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Assessment and forecast of ecological and economic damage as a result of soil erosion (using the example of the Мstislavsky district)


   The assessment of the ecological and economic damage caused by water erosion of soils of arable lands of the Mstislavsky district of the Mogilev region is present at the article. It is established that the direct damage from the shortage of crops will amount to 4,620 thousand rubles. The total cost of purchasing and applying fertilizers to compensate for the loss of humus and nutrients caused by erosion degradation is about 800 thousand rubles. Consequently, the total environmental and economic damage is at least 5,420 thousand rubles. According to optimistic scenarios of the forecast, an increase in the proportion of perennial grasses to 40–75 % and a decrease in the proportion of row crops to 0–10 % will reduce direct damage from erosion degradation processes to 3383–4380 thousand rubles, indirect damage to 214–580 thousand rubles. The total damage will amount to 462–1822 thousand rubles. The exclusion of perennial grasses from the structure of sown areas and an increase in the proportion of row crops to 40 % or more will lead to an increase in direct damage by 1,4 times, indirect damage by 4,0 times. The total environmental and economic damage is projected at the level of 9,800 thousand rubles, which is 1,8 times higher than with the existing structure of acreage.

About the Authors

H. M. Ustinava
Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry


V. B. Tsyrybka
Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry


I. A. Lahachou
Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry


A. V. Yukhnovets
Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry


S. A. Kas’yanchyk
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


A. A. Mits’kova
Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry



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For citations:

Ustinava H.M., Tsyrybka V.B., Lahachou I.A., Yukhnovets A.V., Kas’yanchyk S.A., Mits’kova A.A. Assessment and forecast of ecological and economic damage as a result of soil erosion (using the example of the Мstislavsky district). Soil Science and Agrochemistry. 2023;(2):24-33. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)