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Agrophysical properties soil data in formation of soil-protection land management systems using gis-technologies


There are presented in the article scientific and practical approaches to the planning and operational management of crop irrigation regimes using information technology in southern Ukraine. Parameters modeling of production processes of the studied crops for planning and operational management of irrigation regimes were carried out using the UN FAO computer program CROPWAT 8.0.

An analysis of meteorological conditions during the years of research indicates significant fluctuations in daily average temperatures and relative humidity - from minus 8,5° in January 2016 to 25,4-25,5 °C in August 2017 and 2018. The indicators of relative humidity and sunshine had a clear relationship with the temperature regime. Evapotranspiration was also closely related to meteorological indicators. The average monthly rainfall fluctuated significantly - from 0,2 mm in January 2016 up to 93 mm in June 2019. The modeling carried out allowed us to establish the conditional dates of the growing season for each crop, which is of paramount importance from the point of view of forming the water demand of crops and calculating their irrigation regimes. It has been proved that taking into account the soil water balance elements, current weather and agrotechnical conditions in the CROPWAT program makes it possible to accurately plan the irrigation regime for each crop and reduce irrigation water consumption for: winter wheat - by 17,1 %; corn - 21,3; soybeans - 20,8; sorghum - by 13,6 %.

Analysis of weather conditions for the period 2016-2019 it indicates a high level of aridization of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine, and violation of the natural moisture supply cycles and justifies the need for irrigation. By calculations it was determined that the maximum supply of irrigation water requires crop rotation - corn and soy, to a lesser extent - winter wheat and sorghum. The models obtained using the CROPWAT toolkit allow us to clearly establish the water shortage and the corresponding irrigation and irrigation norms, plan and promptly adjust irrigation regimes, reduce the consumption of water and other resources, which is of important agroeconomic and ecological reclamation value.

About the Authors

S. V. Kokovikhin
Институт орошаемого земледелия
Russian Federation

I. A. Bidnyna
Институт орошаемого земледелия
Russian Federation

V. A. Sharii
Институт орошаемого земледелия
Russian Federation

A. N. Chervan
Институт почвоведения и агрохимии

A. V. Drobitko
Николаевский национальный аграрный университет
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Kokovikhin S.V., Bidnyna I.A., Sharii V.A., Chervan A.N., Drobitko A.V. Agrophysical properties soil data in formation of soil-protection land management systems using gis-technologies. Soil Science and Agrochemistry. 2020;(2):63-71. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)