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The review have shown the perspective of Azospirillum spp use as an acting agents of biofertilizers is connected with their ability to plant growth promotion, nitrogen fixation in association with grain crops, different nitrogen metabolism, chemotaxis and aerotaxis. Under the condition of choice of active Azospirillum strain possessing high capability of root colonization, N2-fixation, growth promotion as well as under the optimization of mineral N-nutrition of plants the application of Azospirillum spp may provide the real input of biological nitrogen in crop yield and the increase of protein content in crops.

About the Author

N. A. Mikhailouskaya
Институт почвоведения и агрохимии, г. Минск, Беларусь
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Mikhailouskaya N.A. AZOSPIRILLUM SPP AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON GRAIN CROP (REVIEW). Soil Science and Agrochemistry. 2015;(2):167-181. (In Russ.)

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