No 1 (2011)
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7-20 142
The expediency and the necessity of the introduction of the taxonomic unit of soil (soil-ecological) microdistrict into the system of soil division are grounded in the article. There are about 7-11 microdistricts which have been singled out on the territory of the main administrative regions, characterizing the nature of Belarusian Lake District (Poozerie), Central Belarus and Belarusian Polesie. They differ by the structure of soil cover, agroecological characteristics, quantity of the resource-environmental potential and their functional destination.
21-28 144
The article presents the methodology of taking into account the heterogeneity of soils cover at a cadastral valuation of lands and theirs inventory in Belarus. Heterogeneity is taken into account by introducing a correction coefficient to point of soils of work area, which was a set on evaluation point scale. Coefficients are differentiated depending on the degree of heterogeneity (10 groups) and crops (2 groups).
29-36 101
The article presents the results of spectral reflectance agrodernovo-podzolic light loamy soils of varying degrees of cultivation and cultural agrozem light loamy. The diagnostic value of spectrophotometric ratios and the location of the spectral curves to determine the extent of cultivation of soils are studied.
37-46 127
Use of green steams (with crops winter vetch), provides for rotation of a crop rotation increase in the maintenance of a humus at 0,13% in comparison with black steam without manure and decrease in industrial expenses for 106 $/hectares, fuel - on 103,3 kg, labour - 7,7 people / hour, and level of profitability of manufacture of grain increases almost in 1,9 times.
46-54 132
The article outlines the main research findings of the spectral reflectance of eroded sod-podzolic soil top-soil, which were conducted on the pilot site «Schemyslitsa». The effect of different soil properties on their spectral reflectance has been studied. The method for automated interpretation of sod-podzolic soil of different degrees of degradation using multispectral resolution satellite images has been proposed.
55-61 117
The article presents research data for 2001-2005, which examined changes of agrochemical indices floodplain peat soil. As a result, it was found that the formation of the soil absorbing complex is influenced by the next factors: time and level of soil moisture, fertilization, frequency of flooding and hardly affects the species composition of sown grass mixtures under all poemnosti.
62-70 119
The paradoxical features of sod-podzol marsh (semi-hydromorphic) soils are the following: sod-podzolic gleyey soils used in its natural state, reducing crop yield is stipulated by the lack of moisture during the summer period.On the sandy plains dominated by sod-podzolic automorphic and semi-hydromorphic soils of the movement of soil and groundwater is carried out on more moist soils to a less humid.On reclamation sites, with soil cover, which includes part of mineral soils, in the past have the most severe decline in the subsoil and groundwater.Effect of desiccants on adjacent areas determined by the amount of water flowing from the watershed.
70-79 103
The results of the researches of studying the influence of long agricultural use of peat soils on the transformation of the reserves and structure of fractional phosphate composition are shown. It is established that the reserves of gross form of phosphate in the layer 0-40 cm of soil under the grass have increased in 3,4 times and crops rotation increased in 4 times and under the tilled crops increased on 7% in comparison with the reserve. The reserves of all fractions of phosphate in different soil use have increased, too. At the same time the share participation of organic compounds is dropping in phosphate composition and accordingly the specific share of mineral compounds especially available for plants is rising; phosphate fund is becoming crumbly.
79-88 108
On sod-podsolic sandy soil of different humidifying influence of systems of processing of the soil, differing on a way, depth and intensity of influence on a processed layer, on parameters of biological availability137Cs is studied. It is established, that influence of soil tillage and degree humidifying soils on transition137Cs in grain of cultivated cultures about the identical. Replacement traditional plowings by system of superficial disk processing of soil promotes receipt increase137Cs in production (grain). Systems chisel and the minimum tillage do not lead to essential increase of transition radionuclide in plants. In technologies of cultivation of agricultural crops on polluted37Cs sandy soils for decrease in power expenses probably combination of ways and receptions of tillage of soil with replacement plowings, chisel and the minimum tillage.
89-104 111
Under the implementation of different fertilizer systems of agricultural cultures in rotation such as pea-oat mixture - winter rye sowing with clover - madow clover - winter triticale cultivated in sod-podzolic sandy loam soil the most effective-is the organo-mineral system of fertilization, involving the use of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers (R40K80) the rate of 100% compensation for removal of P2O5 and K2O and the introduction of 84 kg of nitrogen-fertilizers in three terms against the 8 t/ha of organic fertilizer, which provides a pro-inductance rotation of 95.9 kg/ha. However, the fertility of the soil at the same time has worsened: the acidity of the soil has increased by 0.33 units; the content of mobile phosphorus and potassium has decreased by 23 and 44 mg/kg soil respectively.
104-115 112
The effect and the aftereffect of plowing crowbars, green manure, crop residues of oil radish and mineral fertilizers on crops pro-inductance unit rotation was studied on the sod-podzolic loam soil. It was established that leveling 14,8-17,1 kg/ha of dry substance of green mass of oilseed radish and 4,7-5,2 t/ha of straw of winter rye has not provided a positive balance of humus in crop rotation link potatoes, barley, rye . However, a positive role in reducing the loss of straw humus was revealed: when plowing green manure without straw humus content in the three years the average decreased by 0,10%, amid straw - to 0,05-0,07%.
115-124 107
The data on crop yield of wheat varieties, of specific activity of90Sr in grain and straw, total removal of radionuclide90Sr and calcium are presented. Estimated data of zoning and potential wheat varieties at its cultivation on lands contaminated by radionuclide90Sr for individual and collective internal irradiation dose decrease is given.
124-134 124
The results of studies on the effect of different fertilization systems on yield and grain quality of winter triticale. It was established that the introduction of phosphate and potash fertilizers (P60K120) fall under presowing cultivation and fertilization with nitrogen (N90 during a renewable-set spring vegetation and N30 in the first node stage) during the aftereffect of 40 t/ha of cattle manure was the most effective system of fertilization of winter triticale , ensured that the 93,1 kg/ha of grain quality with a crude protein content 12,5% and its collection of 10 c/ha, the amount of essential amino acids - 25.96 g/kg, critical - 7,08 g/kg.
135-145 121
The field experiment with fertilizer treatments of spring wheat on the four different levels of luvisol loamy sand soil supply with mobile phosphates has been conducted in 2005-2007. A significant increase of phosphorus content in the grain (in 1,2-1,3 times) and straw (3-4 times) with increase of mobile phosphates from 67 to ≈ 400 mg P2O5 kg of soil was observed. Set parameters removal of phosphorus and other nutrients (N, K, Ca and Mg) may be considered in the planning system of fertilization of spring wheat on similar soils with different levels of phosphorus supply.
145-154 139
In research on sod-podzolic light loamy soil the first year of the aftereffect of various kinds of organic fertilizers has provided additional gathering of grain by 0,34-0,99 tha-1 with the common productivity in the fertilized variants 6,85-7,50 tha-1 and crude protein content 12,4-13,9%. Application of full mineral fertilizer N60+30P60K120 has increased productivity of spring triticale by 2,45 tha-1 with common productivity 6,51 tha-1, the crude protein content 12,2% and a recoupment of 1 kg NPK of 9,1 kg grain.
154-168 117
The investigation results in a stationary field experiment on the luvisol loamy sand soil during the two cycles of crop rotation are presented. It is found due to research results that the composit fertilizer including regulator of growth and micronutrients and carbamid with regulator of growth has ensured the higher contents of critical and irreplaceable amino acids in millet grain in comparison with standart fertilizers mixed. The maximum tax of crude protein and irreplaceable amino acids was in years with optimum moisture degree in variants with new forms of fertilizers. The new forms fertilizers application does not reduced biological value («amino acid scor») of millet grain there is above than norms recommended by FAO/WHO.
168-173 114
The results of field experiments on yield and accumulation137Cs and90Sr by grain of several varieties of millet grown on luvisol loamy sand soil are discussed in the article.
174-182 108
In field stationary experience on sod-podzolic light loamy soil is established, that the efficiency of potash fertilizer grows in process of reduction acidic soil and is reduced with growth of security of soil mobile potash. At a level of security of soil mobile potash 200-250 mg/kg the increase of dozes potash in soil with 88 up to 143 kg/hа of the area croup rotation promotes growth of increases of productivity on a background acidic рН 4,8-4,9 with 2,2 up to 5,4 c/ha f.u. (16-32%), on a background with рН 5,4-5,6 - with 2,3 up to 6,8 (27-40,9%) c/ha f.u., on a background with рН 6,3-6,5 - with 3,7 up to 9,2 c/ha f.u. (31-52%). Return 1 kg potash by a crop in process of decrease(reduction) acidic of soil and increase of dozes potash accordingly grew and made 2,5-3,8 kg f. un. 2,6-3,9 kg f. un. аnd 4,2-6,4 kg f.u/. The reduction acidic of soil with рН 4,8-4,9 till рН 6,3-6,5 on increased and high level of security of soil mobile potash in creases the pure income to 27,0 up to 61,2 USD, profitability with 76,9 up to 137,2%.
182-192 131
In field experiments with oil flax (2006-2008) on sod-podzolic porous loamy sand underlie from depth 0,5 m moraine loam soil, the influence of different forms and doses of complex fertilizers is studied. The fertilizers include trace elements additives (a boran and zinc), iron and plant growth regulators (Hidrohumat and Epin). On accumulation biomass of dry matter, on elements of crop yield structure of oil flax is studied. It is established that increase of the plant biomass changes in a greater degree on development phases, elements of crop structure depend on forms and doses of applied complex fertilizers. The most essential influence on formation of boxes on a plant, weight of 1000 seeds was rendered by variants with application of complex fertilizers NPK with B, Zn, Fe in dose N80P65K120, non-chloric NPK withB, Zn, Fe in dose N60P40K96, NPK withB, Zn, Fe and Epin and Hidrohumat in dose N60P50K140 has provided increase of seed productivity on 3,0-5,1 centner per hectare in comparison with a base variant.
192-201 134
Cultivation of blue lupine on sod-podzolic loamy sand soil, medium supplied by mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium has ensured in the average 33,1 ts/hectares of grain. Influence of fertilizers on productivity of grain was uncertain. Average specific removal with 1 т of grain and corresponding quantity of straw was: N - 59,7 kg/t; Р2О5 - 16,8; К2О - 29,9; СаО - 8,6; MgO - 6,4 kg/t. For self-supporting of balance of mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium in soil at cultivation of blue lupine for grain production it is necessary to apply 50-60 P2O5 kg/hectares of phosphoric fertilizers and 100-110 K2O kg/hectares of potassium fertilizers; under a condition of lupine straw tillage the demanded rate of phosphorus is 40 kg/hectares, potassium - 20 kg/hectares.
201-208 108
The effect of different timing and doses of foliar fertilizing cobalt and manganese fertilizers on the content of microelements in green mass and grain of blue lupine in the cultivation on sod-podzolic light loamy soil is studied. Established that the highest content of cobalt in yield observed during foliar fertilizing cobalt chelate at a dose of 50 g/ha active substance at the end of the flowering phase - the beginning of grey beans formation. Foliar fertilizing chelate manganese at a dose of 50 g/ha active substance at the end of the flowering phase - the beginning of grey beans formation have contributed to the largest accumulation of manganese in plants of the blue lupine.
208-214 140
The efficiency of using different types of cobalt fertilizers while growing madow clover at various levels of mineral nutrition is studied in the article It was found that the outside root top-dressing by cobalt fertilizers is more effective at the level of mineral nutrition of the RK 165 kg/ha. The maximum yield increase of dry weight with the optimum a concentration of cobalt was obtained in variants, where the cobalt chelate was added at a dose of 25 g/ha active substance. Moreover, this technique is the most economically feasible.
214-221 115
Results of researtch on study of influence of various levels contents of water soluble boron in sod-podzol loamy sand soil, doses and forms on boron accumulation in the seeds and flax straw are presented in article.The research results indicate a significant assimilation of boron from soil to the highest values at low (0.28 mg/kg) and average (0.65 mg/kg) levels of security sandy loam soil with this element. Accumulation of boron in the biomass of flax under the influence of foliar feeding of boron fertilizers decreased with increasing concentrations of soluble boron in the soil.
222-231 139
Application of sodium selenit in dernovo-podsolic soil with the low maintenance of selenium (30-40 mkg/kg of soil) before crops of cereal grasses is effective way of selenium. The selenium content at optimum level for forages in hay hedgehogs of a national team (101,8-167,6 mkg/kg) and hay timothy grass (110,7-134,4 mkg/kg) was reached in the first hay crop in the first year of using at doses 200 and 300 g Se/he, in the second hay crop - only in hay hedgehogs of a national team at a dose 300 g Se/he. In the second year of using of grasses at doses 100-300 g Se/he the selenium maintenance in hay of grasses did not reach an optimum level, but was above background on the average in 1,6-3,5 times that is very significant for selenodeficiency zones.
231-236 134
The application Аdob Zn and complex microfertilizer Vitamar on the background N90Р70К120 + N30 raised productivity of green mass of maize on 39,0 and 33,0 c/ha. Аdob Zn and Basfoliar 36 increased productivity of green mass of maize on the background N120Р90К150 + N30 by 35 and 63 c/ha. The maximum content of crude protein was at application of complex microfertilizer Basfoliar 36 on the background N120Р90К150 + N30 which has made 10,3% on a solid. In the same variant there was also a maximum gathering of crude protein (9,3 c/ha). The greatest profit was in variants about entering Vitamar and Adob Zn on the background N90Р70К120 + N30 which has made 562,5 and 617,7 thousand in rub./ha at profitability of 83,1 and 87%.
237-243 122
Application of growth regulator Ekosil, complex micro fertilizers Basfoliar 36 Extra and Vitamar for growing potatoes on sward-podzolic soil, in comparison with the background of N100P60K130 increased the yield of tubers by 10.6 c/ha, 24.8 and 21.3 c/ha, and the output of starch - by 3.5 c/ha, 6.5, and 9.6 c/ha.
243-252 110
It was found that optimal parameters of soil microbial biomass, dehydrogenase, cellulase, invertase, protease and phosphatase activities as well as high crop productivity were observed under Luvisol loamy sand soil supply by mobile phosphorus in diapason of 250-300 mg kg-1 and Р10-60 application. Excess of mobile phosphates content in soil resulted in reliable depression of soil biological activity.
252-259 115
The article presents the results of studies of nitrogen-fixing, phosphate bacteria and binary bacterial preparation Biolinum on the growth and development of flax. The positive experimental results of their effect on field emergence, growth and development, persistence and survival of plant flax were obtained.
259-265 144
In the conditions of sandy clay soils is studied fodder productivity and the root residual of fabaceous grasses - Galega orientalis, Medicago sativa, Lotus corniculatus. Productivity of dry matter Galega orientalis on the average for 5 years of use has formed 13,3 t/hectares. By VI year of life in soil there were 13,6 t/hectares of dry matter of the root residual. In the greatest mass of roots differ variants with addition Р60К90 together with dung and without it. 302-325 kg/hectares of nitrogen contains in the root residual, 99,4-102 kg/hectares of phosphorus and 169-179 kg/hectares of potassium.
266-275 132
Data about influence of new forms of fertilizers and ameliorators on growth of an elevated part and root system seedling are cited fur-trees prickly blue and thujas western at cultivation in containers, economic efficiency of the given agrotechnical receptions is specified.
275-282 119
The results of a statistical regression analysis of key factors: the total cumulative natural and artificial lighting, the cost of water and stock solution of mineral fertilizers, defining the current processes of biological productivity of growing tomatoes in a modern automated greenhouse complex are presented. The directions for further innovative development and improvement of process control yielding plants are discussed.
283-287 120
Fertility - emergent properties of the soil as a system of interaction between the factors soil-formation, is realized in biogeocoenose in the form of crop production plants. It may be regarded as the productive capacity of the soil. Individual components of fertility are already known, but there is no coherent theory. It may take the form of simulation model of the production process.
ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)