
Soil Science and Agrochemistry

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No 1 (2016)
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7-15 215
The article describes the history of the development of agricultural land evaluation in Belarus, an analysis of previous evaluations, their methods and results, use in agricultural production. The authors present the methodology for the current cadastral valuation of land, its differences from previous estimates. The article presents the basic methodological position of being developed energy assessment of soil fertility, based on the internal energy reserves of humus, contained in the arable soil horizon.
15-25 123
The results of routing studies on arable land in the central soil-ecological province, soil cover which is represented by the various groups of parent rocks are presented in the article. It was found that the agrophysical properties of the main soil types of the Belarusian ridge is largely determined by the genesis of soil-forming rocks, types of accessories and degree of exposure to erosion processes. Almost all the studied soil overcrowded and, therefore, necessary to develop measures and methods to regulate agrophysical conditions of soil. Soils of Belarusian Central marginal glacial formations and the surrounding water-glacial plains are characterized by good structural-aggregate composition and relatively high stability of the structure to collapse.
25-36 154
Methods of geoinformation processing of agrophysical soil properties data to justify the differentiation of soil conservation farming systems on the example of agricultural lands in the Braslav district Vitebsk region are presented in the article.
36-44 161
Model of determination of optimal ranges of values agrophysical properties of soils formed on different parent rocks are presented in the article. It was found that the agrophysical properties of soils are largely determined by the genesis of soil-forming rocks. Leading role of index adding density in the characterization of the physical condition of the soil was confirmed. An assessment of the current state of agrophysical soil properties was shown.
44-50 129
Approaches to assessment the accuracy of methods for determining the composition and properties of soil are studied installed in the national and harmonized standards of Ukraine. Established the absence of a unified approach to the process of assessment and ways expression of accuracy of methods for determining the composition and properties of the soil in the national standards of Ukraine, in contrast to the harmonization standards, where the approach is used regulated by the complex of standards ISO 5725. The results of assessment the accuracy (precision and accuracy) the method for determining the organic matter (according to DTR 4289) according to the requirements of DTR GOST ISO 5725 are presented. The advantage of using the methods for estimating the accuracy of determining the composition and properties of soil regulated approach international standards DTR GOST ISO 5725 is substantiated.
50-60 142
Penetration resistance of dark gray podzolic soil and typical heavy-loamy chernozem was measured after traditional presowing tillage (by cultivator КТS 6 to a depth of 6-8 cm), presowing tillage by experimental tool in a production conditions and in a model microfield experiment with manually created optimum agrophysical parameters of seed layer. For dark gray podzolic soil the optimum parameters of penetration resistance during 2013-2014 was observed in all cases in a layer of 0-12 cm. In 2015 the optimal penetration resistance values were observed only in the layer of 0-5 cm. For typical heavy-loamy chernozem optimal values of penetration resistance is observed at depth of seedbed preparation in a layer of 0-8 cm. In the case of forming the optimal agrosoil parameters by presowing tillage its influence can be maintained throughout the growing season. Regression models allowing by results of penetration resistance and moisture determination with certain probability to establish its bulk density are proposed.
60-73 118
The results of long-term studies of the soil processes orientation and Pedogenesis of chernozem ordinary in the conditions of the 30-year period of the irrigation by unsuitable waters and after its termination (6, 9 and 16 years) are shown. In postirrigation period in the conditions of boharic land use the gradual renaturalisation of the soil properties to the parameters of boharic soil was established. The soil processes are characterized by different speeds of reversibility and are directed towards the improvement of the chernozem ordinary properties.
73-86 112
It was found that the both soils are identical in qualitative composition of minerals, both carry signs of rock layering, which indicate that the Late Pliocene alluvial sedimentation took place in a more peaceful setting than in the modern terrace floodplains. In the ancient stagniс chernozem there are signs of a deeper pronounced weathering process and clayization process. The uniformity of the qualitative composition of minerals of the studied soils indicates the same sources of the mineral material in the formation of parent rocks of these soils.
86-92 124
It was found that in both soils immediate, proximal and potential reserves of potassium are equally high and exceed those in the zonal soils. Total reserves of potassium in them reaches 3300 mg/100 g. Big difference in the age of the soil was not reflected on the content of their total reserves of potassium. In ancient stagnic chernozem there are signs of redistribution of potassium reserves between potential and proximal likely due to clayization process. In both soils distribution of potassium reserves by the profile, in addition to direct, is determined by manifestations of layering of rocks. Propose the hypothesis that exceptionally high content of total potassium reserves in soils on alluvial sediments is their genetic traits.
93-105 105
The results of studying of various fertilizer systems influence on the spring wheat grain productivity and quality on sod-podzolic light loamy soil with very high phosphorus and potassium content are resulted. High efficiency of unilateral nitric fertilizer is established.
105-121 109
Yield and quality of diploid variety of winter rye Ofelia cultivated on Luvisol loamy sand soil characterized by different phosphorus and potassium supply are discussed. The largest grain yield winter rye 67,9 c/ha was obtained on soil with optimal contents of phosphorus and potassium mobile forms as a result of application of Р40К120 + N60+30+30 + MicroStim Copper + РР (Chlormecvat-chloride) on the background of aftereffect (2th year) of 40 t ha-1 of FYM. Specific removals of the main nutrients were as follows: N - 18,2, P - 10,5, K - 25,9, Ca - 1,8 and Mg - 2,1 кг/т. The N, P and K balances were negative.
121-128 108
In studies on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil found that lowering doses of phosphate and potash fertilizers with regard to the content of phosphorus and potassium in the straw plowed barley had ensured the grain yield buckwheat at the level of full doses of mineral fertilizers by a lower cost for fertilizers on 17 USD/ha, or 17%.The use of compensatory nitrogen dose on plant residues of the precursor in the form of urea provided an increase grain yield of buckwheat on 3,5 c/ha in the spring application and 1,7 c/ha in autumn. In the variants with the NPK application under buckwheat additional amounts of nitrogen on straw increased yields an average of 2,8-3,2 c/ha.
128-137 140
Non-root additional fertilization on the background N18P63K96 with complex fertilizers of MikroStim B, Kristalon, Adob B, Eсosil increased productivity of seed peas on 5,9, 4,4, 4,3 and 4,0 c/ha, provided seed productivity of 36,9-38,8 c/ha, an obtaining of a digestible protein of 6,7-6,8 c/ha and supply of fodder unit with a digestible protein 126-136g.
137-145 119
The results of scientific studies on the impact of new forms complex fertilizers for the main application and foliar fertilizing and complex preparations based fertilizers and growth regulators in the cultivation of medium late potatoes Vector are given. The impact of new forms complex fertilizers on crop yields, crop structure and potato quality in the conditions of the north-eastern part of Belarus on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil is shown.
145-152 118
In the article analyzed the research of changes in content of mobile humic acids in grey forest soil of Forest-steppe in conditions of stationary experiment which were obtained by using different agrothechnical measures of soil fertility restoration. Showing the influence of chemical melioration for different fertilization systems on dynamic content of mobile humic acids in arable layer. Long-term use of grey forest soil in agricultural production without liming and fertilizing increases the content of the least agronomically valuable first fraction of humic acids which can be leached beyond the soil profile in conditions of flushing type of water regime. It was established that liming optimize physico-chemical parameters of grey forest soil, contributes to the predominance the processes of organic matter humification that enters to the soil and consolidation of the newly formed specific humic compounds in its upper layers. Preservation and reproduction of humus content, improvement of its qualitative composition namely the reduction of mobile humic acids in gray forest soil is achieved by the use of organo-mineral fertilizing systems against the background of periodic liming full and full and a half doses of СаСO3 by hydrolytic acidity. The content of mobile humic acids on those variants in the arable and subarable layers reduced in comparison with the control respectively 37-48% and 54-62%, accounting for 10,2-12,7% and 4,6-6,4% of C total.
153-168 130
In the field experiments on Podzoluvisol loamy sand soil the impact of fertilization system on the yield and quality of perennial legume-grasses mixture was studied. Data on effectiveness of standard and complex nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer forms in the granulаted and liquid forms are presented. Experiments were conducted on two levels (30-60 t/ha) of FYM.
169-175 123
Results of researches of complex impact of the predecessor, ways the basic soil tillage and fertilizer systems, growth regulators on productivity of oil seed winter rape cultivated in a link of fodder crop rotation on the antropogen-transformed peat soils of Polesye are presented. It is revealed that on the background of superficial disking and entering balanced on carrying out with a yield of doses of fertilizers, top dressing with copper, boron, Ecosil had ensured productivity of oil seed winter rape on the level of 41,9 c/ha and profits to 529 $/ha. The yield level it is not worse than at plowing, but profit exceeds 26%.
176-192 151
The results of experimental researches (2012-2014) on application of standard and new forms of complex fertilizers in technology of sunflower cultivation on sod-podsolic light loamy (the Minsk area) and coherent sandy loam (the Gomel area) soils and their impact upon productivity and quality sunflower oil seed are presented. It is established, that application of new forms of complex fertilizers with microelements on sod-podsolic light loamy soil allows to increase seeds productivity by 2,1-5,2 c/ha, on sod-podsolic coherent sandy loam soil up to 2,1 c/ha in comparison with complex fertilizer without additives (28,0 and 31,8 c/ha). The most effective forms of complex fertilizers were on light loamy and coherent sandy loam soils - NPK with B(0,15%) and Mn(0,15%) and NPK with B(0,25%).
193-201 243
The efficiency of the use of boron fertilizer ETIDOT-67 in the cultivation of winter wheat, sugar beet, winter rape, maize, potato and apple in the production experiments was studied. It is iestablished that foliar application of boron fertilizer ETIDOT-67 during the growing period increased yield and quality of the crops.
201-211 118
The estimations of hydrolytic (invertase and urease) and oxidation (polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase) enzyme activities were conducted in the field experiment modeling different supply of Luvisol loamy sand soil by water soluble boron (0,3; 06-0,7; 0,9-1,0; 1,2-1,3 и 1,5-1,7 mg kg-1). Biologically filled level of Luvisol loamy sand soil supply by water soluble boron was determined - 0,9-1,0 mg kg-1, that stimulate mineralization and humification processes in soil on treatments with organic and mineral fertilization and their combination with foliar sprays by boron (0.05 kg ha-1). The rise of water soluble boron concentration in Luvisol loamy sand soil from 0.3 up to 1.0 mg kg-1 resulted in the increase of potato yields. The efficiency of foliar spray of potato by boron fertilizer MicroStim-Boron was higher under low soil supply by boron.

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ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)