (In Russ.)

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