
Soil Science and Agrochemistry

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In the article analyzed the research of changes in content of mobile humic acids in grey forest soil of Forest-steppe in conditions of stationary experiment which were obtained by using different agrothechnical measures of soil fertility restoration. Showing the influence of chemical melioration for different fertilization systems on dynamic content of mobile humic acids in arable layer. Long-term use of grey forest soil in agricultural production without liming and fertilizing increases the content of the least agronomically valuable first fraction of humic acids which can be leached beyond the soil profile in conditions of flushing type of water regime. It was established that liming optimize physico-chemical parameters of grey forest soil, contributes to the predominance the processes of organic matter humification that enters to the soil and consolidation of the newly formed specific humic compounds in its upper layers. Preservation and reproduction of humus content, improvement of its qualitative composition namely the reduction of mobile humic acids in gray forest soil is achieved by the use of organo-mineral fertilizing systems against the background of periodic liming full and full and a half doses of СаСO3 by hydrolytic acidity. The content of mobile humic acids on those variants in the arable and subarable layers reduced in comparison with the control respectively 37-48% and 54-62%, accounting for 10,2-12,7% and 4,6-6,4% of C total.

About the Authors

N. A. Tkachenko
ННЦ «Институт земледелия НААН», Киевская обл., пгт. Чабаны, Украина
Russian Federation

V. N. Shklyar
ННЦ «Институт земледелия НААН», Киевская обл., пгт. Чабаны, Украина
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Tkachenko N.A., Shklyar V.N. INFLUENCE OF LIMING FOR DIFFERENT FERTILIZATION SYSTEMS ON GREY FOREST SOIL HUMUS QUALITY. Soil Science and Agrochemistry. 2016;(1):145-152. (In Russ.)

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