
Soil Science and Agrochemistry

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In article the influence of potential and effective soil fertility on seed productivity of perennial, hygrophilous, riding, rhizomatous of the grass - Beckmannia eruciformis is considered. They are built linear and not linear correlation dependences of seed productivity from such factors as contents of humus in soil, volume humidity and doses of the mineral fertilizers. From the spent researches it is established that of seeds productivity of Beckmannia eruciformis has a linear dependence from potential and effective soil fertility. Using equations of the dependences, introduces possible to calculate the biological seed productivity of Beckmannia eruciformis, coming from security of soil humus and volume humidity. The value of seed productivity will in this instance allow directly to value the influence of the potential fertility. For an estimation of effective soil fertility in article the equations of correlation dependences taking into account doses of the used mineral fertilizers also are resulted.

About the Authors

A. S. Meerovskij
Институт мелиорации, г. Минск, Беларусь
Russian Federation

N. M. Modnikova
Институт мелиорации, г. Минск, Беларусь
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Meerovskij A.S., Modnikova N.M. FERTILITY OF RECLAIMED SOD-PODZOLIC GLEYIC SOILS AND SEED PRODUCTIVITY OF BECKMANNIA ERUCIFORMIS. Soil Science and Agrochemistry. 2010;(2):214-222. (In Russ.)

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