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Efficiency of corn fertilizer systems on soddy-podzolic loam soil


The most effective technique for growing corn for green mass was the use of N90+30+30 in combination with foliar top dressing of crops with MicroStim-Zinc, Boron microfertilizer and a complex of double foliar top dressing with plant growth stimulants Ecogum AF and Ecosil, Ecosil Plus against the background of the introduction of 60 t/ha of cattle manure In the technological experiment on soddy-podzolic loamy soil. It was ensured the receipt of 19,3 tons of feed units, 22,7 centners of protein, $ 203 of conditional profit from 1 hectare with a profitability 66 %. Every kilogram of nitrogen fertilizer pays off 170 centners of corn green mass, the cost of adding 1 ton of feed units is $ 28, and the achieved level of content of mobile phosphate and potassium compounds in the soil is maintained with such a fertilizer system.
The possibility of cultivating corn under conditions of deficiency of organic fertilizers has been studied. The use of the mineral fertilizer system (N90+30+30P20K60) in combination with microfertilizer and two-time foliar top dressing of crops with growth stimulants provides 15.7 t/ha of fodder units, 22,7 q/ha of protein, 60 $/ha of conditional profit at profitability 37 % and payback of 1 kg of mineral fertilizers 62 centners of corn green mass. Such a fertilizer system leads to the degradation of soil fertility, and therefore it is permissible to use it in the cultivation of corn in no more than one crop rotation It is assumed.

About the Authors

E. G. Mezentseva
Институт почвоведения и агрохимии

O. G. Kulesh
Институт почвоведения и агрохимии

O. V. Simankov
Институт почвоведения и агрохимии

A. A. Gracheva
Институт почвоведения и агрохимии

S. M. Zenkova
Институт почвоведения и агрохимии


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For citations:

Mezentseva E.G., Kulesh O.G., Simankov O.V., Gracheva A.A., Zenkova S.M. Efficiency of corn fertilizer systems on soddy-podzolic loam soil. Soil Science and Agrochemistry. 2023;(1):100-111. (In Russ.)

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