
Soil Science and Agrochemistry

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No 2 (2011)
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7-14 133
The main trends of the system of government regulation soil fertility management are given. The achievements are shown and tasks on prospect in the system of agro soil monitoring, sour soil liming, application of organic and mineral macro- and micro fertilizers are determined.


15-22 112
The results of comparative estimation of different soilprotected crop rotation types on structurally-modular composition of sod-podzolic soils, formed on less loams are shown at the article. It was determined, that east halega grown promotes to antierosion durability increase of researched soils. The saturation of crop rotation by cereals till 60 % leads to reduction of structure waterstability of researched soils and negative influence оn their antierosion durability properties.
22-30 142
As a result, work on improving the methodology for assessing agricultural land in Belarus for the next round of land assessment developed new correction factors on the genesis of the parent rocks, the new optimal parameters of the agrochemical properties of soils, refined correction factors for soil erosion and stoniness, heterogeneity of soil cover and climate conditions of the territory.
30-42 146
On sod-podsolic sandy soils of different humidifying regular application chisel is established, that, superficial and mini-till systems of tillage leads to consolidation soils on 0.03-0.11 g/sm3 in relation to turning. However on chisel and the mini-till the density increase does not lead to excess of the top border of an optimum. The differentiation of an arable layer is most expressed at chisel and superficial tillage and mini-till and observed during all vegetative period, at turning is shown from the middle till the end of vegetation. Distinctions in soil density between layers of 0- 10 and 10-20 sm are especially expressed at superficial tillage - 0.18-0.22 g/sm3. On soil of normal humidifying turning, chisel tillage and mini-till provide satisfactory aeration of an arable layer - 50-53 %, superficial tillage - unsatisfactory - 48 %. On sandy rehumidified to soil satisfactory porosity is provided at turning and chisel tillage on depth 20-22 Superficial and minimum tillage see lead to deterioration of aeration of soil as a result of decrease in porosity of a layer 10-20 sm. On sandy soil of normal humidifying application within 3th years of the minimum system of tillage of soil provides increase of efficiency of a link of a crop rotation on 3 ts/hectares of grain units in comparison with turning, and system of superficial tillage, on the contrary, to authentic (on 4,2 ts/hectares of grain units) to its reduction. On rehumidified to soil replacement of turning with superficial and mini-till leads essential (on 3.4-3.7 ts/hectares of grain units) to decrease in productivity of cultures of a link of a crop rotation.
42-51 275
The main results of RUSLE-GIS model implementation for soil loss estimation in Minsk region are presented. The conclusions about necessity of methods of soil loss factors correction and determination of DEM optimal spatial resolution for different scale of mapping are drown.


62-70 121
In the conditions of the field experiments on sod-podzolic soils of different texture the influence of the different fertilizer systems on the change of humus quality indexes was studied. The most effective reception providing flowing of humification processes in humic direction, is the application of organic and organic-mineral fertilizer system in combination with straw ploughing.
70-77 151
It was found that under cultivation of corn for the use of green material the application of equivalent doses of organic fertilizer produced at the output of the biogas plant, was similar to the effect of organic fertilizers used for biogas production (poultry manure and cattle fluid manure) and mineral fertilizers introduced into the dose-aligned nitrogen on the sod-podzolic sandy soil. Yield of corn green mass was at the level of 550-562 kg/ha in these options at an average of two years. Specific removal of nutrients from one ton of corn green mass (75 % moisture) averaged: N - 3.2 kg, P2O5 - 1.5 kg, K2O - 4.8 kg, CaO - 0.4 kg, MgO - 0.4 kg.
78-87 135
At cultivation of a clover meadow on luvisol loamy sand soil it is established that its efficiency depends on weather conditions, a hay crop and doses of mineral fertilizers. Productivity of green weight of a clover was formed at level of 5,05-6,93 t/ha, hay - at level of 0,97-1,23 t/ha. The maximum productivity of 693 t/ha, gathering of solid of 1,04 t/ha and gathering of fodder units of 1,46 t/ha are received at application Р70К120 and entering N30Р70К120 under the predecessor a winter rye. The maximum recoupment of 1 kg o. s. fertilizers in green weight of 58 kg it is received at application of fertilizer system Р40К80. On the average for three years in a variant with optimum productivity the following specific carrying out with 1 t green weight: nitrogen 3,6 kg, phosphorus 1,0, potassium 6,5, calcium 1,7, magnesium of 0,8 kg and with 1 t hay: nitrogen 20,5 kg, phosphorus 5,6, potassium 36,7, calcium 9,4, magnesium of 4,7 kg.
87-96 199
Results of researches on studying of influence of various doses of phosphoric and potash fertilizers on productivity and fodder value of a clover meadow are resulted at it crops under winter triticale. It is established that entering of phosphoric and potash fertilizers (P60K120) in the autumn under preseeding cultivation against after effect 40 t/ha of manure under winter triticale and spring top dressing of clover P60K140 was the most effective system of fertilizer of a clover meadow, the ensured 11,53 t/ha of green weight with the maintenance of crude fiber of 17,7 % and its gathering of 0,259 t/ha.
96-107 142
Results of researtches on study of influence of various levels contents of water soluble boron in podzoluvisol loamy sand soil, doses and forms of boric fertilizers on productivity of agricultural culture are presented in article. Experimental data shown that efficiency of boric fertilizers was various and depended on level boron content in soil.
107-112 203
In the field experiments on Luvisol soils the effect of foliar fertilizing with new liquid fertilizers, MicroStiem and MicroSil, on sugar beet yield and quality was studied. Sugar beet was cultivated according to intensive technology. It was established that the double foliar feeding of sugar beet with these preparation resulted in the enhance of crop yield by 23-42 c/ha, sugar yield by 3,0-7,2 c/ha at profitability 80-112 %.
112-120 123
It was found that optimal parameters of soil dehydrogenase, polyphenoloxidase, 2 invertase, urease activities and high crop productivity were observed under Luvisol loamy sand soil supply by mobile potassium at the level of 196 mg kg-1 К О and K application as well as at the level of 288 mg kg-1 К Оand K application. Excess 90-120 2 60-120 of mobile potassium content in soil resulted in reliable depression of soil enzymatic activity, stabilization or reduction of crop productivity.
120-129 178
Some properties of P-mobilizing bacteria were investigated. P-mobilizing bacteria capabilities of transfer the insoluble Са3(РО4)2 into accessible form and stimulation of root development determine their positive effect on nutrition regime and crop yields. The efficiency of P-mobilizing bacteria introduction was found to depend on the content of mobile of phosphorus in soil. Under Luvisol loamy sand (coarse) soil supply by Р О 207 mg/kg-1 most effective was 2 5 introduction of P-mobilizing bacteria at the backgrounds of N120K90 and N120K90Р10 that provided winter triticale yields 46.5-48.0 c/ha-1 and reliable responses to inoculation 3.0- 3.3 c/ha-1; under soil supply by Р О 244 mg/kg-1 grain response 2.3 c/ha-1 was obtained 2 5 only at background of N K ; in a range of soil supply by Р О 286-394 mg kg-1 grain 120 90 2 5 responses was not statistically sound. Application of P-mobilizing bacteria on Luvisol loamy sand (bind) soil was most effective if mobile phosphates contents were in diapason of 200-400 mg kg-1 at the backgrounds of N 60K90 that resulted in spring wheat responses 4.3-4.7 c/ha-1; at the backgrounds of N P K grain response 3.6 c/ha-1 was obtained only if P O content 60 30 90 2 5 in soil not exceed 200 mg/kg-1. Under high soil supply by mobile phosphates the introduction of P-mobilizing bacteria is not profitable.
130-140 115
The data on crop yield of oats, specific activity of137Cs and90Sr in grain and straw, total removal of radionuclide137Cs and potassium,90Sr and calcium are presented. Estimated data of zoning and potential five oats varieties at its cultivation on lands contaminated by radionuclide137Cs and90Sr is given.
140-149 147
Different degree of phytotoxicity of sodium and chlorine on productivity of Lolium westerwoldicum annual in conditions sodium, chlorine and chlorine-sodium pollution of luvisol loamy sandy soil is established. Accumulation in hay of Lolium westerwoldicum sodium and chlorine at different levels of pollution of soil is presented. Correlation dependences between the content in soil of sodium and the content in Lolium westerwoldicum of phosphorus, potassium and calcium are established.
149-164 155
The article addresses the receipt of nitrogen compound with atmospheric precipitation and its migration into sod-podzolic soils of different granulometric composition at different levels of nitrogen fertilizer.


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ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)