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The classification cumulic (sediment) soils of the chernozemic zone of Moldova compiled taking into account: the genetic affiliation izohumus cumulic soils to a particular subtype of chernozem; capacity of young (fresh) sediments under the original izohumus soils; the total thickness of the layers and horizons with humus more than 1%; the degree of silting depth of burial izohumus soils in the case of the mantle under the original soil more than 50 cm; the degree of humus content of the arable layer.

About the Authors

V. V. Cherbar’
Институт почвоведения, агрохимии и защиты почв им. Н.А. Димо, г. Кишинев, Молдова
Russian Federation

E. B. Varlamov
Институт почвоведения, агрохимии и защиты почв им. Н.А. Димо, г. Кишинев, Молдова
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Cherbar’ V.V., Varlamov E.B. CLASSIFICATION OF CUMULIC (SEDIMENT) SOILS OF THE CHERNOZEMIC ZONE OF MOLDOVA. Soil Science and Agrochemistry. 2010;(2):33-39. (In Russ.)

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