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On sod-podsolic sandy soil the structure of balance of nitrogen in system soil-plant depending on doses and terms of entering of nitric fertilizers is studied. It is established, that in a nitric nutrition of plants soil nitrogen prevails. Efficiency of barley and winter rye on 80-85% is formed at the expense of soil nitrogen and on 15-20% at the expense of nitrogen of fertilizers. In grain 68-72% of all nitrogen of fertilizers absorbed by plants concentrate. Operating ratios of nitrogen of fertilizers fluctuate depending on doses and terms of entering of nitric fertilizers from 30 to 38%. Fractional application of nitrogen promotes increase of factor of its use on 5-8%. At increase in doses of fertilizers the size of consumption of nitrogen plants increases, however operating ratios decrease. In a soil profile it is fixed from 21 to 40% of nitrogen of fertilizers. With increase of doses of fertilizers the absolute sizes of fastening of nitrogen increase, relative decrease. The basic quantity (65-72%) of nitrogen fixed in soil concentrates in arable (0-20 cm) layer. Fractional entering of nitric fertilizers promotes decrease in migration of nitrogen in underarable horizons. Losses of nitrogen as a result of washing away and denitrification make depending on doses and terms of its entering from 23 to 47%. High speed immobilization and nitrogen fixings promote decrease in its losses. Increase of doses of nitric fertilizers leads to increase in absolute and relative losses of nitrogen, fractional application - to their decrease on 5-6%.

About the Authors

N. N. Tsybul’Ko
Департамент по ликвидации последствий катастрофы на Чернобыльской АЭС МЧС, г. Минск, Беларусь
Russian Federation

D. V. Kiseleva
Могилевский государственный университет им. А.А. Кулешова, г. Могилев, Беларусь
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Tsybul’Ko N.N., Kiseleva D.V. BALANCE OF NITROGEN OF FERTILIZERS OF SYSTEM SOIL-PLANT UNDER GRAIN CROPS ON SOD-PODZOLIC SANDY SOIL. Soil Science and Agrochemistry. 2010;(2):145-155. (In Russ.)

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