No 2 (2017)
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7-13 131
The article briefly describes the methodology of the second round of cadastral valuation of agricultural lands in Belarus, provides the main indicators of this assessment for the regions and the republic (total score of cadastral valuation, soil fertility score, normative net income, differential income, cadastral value), grouped areas according to the fertility score of soils, the correlation dependence of the soil fertility score and yields of cereals and leguminous crops on administrative areas has been established.
S. V. Shul’Gina,
T. N. Azarenok,
D. V. Matychenkov,
O. V. Matychenkova,
L. I. Shibut,
S. V. Dydyshko
14-25 129
The article presents an ecological assessment of the evolution of sod pale-podzolic light loamy soils under the influence of anthropogenic factor on the basis of using the values of criteria′s divergences of the genetic properties of arable soils from the original (natural) state. The strong degree of transformation of the properties of the differently cultivated varieties of the investigated soils has been established according to the constructed scale, which makes it possible to differentiate the degree of soil criteria′s changes. The modern varieties is characterized by a favorable character for farming.
26-34 139
Methodical approaches to the option of the materials for remote surveys and their interpretation and generalization of soil contours in the compilation and updating of soil maps were outlined.
34-43 109
Based on studies of spatial heterogeneity of the soil cover of Ukraine (on the example of six fields of different natural and climatic zones using geostatistical methodology) we justified the transition from zonal ones to spatially differentiated farming systems. The methods of rational accounting for heterogeneity (fields parcelization, limited use of zonal (adaptive) technologies, equalization of the fertility level of individual parts of the field, etc.) were determined on the basis of quantitative estimates of the heterogeneity. In the course of research, the heterogeneity of most indicators indicates certain prospects of implementation of spatially differentiated system of agriculture. It implies a differentiated application of fertilizers, plant protection products, chemical ameliorants and machining of soil on all investigated sites.
43-57 139
It summarizes the essential aspects of the analysis of digital soil maps obtained by decoding of satellite imagery data. Multi-spectral data from the Landsat 8 satellite are used for mapping and parametric description of chernozem soils in the Forest-steppe province of Ukraine: 1) to delineate soil mapping units and evaluate their spatial structure; 2) to quantitatively assess main properties of chernozem using geo-statistics and multi-dimensional data processing. Field description of soil profiles from the mapped soil classes demonstrated the efficacy of ISODATA cluster analysis for determining different elements of the soil cover at the local territorial level. Maps of humus content, created by empirical bayesian kriging, enabled parameterisation of chernozem and further detailed analysis of the structure of the humus scalar field.
58-65 117
It was established influence of the use type of arable soils on the dynamics of the content of available forms of potassium. Extensively used chernozem typical heavy loamy with a high content of potassium is able to maintain a stable, but relatively low level of available potassium in the soil for a long time. It is proved that an increase in the content of available potassium in the soil is possible only when potassium fertilizers are used. To increase the content by 10 mg/kg K2O, it is necessary to apply 417 kg K2O/ha to the soil with fertilizers. After stopping the use of potassium fertilizers, the content of potassium in the soil is reduced to the initial level. For a chernozem typical heavy loamy, the level of dynamic equilibrium of the potassium system is characterized by the content of available forms of potassium within the limits of 60 mg K2O/kg of soil, determined by the Chirikov method according to DSTU 4115 or 80 mg according to GOST 26204.
66-76 112
Carried out analysis of the reference material’ development issues current status. Specific development procedure has been formulated based on the analysis of literature and experience in the development of reference material’s individual types. The most common way of assessing the uniformity of a Reference Material now is to use the dispersion analysis to isolate the components of the dispersion associated with the error in the heterogeneity of the Reference material. The method makes it possible to estimate the characteristics of the inhomogeneity error within one laboratory. The normal distribution of experimental data is realized in practice quite rarely, as shown by theoretical studies and practical experience, although it is used universally in calculations. Carried out a comparative analysis of various methods for estimating the metrological characteristics of a Reference materials based on the results of interlaboratory analysis. In difference from many other similar probes it is in-process used not idealized, but the empirical distributions received by results of interlaboratory analyses. The mean of establishment of a period of Reference materials validity by results of the experimental researches, grounded on interval estimation of speed of change of the certified performance is tendered.
76-87 139
The results of researches of structural-aggregate composition change of alluvial meadow-forest soils under vegetable crops (tomato) and irrigated meadow-brown soils under fruit crops depending on fertilizer system are presented at the article. Application of organic fertilizer (cattle manure) improves the structural state of the investigated soils to the greatest extent - the content of agronomically valuable aggregates in the arable horizon increased by 17,6 % and 8,7 % in the subsurface layer compared with the control, the values of the coefficient of structure increased 1,3 times and amounted to 2,5 and 2,1 respectively. The use of organo-mineral system of fertilizers (manure + nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) has a positive impact on the structure of alluvial meadow-forest soils under vegetable crops. Application of 20 t/ha manure + N60P90K120 also improved aggregate composition - increased the content of agronomically valuable aggregates in comparison with the control on 14,1 and 9,8 % in arable and subsurface layers respectively, and coefficient of structure - on 0,9 and 0,8 respectively. Similar results were obtained on Irrigated meadow-brown soils under fruit crops.
88-94 112
The optimal rates of fertilizers for spring rape, barley and oats had been found in the field experiments on Podzoluvisol loamy soil with two contrast contents of mobile phosphates. The crude protein content in the harvested crop products was determined, as well as removal of main nutrients per unit of grain yield.
95-106 173
The main part of nitrogen is consumed by a winter wheat during the period from shoots to a kolosheniye phase. Its carrying out with elevated biomass on average and severely eroded soils is lower in comparison with not bald-headed soil on average for 20 and 30 %, respectively. In nitrogen carrying out by a harvest of the main and secondariest production nitrogen of fertilizers occupies from 22 to 28 %, soil nitrogen - from 72 to 78 %. With increase in erodibility of the soil the role of nitrogen of fertilizers increases in a delivery of plants and formation of a harvest. On the average and severely eroded soil the share it in the common carrying out makes respectively 28 and 27 %. In the common carrying out of nitrogen the winter wheat with its grain consumes from 78 to 89 %. The specific carrying out of nitrogen from 1 ton production decreases with increase in erodibility of the soil. At an importation only of phosphoric and potash fertilizers the high deficiency of nitrogen in a delivery of a winter wheat is noted - the intensity of balance is 26-32 %. Use of nitrogenous fertilizers promotes, especially on bald-headed soils, to the considerable decrease in deficiency of an element.
106-119 119
Application of complex fertilizer with microelements in the main fertilizer as compared with the introduction of a standard equivalent doses increased the yields of winter wheat at 4,9 c/ha, malting barley at - 7,0 c/ha, tubers of potato varieties Manifest - 8,9 t/ha Vektar grade of 6,3 t/ha. Non-rooting additional feeding MikroStim-Медь L increased the grain yield compared to background (N20P64K140 + N70+40+40) of winter wheat to 10.2 kg/ha, malting barley on the background of N60P70K90 + N30 - 7,7 c/ha, and MikroStim-Бор,Медь on the background of N120P70K130 yield of tubers of potato varieties Manifest - 3,5 t/ha, grade Vektar - 4.0 t/ha.
119-130 156
Application Microstim-Copper L, Begum-Copper and Adobe Copper amid N90P60K90 increased the grain yield of barley by 0,69, 0,90 and 0,60 t/ha, and complex fertilizer Nutrivant Plus and Kristalon on the same background by 0,43 and 0,56 t/ha. Maximum yield of barley (7,0 t/ha) on average over the 2015-2017 obtained in the variant with application in crops of barley Microstim-Copper L in the background N80P70K120 + N40carb.
130-139 126
In studies on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil found that lower doses of phosphate and potash fertilizers with regard to the content of phosphorus and potassium in the straw plowed predecessor had ensured the grain yield of oats at the level full doses of mineral fertilizers by a lower cost for fertilizers on 15 USD/ha, or 16 %. The use of compensatory nitrogen dose on straw of buckwheat in the form of urea provided an increase of grain yield of oats on 3,1 c/ha in the spring application and 2,5 c/ha in autumn. The highest grain yield (21,4-25,1 с/ha) was obtained in the organic-mineral system of fertilizer.
H. V. Pirahouskaya,
S. S. Khmialeuski,
V. I. Soroka,
O. I. Isaeva,
T. V. Harbusava,
M. .. Pilarg,
P. .. Balek
139-150 186
At the article the experimental data about agrochemical efficiency of different forms of nitrogen fertilizers - carbamide standard and slow-acting forms (carbamide with plant growth regulator Hydrohumate and UREAstabil) at cultivation of winter rape (Brassica napus) on sod-podzolic light-loamy soils in the central part of the Republic of Belarus during the period from 2013 to 2016 are given. The effect of these fertilizers on the yield of basic and by-products, indicators of seed quality, economic and specific removal of nutrients in field and production experiments were shown.
T. M. Seraya,
Y. A. Belyavskaya,
T. N. Bogatyrova,
T. M. Kirdun,
M. M. Torchilo,
V. S. Artihovskaya,
I. I. Vaga
151-160 124
It is installed that in the highly cultivated sod-podzolic loam soil buckwheat cultivation in organic system on the background of plowing winter rye green mass provided productivity at the level of 24,6 c/ha. The reliable rise to the background variant (2,6 c/ha) was obtained only against the background of effectiveness of cattle manure in dose of 40 t/ha, where productivity of grain was 27,2 c/ha at the least losses of monetary revenue (82,7 USD/ha) in comparison with traditional technology of cultivation. Yield shortage due to refusal of grain protection chemical means by experienced variants reached 2,6-10,6 c/ha.
160-166 135
In the article presented the results of research of the effect of structure melioration on the acid-alkali buffering of podzolic soils of light texture (loamy sandy and cohesive soil). For research (as structural meliorants) chose: clay, loess, peat. The meliorants introduced in two ways: sprawling and locally into the subsoil layer to a depth of 25-30 cm. Has been proved that structural cultivation of podzolic soils with light texture should be considered as an effective way to improve their agroecologi state, as evidenced by indications of acid-base buffer properties of soils. It has been established that the introduction of loess at a rate of 3 t/ha locally into the podzolic soil contributes not only to an increase in pH in local zones, which is very important for soils with acidic reaction of the medium, but also increases the acid-base buffering in general. The cultivation of podzolic soils of light granulometric composition by applying clay, clay together with peat, both locally and spontaneously, is an effective factor in improving their agroecologi status.
166-176 142
Plant growth promotion effects of monoinoculants Azospirillum brasilеnse , Bacillus circulans и Trichoderma longibrachiatum and their composition on inoculated plants were observed in laboratory and field conditions. The efficiency of mono- binary and triple inoculants was studied in the field experiment on Luvisol sandy loam soil on loess loam characterized by different extent of water erosion development. Most significant responses of spring barley grain (5,2 and 4,9 c/ha under yields values 61,4 and 57,9 c/ha) were obtained as a result of triple inoculant application ( A. rasilense + B. сirculans + T. longibrachiatum ) at watershed and weakly eroded soil.
176-184 152
The article presents the results of studies on the dynamics of the content of dry matter, total nitrogen and phosphorus by individual organs of soybean plants. The number of nutrients that can be remobilized, that is to translocate from vegetative organs to generative organs soybean during grain ripening is determined. The remobilization of dry (plastic) substances was 9,9-16,1 %. The outflow of mobile nitrogen and phosphorus compounds from the vegetative organs to the ripening soybean grain was about 66 % of the maximum content during vegetation. The contribution of reused nitrogen in the formation of yields was 70 %, and phosphorus - 66 %.
184-191 121
For the irrigated vegetable and fodder crop rotation systematic application of organo-mineral fertilizer system provides stabilization the quality of humus (increase in the content of humus in the plow layer to 4,35 %, the sum of absorbed bases to 31,5 mq/100 g of soil). The joint use of organic and mineral fertilizers contributes an increase in the yield of grain crops in crop rotation by 10-64 %, perennial grasses - by 1-16 %, cucumber - by 17-35 %, onion - by 13-37 %, tomato - by 28-44 %, white cabbage - by 46-52 %, beetroot - by 16-42 %. The maximum effect is achieved using 7 t/ha of the crop rotation area of organic fertilizers + N60R57K50 (separately) and 14 t/ha of organic fertilizers + N30P28K25 (locally).
192-199 146
The article examines the results of the study on formulating amendments to the industry procedure «Organizational and technological standards for cultivation of grain, grain-leguminous, cereal crops» for the areas of radioactive contamination of Belarus. The study establishes that adoption of newly developed amendments will provide 20 % reduction of operating expenditures and forage and grain production with the lowest concentrations of radionuclides (137Cs and90Sr to be within the limits of the RPL of the Republic of Belarus and in compliance with the requirements of the ТР ТС 021/2011 Customs Union Technical Regulation on Food Safety and ТР ТС 015/2011 Customs Union Technical Regulation on Safety of Grain).
ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)