
Soil Science and Agrochemistry

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No 1 (2017)
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7-20 158
The results of 20-years researches of the state of the basic agrophysical properties of the arable horizon of sod-podzolic eroded soils on moraine loams are presented at the article. Based on the findings the average long-term average density and porosity of the studied soils and ranges of their variation are determined. The average long-term value of the density of the arable horizon of sod-podzolic soils developing on moraine loams changed from 1.41 g/cm3 to 1.62 g/cm3, depending on the degree of erosion. The density of the arable horizon of medium- and non-eroded soils coincided to acceptable values in 45-72 % of cases, highly eroded - to the critical values in 57-78 %. The average porosity sizes of the investigated soils were 40-46 %. The acceptable values were set at 63-90 % of all cases. Decrease to critical values are most typical for the highly eroded variety (15-33 %), and improvements to optimal ones for non-eroded varieties (3-33 %).
20-32 161
As a result of the conducted researches it was shown the possibility of practical use of the energy assessment data of arable land soil fertility for land use optimization in different regions of the republic. The results of energy assessment calculation of soil fertility for arable land species in the northern, central and southern provinces of the republic are given in the article. Based on these results, the agro-production grouping of soils was improved on their suitability for cultivating agricultural crops, developed a set of measures to improve the suitability of soils for crops. The results of the research can be used to develop adaptive landscape systems of farming in the soil-ecological provinces of Belarus.
32-44 142
Comparative study of the mineralogical status of silicate part of the typical chernozems on the covering sediments of the watersheds of Moldova and the Central Russian upland showed that both the soil in composition and the content of primary and clay minerals are very close. They are also close according to the changes occurring in them processes of weathering and soil formation. Changes develop in the eluvial type. A significant excess loss of clay minerals in the Kursk chernozem over the loss of the Moldova's chernozem is due to the gradual relief of the soil-forming rocks in Kursk chernozem up on the profile. The study showed that the method of mineralogical analysis and the method of assessment of the mineralogical status of soils used in Moldova are also applicable on the chernozems of the Russian plain.
45-54 134
It is established that the composition and nature of distribution of primary and clay minerals along the profile of Moldovan and Kursk chernozems are almost identical. Mass balances of minerals in chernozems both negative. The loss of the primary minerals in the Moldovan and Kursk chernozems and close were, respectively, 740 and 815 t/ha, the loss of clay minerals, respectively 1072 and 556 t/ha. The difference in the losses of clay minerals is a result of heterogeneity of parent rocks in the Kursk chernozem, which is expressed in the gradual relief of her granulometry up the profile and the abnormal in connection with the distribution of illite in the soil profile.
54-67 136
The results of the transformation of virgin dark chestnut solonetzic soil properties under the influence of agricultural use and prolonged irrigation are presented. Under influence of agricultural development of soils and irrigation the direction of processes is changed, which affects on its properties and ecosystem services that it provides. Changes in the morphological profile of the soil, agrophysical and physicochemical properties have been established. The irrigation by fresh water decreases the content of Na + K from the sum of the absorbed cations to 3.3 % and 2.4 % in the 0-25 and 25-50 cm layers.
67-77 148
The relationship between the set pattern altitude terrain, conditions and parameters of electrothermal humus accumulation in ordinary chernozems of different particle size distribution. Reflected in the parameters of hydrothermal warm period and the corresponding values of the intensity of humus accumulation in using the coefficient of relative accumulation of humus (the ratio of humus to 10 % of physical clay in the layer 0-30 cm). The regularities of geography and spatial relationship between the altitudes of areas, hydrothermal conditions and rainfall, to determine their impact on the parameters of ordinary black morfologogeneticheskie Northern Barrens. A clear relationship between the amount of precipitation of the cold period (120-210 mm) and hypsometric levels. Grounded power profile of the parame - chernozems ordinary rainfall during the cold period, their absorption and particle size. It proved the parame - intensity gumusanakopleniya ordinary in the chernozems of the moisture in the warm season through the respective values GTKv-ıx and their size distribution.
78-84 134
The results of study of the effect of oxidation-reduction conditions on the behavior of phosphorus in acidic soils of different genesis depending on the level of moistening are presented. It has been shown that excessive moisture of the soil leads to a sharp change in the oxidation-reduction equilibrium towards the development of regenerative processes. Studies confirmed that under conditions of waterlogging, a sharp increase in the mobile (ferrous) forms of iron occurs in all variants of the experiment. Thus, it can be argued that the increase in ferrous forms of iron is an important diagnostic sign of the intensity of development of regenerative processes in the soil environment. The mobilization of reactive ferrous forms leads to a deterioration of the phosphate state of the soil, due to the fixation of phosphate ions in forms inaccessible to plants. Together with this, with contrasting changes in oxidation-reduction conditions, it is possible to accumulate them into nodules.


85-94 136
Impact of different crop rotations and fertilization systems on humus state indexes of sod-podzolic loamy soils of various eroded levels has been studied. The best positive effect on stabilization of humus system of eroded varieties was obtained by using fodder-crop rotation with specific weight of grain crops 20 % on the background of organo-mineral fertilizer system. The least effective is grain-crop rotation (60% of grain crops) against the background of the mineral fertilizer system, which is characterized by the strongest decline in the degree of humification (by 2,7-5,3 %), and also as absolute (by 896-1260 mg/kg), and the relative (3,0-5,3 %) content of humic acids in eroded soils relative to the non-eroded analogue.
94-109 126
On the background of autumn ploughing or surface disking of the fodder crop rotation including the cultivation of basic and intermediate crops for green forage, provides almost the same methods of tillage, the average annual output of feed units - 11,3-12,1 t/ha with a high content of digestible protein and metabolizable energy. Apply balanced on the removal with the harvest doses of fertilizer ensures an increase in their cover compared to the basic fertilizer system of 27 %. The introduction of high doses of phosphate and potash fertilizers for three years does not provide a significant increase in the content in soil of mobile compounds of phosphorus and potassium. Use the blind culture of oilseed radish in the form of green manure improves productivity of fodder crop rotation (11.5 t/ha f.u.), at lower cost, minimizes the loss organic matter of the soil.
109-116 171
The results of field experiments with different rates of fertilizers under barley, oat and spring rapeseed in relation to mobile phosphate supply of Podzoluvisol loamy soil are presented. The grain yield of tested crops as well as crop yield response to N and K fertilizers were significantly increased on the plots with high level of P content in soil. The crop yield responses to P fertilizer conversely decreased on the soil with high P content however responses were sufficiently great at optimal doses of P fertilizer.
116-129 162
The influence of fertilizer systems on the yield and quality of winter triticale grown in grain-grass-raw crop rotation after red clover on Luvisol loamy sand soil characterized by different P and K contents (at the level of optimal parameters - Р2О5 240-350 mg/kg and К2О 220- 350 mg/kg) and lower (Р2О5 110-170 mg/kg and К2О 100-160 mg/kg) was discussed. It was found that at both soils maximal grain yields of winter triticale, 63,4 and 63,6 c/ha were obtained under application of N80+40+30 + MicroStim-Copper0.05 + chlormekvat-chloride at the background of Р70К150 and Р40К120 as well as aftereffect of 40 t/ha-1 FYM (4 th year). Grain response at the soil with optimal parameters of Р2О5 and К2О was equal to 20,9 c ha-1, payback of 1 kg NРК - 6,7 kg of grain. Grain response at the soil with lower contents of Р2О5 and К2О was equal to 23,7 c/ha payback of 1 kg NРК - 6,4 kg of grain. At the treatment without fungicides and insecticides application average (for 3 years) grain yield reduction achieved 8,9 c/ha.
130-137 130
The range of optimal exchangeable Mg content (130-150 mg/kg) in Podzoluvisol loamy soil for the high yield or spring triticale grain had been found in the model field experiments. The equivalent ratio of Ca: Mg should be around 5 and ratio K: Mg - around 0.6. There were a close correlation (R2 = 0.97-0.98) observed between the levels of soil Mg supply and Mg content in triticale plants at tillering stage. Sufficient grain yield response up to 0.53-0.86 t/ha to foliar application of magnesium sulphate solution verified the deficit of Mg nutrition for triticale plants on the low and medium content 46-92 mg of exchangeable Mg on kg of soil.
138-145 153
Application MicroStim-Copper L, EleGum-Copper and Adob Copper increased the grain yield of barley on the background of N90P60K90 2,8, 4,1 and 2,2 c/ha, respectively. The highest yield was noted in the variant with application of MicroStim-Copper L on the background of the N80P70K120 + N40 carb. (66,2 c/ha). The maximum content of crude protein (12,8 %), crude protein and feed units are revealed in the variant with application of MicroStim-Copper L on the background of the N80P70K120 + N40 carb (7,4 c/ha and 89,4 c/ha).
145-153 114
It the article there are presented the results of many factorial laboratory experiments on research of the influence of agrophysical parameters (moisture and compaction) of chernozem typical heavy-loamy on the effectiveness of different doses of fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) by the growing intensive and semi-intensive sorts of spring barley.
153-169 166
The data on influence of complex fertilizers with microelements on productivity and quality of potato tubers (nitrates, starch content, the contents of basic elements and microelements) in cultivation on sod-podzolic (light loamy, coherent and loose sandy loam) soils of Belarus.
169-176 140
On sod-podzolic sandy soil in field and production experiments with lucerne the effectiveness of different brands of liquid microfertilizers with biostimulater MikroStim was studied. It was found that foliar application of lucerne with microfertilizer MikroStim-Molybdenum in the dose 0,33 l/ha increased yield on 8,8 c/ha dry mass with the profitability 24 %. Foliar application of lucerne with microfertilizer MikroStim-Molybdenum, Boron in the dose 1,0 l/ha increased yield on 10,5 c/ha dry mass with the profitability 49 %.
177-187 142
Studies on sod-podzolic light loamy soil made it possible to reveal regularities in the change in biometric indices and nitrogen content in plant samples of olive oil, white mustard and spring rapeseed with the use of microfertilizers and the growth regulator Ecosil. The increase in the height and accumulation of dry matter by radish plants, oilseed, white mustard and spring rapeseed mustard was significantly influenced by mineral fertilizers in a dose of N80P40K60 + N40 and introduction of micro fertilizers into the budding phase of microfertilizers. ECOLIST MONO Bor, EleGum-Bor, Basfoliar 36 Extra, Adob-Zn + Adob -Mn, a growth regulator of Ecosil against the background of N80P40K60 + N40.
187-199 147
For the development of binary bacterial composition compatible strains of bacteria A. brasilense and B. сirculans ( own collection) were selected in experiments in vitro with application of diffusion methods. Binary bacterial composition was developed and tested in field experiments with winter wheat growing on eroded soddy-podzolic soils on loess and moraine loams. Most efficiency of binary inoculation ( A. brasilense + B. сirculans ) compared application of monoinoculants was observed at all slope elements.
199-209 148
The studies were carried out in the stationary lysimetric system with soddy-podzolic sandy loam soils of Ukrainian Polissya in 2006-2013. The effect of individual crops, fertilizer systems, calcium-containing mutters and inoculation of seeds on the infiltration losses of moisture, water-soluble organic matter and nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) has been studied. The largest losses were in the soil under steam and tilled crops so as under the mineral and organic fertilizer system. Ways of regulation the balance of moisture and biogenic elements in sod-podzolic sandy loamy soils have been determined. From the point of view of resource saving, the best technological methods are the increase of winter cereals in crop rotation, using the green manure, inoculation of the seeds and application of calcium-containing matters by the half of norm every 5 years or quarter of the norm every year.
209-214 168
There was investigated the quantity of consumption of basic nutrients by onions in this article. It was determined that the increase in the yield level increases the removal of nutrition elements. It was noted that by applying the full dose of mineral fertilizers N90P90К90 separately, for the onion plant by forming 10 tons of commercial products 36 kg of nitrogen, 13 kg of phosphorus and 32 kg of potassium were used. The use of elements, by applying N90P90К90 with aftereffect 14 t/ha of manure was not changed significantly, and by applying a half dose of mineral fertilizers (N45P45К45) locally, together with 14 t/ha of humus, the use of potassium increased to 43 kg.
214-222 160
The research purpose was to estimate the influence of substrate (agroperlite, BIONA-311) and indolylbutyric acid concentration (IBA 0, 10, 100 mg/l) on cutting efficiency of in vitro derived virus-free hop plants at ex vitro adaptation stage. The comparative analysis of cutting rooting of three hop cultivars on perlite and BIONA-311 has shown that amount of rooted cuttings on the studied substrates had varied from 60 % to 100 %. The best substrates and type of auxin treatment were chosen for three cultivars using the complex of parameters (percent of cutting rooting, quantity of roots, length of roots and stems, technological effectiveness of process).

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ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)