Potential risks of crop production in the Republic of Belarus In the event of droughts and arid phenomena
A scale of potential risks of crop production in the event of droughts and arid phenomena, developed on the basis of a score assessment of soil (area of soils, least resistant and low resistant to droughts and arid phenomena) and climatic (cartograms of the sum of temperatures above 10 °C and annual precipitation) conditions, by administrative-territorial units (districts) presents at the article. It is proposed that the risk of crop production in the event of droughts and arid phenomena is considered weak with a total score of ≤ 5, average – 6–7, high – 8–9, very high – ≥ 10 points. The results of the assessment and a cartogram of the potential risks of crop production in the event of droughts and arid phenomena are presented. It has been established that Brest, Kamenetsky, Braginsky, Vetkovsky, Dobrushsky, Vetkovsky, Narovlyansky, Khoiniksky, Berestovitsky, Volkovysk, Grodno, Svislochsky, Shchuchinsky, Bykhovsky, Slavgorodsky districts have a very high potential risk of negative impact of droughts and arid phenomena on crop production. In 42 districts, located mainly in Gomel, Brest and Grodno regions, the potential risk is high, in 45 – medium, in 17 districts – low.
About the Authors
H. M. UstinavaBelarus
V. B. Tsyrybka
I. A. Lahachou
A. V. Yukhnovets
S. A. Kas’yanchyk
A. A. Mits’kova
N. A. Karabets
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For citations:
Ustinava H.M., Tsyrybka V.B., Lahachou I.A., Yukhnovets A.V., Kas’yanchyk S.A., Mits’kova A.A., Karabets N.A. Potential risks of crop production in the Republic of Belarus In the event of droughts and arid phenomena. Soil Science and Agrochemistry. 2023;(2):14-23. (In Russ.)