
Soil Science and Agrochemistry

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Reflective capacity AGROHUMUS HORIZONS of AGROSOD-PODZOLIC soils of different TEXTURE


The results of research reflective capacity agrohumus horizons of agrosod-podzolic soils of different granulometric composition was presented. It was established, that reflect coefficient of agrohumus horizons is defined by its granulometric composition; agrohumus horizons of light-loamy soils has signitifically more values of reflect coefficient than sandy soils at equal humus content. Values of reflect coefficient for diagnostic the degree of cultivation of agrosod-podzolic soils were attempted.

About the Authors

G. S. Tsytron
Институт почвоведения и агрохимии НАН Берауси, г. Минск
Russian Federation

T. V. Bubnova
Институт почвоведения и агрохимии НАН Берауси, г. Минск
Russian Federation

T. N. Azarenok
Институт почвоведения и агрохимии НАН Берауси, г. Минск
Russian Federation

S. V. Drobysh
Институт почвоведения и агрохимии НАН Берауси, г. Минск
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Tsytron G.S., Bubnova T.V., Azarenok T.N., Drobysh S.V. Reflective capacity AGROHUMUS HORIZONS of AGROSOD-PODZOLIC soils of different TEXTURE. Soil Science and Agrochemistry. 2009;(1):15-21. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)