No 1 (2018)
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9-17 314
The article briefly describes the history of the development of soil zoning of the territory of Belarus, beginning from the 40s - 50s of the last century and up to the present time. Particular attention is paid to soil-ecological zoning, which is carried out taking into account ecological conditions for cultivation of agricultural crops. Its various variants and types are considered, use and application in the field of agricultural production is shown.
17-29 152
In washed and washed soils, organic compounds were mineralized twice as fast as in non-eroded soil. Water erosion increased the mineralizability of organic compounds of carbon and nitrogen. The content of active organic matter in the non-washed soil was 872 mg/kg, medium-washed - 839, strongly washed - 813 and in the washed-up - 990 mg/kg. The highest mineralization capacity with a relative content of a readily mineralizable fraction of active organic matter (29 %) is noted for soiled soil. The processes of water erosion lead to a decrease in the content of the active pool of soil organic matter in 1,04-1,07 times. There is an inverse relationship between the carbon-sequestering capacity and the mineralization capacity of soils. The capacity of sequestration of washed-out soils with increasing soil erosion was reduced. The minimum sequestering capacity was characterized by strongly washed soil in the autumn period (15,3) and the soiled soil in the spring period (12,7), maximum - unblashed soil in the spring period (21,3). The nitrogenous fund of sod-podzolic light loam soils of different degrees of erosion is closely related to the content of total organic carbon. The mineralized nitrogen pool in sod-podzolic light loamy soil is 6,7 ± 1,0 % of Nob.
30-42 172
The results of 20-years researches of the state of the basic agrophysical properties of the arable horizon of sod-podzolic eroded soils on loesslike loams are presented at the article. Based on the findings the average long-term average density and porosity of the studied soils and ranges of their variation are determined. The average long-term value of the density of the arable horizon of sod-podzolic soils developing on moraine loams changed from 1,20 g/cm3 to 1,43 g/cm3, depending on the degree of erosion. The density of the arable horizon of investigated soils coincided to acceptable values in 50-89 % of cases. The optimal values of porosity were identified in 49 % on non-eroded soils, and 49% critical marks - on highly eroded. The average porosity values amounted 46-53 %. The acceptable values were set at 63-90 % of all cases. The possibility of decrease to critical values is highest on the highly eroded variety (6-20 %), and improvement to optimal ones - on non-eroded (12-34 %).
S. V. Shul’Gina,
T. N. Azarenok,
O. V. Matychenkova,
L. I. Shibut,
D. V. Matychenkov,
S. V. Dydyshko
42-48 131
The article provides the ecological assessment of the transformation of some soils types in arable lands of the republic under the influence of anthropogenic factor on the basis of the time-varying indicators of the composition and properties of their natural and arable analogues, with the establishment of the specificity of the changes that occur.
49-57 129
It is established that the silicate part of the gray forest soils on the covering sediments of Moldova and the Central Russian upland is presented close in composition and content of primary and clay minerals. The transformation of the mineralogical composition of both soils occurs under the influence of the same processes: the destruction of primary and clay minerals, lessivage, manifestation of podzolisation and a relative accumulation of quartz. The silicate part of the younger soil on the Central Russian upland contains signs of a higher degree of weathering, which is explained accordingly.
58-67 141
It is established that irrespective of the origin of the soil-forming rocks (cover loams of different genesis), the gray forest soils of Moldova and the Central Russian upland are similar in mineralogical composition and volumes of losses of primary minerals as a result of weathering and soil formation processes. According to the total losses with clay minerals, the younger age of the soil on the Central Russian upland is ahead of the Moldovan analogue. A corresponding explanation has been proposed for this phenomenon. The identity of the mineralogical composition of the loess-like cover loam of Moldova and the cover loam on the moraine of the Russian plain testifies to the genetic proximity of these formations. It has been established that the methodology for calculating the balance of minerals used in Moldova has found application in the study of soils on the Russian plain.
67-76 476
The article shows the results of the work to determine the dependencies of the microrelief on test objects (fields) and agrochemical soil indices. The questions of the methodical character of shooting from a drone, the definition of a list of agrochemical indicators, the search for dependencies between them, and the results of the chemical analysis of soil samples, selected from micro-depressions on the field and background, are considered. As a result of the carried out work, it is established that in the optical range, the sensor from an UAV can indirectly establish the following parameters: carbon of organic matter, pH of salt, pH of water, Ca2+.
76-86 125
Established that the typical heavy loam chernozem of the state facility «Experimental farm Grakovskoe» has high structural parameters, which can be traced both in the content of the sum of agronomically valuable aggregates (0,25-10,0 mm) and in the sum of the most valuable structural particles (1,0-7,0 mm). The redistribution of fractions along the soil profile up to the layer of 20-40 cm has been established on the soils of the deposit and forest belts, and on the fertilized version and control - the redistribution of fine fractions (<1 mm) with an increase in their content in the soil layer of 10-20 cm. The largest content of labile organic matter characterized by fertilized soil, the least - the deposit. It was established that the distribution of the labile organic matter is the same on the deposit soil and at the control in all layers and in the fertilized soil, in the forest belt in the 0-10 cm layer its content is higher in the most valuable structural aggregates, and in the 10-20 cm layer and 20-40 cm - in the dusty fraction. It has been established that soil dispersion occurs on the fertilized chernozem. The patterns of distribution of microelements in individual structural fractions are revealed. It has been established that trace elements are mainly contained in the most valuable structural aggregates, but there are some exceptions: on the fertilized soil content of copper in all investigated soil layers is higher in the dusty fraction, like zinc, in the 20-40 cm layer. The largest manganese content on the soils of the deposit in the dusty fraction, and copper in the soils of the forest belts in the lumpy fraction - for all investigated soil layers.
87-107 380
The article presents the results of experimental scientific research (2006-2015) on the development and industrial production of new forms of solid granular and liquid complex fertilizers with chelate forms of microelements, including chlorine-free ones. They are used for basic application to soil and for foliar top dressing vegetative plants of agricultural crops, as well as their effectiveness in the cultivation of grain crops (winter and spring wheat), potatoes, corn, carrots on sod-podzolic soils of different granulometric structure .It has been established that the use of new forms of complex fertilizers with microelements and plant growth regulators is one of the most promising agrotechnical methods for cultivating agricultural crops using intensive technologies, which ensures an increase in yields while improving the quality of products.
108-115 146
Studies were conducted on sod-podzolic light loamy soil with a very high content of mobile compounds of phosphorus and potassium. The influence of various fertilizer systems on the productivity of spring barley with a differentiated approach to the calculation of their economic efficiency, taking into account the purpose of the grain is studied. The application of N60R20K45 on an organic background ensures the formation of barley grain with a profit level of 212 USD/ha with a profitability of 193 % is established. Application of N90+30P20K45 on an organic background is provides forage grain formation with a profitability level of 80 % and 127 USD/ha profit.
116-126 129
Anthropogenic-transformed peat soil has been used to study the effectiveness of different rates of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers in the cultivation of spring wheat. It was found that with the content of mobile compounds of phosphorus 740-750 and potassium 600-650 mg/kg in soil, the optimal rates of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are P60K120. An increase in the rate of potassium to 160 does not contribute to a significant increase in the yield of grain. The greatest productivity of spring wheat is 38,1 centners per hectare. It is provided by fractional application of nitrogen at a rate of 120 kg, with reserves in the early spring period of mineral nitrogen in the soil of 90-100 kg/ha. The cost of producing 1 ton of grain decreases as the productivity of spring wheat increases. At yield levels of 20-25 centners/ha, the profitability of grain production does not exceed 20 per cent, at 25-30 centners/ha it fluctuates within 23-30 per cent and at 35-40 centners/ha 43-50 per cent. With a profitability of grain production of 24,0 % against P60K120, presowing application of nitrogen fertilizers at a dose of 60 kg/ha provides a profitability of,.5 % and a profit of 263,88 rubles/ha (133,0 $/ha). The fractional introduction of N90 and N120 contributes to a significant increase in profits, respectively, 310,63 and 318,26 rubles per 1 ha (156,6 and 160,4 us dollars per 1 ha) with profitability levels of 42,3 and 43 %. The most effective for spring wheat is the use of N120P60K120 in conjunction with copper-containing fertilizer (Cu200) and plant growth regulators, providing a profit of 383,46 rubles per 1 ha (193,3 $/ha) and a profitability of grain production of 49,6 %.
126-142 178
The data on the effect of prolonged exposure of liquid manure of cattle and pig manure runoff on the content of heavy metals in sod-podzolic soils, identified priority pollutants (Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe). The annual application of these fertilizers in doses of 100-200 to 900-1000 t/ha increased the concentration of mobile forms of Fe in soils at 13-199 %, Cu - 11-229 %, Zn - 21-547 %, Mn - 32-175 %. Annual application of these fertilizers in doses from 100-200 to 900-1000 t/ha increased the concentration of mobile forms of Fe in soils by 13-199 %, Cu - by 11-229 %, Zn - by 21-547 %, Mn - by 32-175 %. Exceeding the established standards of maximum permissible concentrations (MPCs) and provisional permissible concentrations (PPCs) of gross and mobile forms of heavy metals was not found, the hazard ratios are below one. Agroecological condition of soils on Zс (4,1-12,0 units) is characterized by the admissible level of pollution mobile forms of heavy metals (Zс < 16). The observed negative trends in the increase of Кс and Zс indicate environmental risks with the constant utilization of high doses of these organic fertilizers in a limited area.
143-147 180
The article presents the results of investigations on comparative assessment of the efficiency of organic fertilizers based on peat and other organic materials, their combined application with mineral fertilizers on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil. It is shown that joint application of fertilizers influenced the productivity of grain-crops, crop rotation, optimizing the balance of NPK. The average for the two rotation the highest yields observed in variant with peat-poultry compost - 12,13 t g.u. ha-1 at 8,03 t g.u. ha-1 in the control without fertilizer. The most effective was the application of рeat-poultry compost, making 1 ton of compost will provide the 148 kg g.u.
148-154 144
The article presents data on the efficiency of application for spring barley liquid organo-mineral fertilizers (OMF) in the form of complex compounds balanced by basic nutrients and the content of nitrogen and humic acids in them. The positive influence of the fertilizers studied on the formation of the yield and the quality of spring barley grain under conditions of climate change was established. It has been determined that application of fertilizers at a dose of 40 kg/ha under presowing cultivation creates a low-concentration nitrogen background, which performs the function of energy-enrichment of plants at the initial stages of organogenesis, and foliar treatments in adverse weather conditions of the growing season at a dose of 6 kg/ha make it possible to fill the shortage in plants with the necessary element power supply. Thus, on the сhernozem typical, the increase in the grain yield of spring barley is 0,4-0,97 t/ha or (20-41 %) compared to the control, and provide a high protein content within the range of 12,27-12,34 %.
155-161 164
The article presents the results obtained in long-term experience on the study of the action and aftereffect of the systematic application of urban sewage sludge, liming on the agroecological properties of sod-podzolic sandy soil, yield and macroelement composition of grain crops. It is concluded that the use of alternative sources of plant nutrition in the form of WWS has a positive prolonged effect on the agrochemical properties of the soil, the yield of grain crops and their macroelement composition.
162-171 143
The results the impact influence of the predecessor in the form of oil radish for green feed and siderat, methods of basic processing of anthropogenic-transformed peat soils and fertilizer systems on the yield of corn grain and the removal of elements of mineral nutrition in the soil-fertilizer-plant system are presented of the article. The standard of specific removal of nutrients in the calculation of fertilizer doses on the planned yield of corn grown on anthropogenic-transformed peat soils is proposed.
171-179 133
The сlose negative nonlinear correlations have been found between indexes of soil fertility and90Sr accumulation by corn in field experiments conducted on sod-podzolic loamy sand soils. The effectiveness of soil saturation with organic matter, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium in90Sr discrimination is much higher on soils with low supply of these nutrients for plants.
180-193 152
The article presents the results of studies on the effectiveness of the use of liquid microfertilizers MicroSteam in the cultivation of crops on sod-podzolic soils. It has been established that non-root dressings with different microfertilizers of MicroSteam increase the yield of agricultural crops, the quality of crop production and is an economically effective method.
193-200 217
The influence of microfertilizer MicroSteam-Zinc on the productivity and quality parameters of winter wheat grains has been studied for various provision of sod-podzolic sandy loamy soil with zinc. It was established that foliar top dressing of winter wheat with zinc microfertilizer is effective at a low and medium level of zinc soil supply. An increase in the protein and zinc content in the grain was noted with an increase in the content of the mobile element in the soil and the introduction of microfertilizer MicroStim-Zinc into various non-root fertilizing at different levels of zinc in the soil.
201-210 122
Binary inoculant application resulted in the yield increase of two cultivars of winter wheat at different slope elements: not eroded, moderately - and severely eroded sandy loam soils on morain and loess loams. The effect from binary inoculant A. brasilense + B. сirculans is increased in stress conditions on eroded soils. In the field experiment on not eroded sod podzolic loamy soil on moraine loam the responses of winter wheat to inoculation varied in diapason of 1,9-3,5 c ha-1, on severely eroded soils - in diapason of 3,2- 3,9 c ha-1 of grain. Application of binary inoculant resulted in the improvement of winter wheat grain quality in respect of protein content and 1000 grains mass.
211-220 134
In studies on sod-podzolic light loam soil, the effectiveness of the application of mineral fertilizers, bacterial preparations, growth regulators, microelements - copper, zinc, boron, cobalt, molybdenum, manganese was studied. It has been established that a significant influence of nutritional conditions on grain yield, chemical composition of the main and by-products of lupine narrow-leafed, calculated indicators of total and specific removal of nutrients.
221-228 119
The optimal range of exchangeable Mg content (125-150 mg/kg) in sod-podzolic light loamy soil for the high yield or pea’s grain had been found in the field experiments. The equivalent ratio of Ca: Mg should be around 5 and ratio K: Mg - around 0.6. Sufficient grain yield response up to 0.68-0.96 t/ha to foliar application of magnesium sulphate solution verified the deficit of Mg nutrition for pea plants at Mg content 46-92 mg/kg of soil.
228-237 184
The application of NPK with B and Mo increased the seed yield sowing peas at 6,0 t/ha. The treatment of crops Adobe B in and MicroStim-Bor the background N18P63K96 increased the seed yield of peas by 4,5 and 4,9 t/ha, and Ekasila and Kristalina - 4,9 t/ha. Seed treatment of pea by inoculum in the background N18P63K96 and N18P63K96 + MicroStim-Bor provide the maximum yield (is 39,3 and 39,7 t/ha),crude protein (of 8,37 and 8,.58 in с/ha ) and digestible protein (to 7,20 and 7,38 kg/ha).The provision of a feed unit with digestible protein was higher in variants with the use of microelements boron and molybdenum - NPK with b and Mo, N18P63K96 + B and Mo, N18P63K96 + Adob Bor, as well as Ecosil in the budding phase. In these versions of the experiment, the provision of feed units of digestible protein ranged from 131 to 137 g, respectively.
238-243 178
The aim of the research was intended to identify the highest productivity of forage sorghum and the output is the sum of sugars per hectare depending on the timing of topdressing nitrogen fertilizer CAS both irrigated and rainfed lands. As a result of researches it is established that the highest productivity of green fodder for silage provides a hybrid Dovista as irrigation with a yield of fodder units of 18,5 t/ha and on rainfed and 11.6 t/ha with feeding urea ammonium nitrate dose N40 in the phase of 4-5 leaves. Irrigation increased the sugar content in the stems of the plants to 15,6 % in the hybrid, and the rainfed in the variety of Silo 42 is 12,8 %. Hybrid Dovista on irrigated array is most productive as forage productivity, and for the collection of sugars per unit area.
243-253 149
Mineral fertilizers influence positively the photosynthetic activity of plants and the seed productivity of silfium. Fertilizers contributed to the creation of optimal conditions for the growth and development of plants, the formation of reproductive organs and a high yield of seeds. Silfium crops in places develops the largest leaf surface and stay longer in the active state where doses of N60P90K120 kg/ha and N90P90K120 kg/ha were applied. Silfium showed an average seed yield of 293,8 and 301,7 kg/ha with this combination of doses of mineral fertilizers. When creating seed-growing crops of silfium perfoliatum and deficiency of seeds, it is advisable, especially in the weeded areas, to use the vegetative mode of reproduction. Planting with parts of bushes and rhizomes according to the planned scheme has the prospect of initially forming the optimal seeding density, facilitates the care and control of weeds, ensures seed production in the first year and high yields in following years.
254-265 151
The modern gradation of soils in terms of their suitability for alfalfa cultivation includes 4 groups: the most suitable, suitable, semi suitable and unsuitable. On the basis of this group gradation, it is possible to assess the suitability of each soil variety for alfalfa, to determine the areas of suitable soils and possible cultivation areas, taking into account the crop rotations. This work contains the analysis of methods that improve the conditions for alfalfa cultivation, cultivation on semi suitable soils.
ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)