
Soil Science and Agrochemistry

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No 2 (2024)
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7-12 12

The article provides an assessment of the resistance to deflation of sandy and loose sandy loam soils of arable lands. The average content of stable aggregates (larger than 1,0 mm) in sandy soils was 10,2–12,8 %, and in loose sandy loam soils – 31,6–33,8 %. All studied sandy soils, regardless of their type and degree of moisture, have unsatisfactory anti-deflation resistance. The share of loose sandy loam soils with unsatisfactory stability was 95,0 %, and with satisfactory stability – 5,0 %. Based on the statistical processing of data on the structural state of sandy and loose sandy loam soils, it was established that the content of deflation-resistant aggregates does not depend on their type and degree of moisture, but is determined, first of all, by the granulometric composition.

13-20 11

Three intensification options were used (intensive, normal and extensive technologies) for assessing the suitability of soils for soybean cultivation. The research was conducted in the climatic conditions of the central part of Belarus in 2021–2023. It was found that the most suitable for soybean cultivation are sod-podzolic medium loamy soils with a productivity potential of 27–40 c/ha under normal and intensive technologies, peat-gley soils (25–29 c/ha) are suitable, and sod-podzolic cohesive loamy soils (15,6–21,9 c/ha) are not suitable. The average price of 1 point of arable land on mineral soils with intensive and normal technologies was 46–62 kg, with extensive technology – 28–36 kg; on peatgley soil – 77–94 kg and 52 kg respectively.

21-29 10

The article presents criteria for establishing the degree of erosion hazard and principles for forming soil protection systems on erosion-hazardous lands. Determining the degree of erosion hazard is based on considering the component composition of moderately and highly eroded soils and the amount of potential loss of fine soil as a result of erosion processes. The structure of sown areas and types of soil protection crop rotations are determined based on calculations of potential soil losses with different crop rotation options. Based on the conducted research, it has been established that on lands with low erosion hazard, it is permissible to cultivate all groups of agricultural crops, on lands with an average degree, it is necessary to exclude row crops from crop rotation, and on lands with a strong degree, the share of perennial grasses should be maximized.

30-41 18

The article presents the main stages of mapping agrochemical properties of soils by geostatistical method on the example of soil acidity. The comparison of costs for carrying out works on liming of arable land by classical and geostatistical method of mapping soil acidity on the example of JSC «Koshelevo-Agro» is carried out. The following were taken into account: cost of sampling and laboratory analysis; costs of liming.

The total cost of liming works, including procurement, transportation and application, as well as sampling and laboratory analyses, was 39976 BYN for the classical method and 40935 BYN for the geostatistical method, which is 959 BYN more. However, using the classical method, only 72,5 % of the amount spent would have been effectively utilized. 

42-57 16

The article presents an analysis of statistical data characterizing the land fund of Equatorial Guinea, examines the features of the country's soil cover. Information is provided on the morphological structure and agroecological state of red- and yellowferralite, volcanic ash soils in terms of acidity, total nitrogen content, humus, mobile forms of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron. Data on the content of heavy metals (cobalt, nickel, chromium, lead) in the upper horizons of soils are presented. The results of the study can be applied to the study of the adaptive potential of crops in Equatorial Guinea.


58-69 11

The article presents the results of studying the dynamics of the content of the main nutritional elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) in spring wheat plants during the growing season depending on the growing conditions. It has been established that under conditions of high content of available phosphorus and potassium in the soil, the main indicator determining the yield of spring wheat grain is the nitrogen content in plants. Grain yield at the level of 60–75 c/ha with a protein content of 14–16 % and gluten of 29–38% is formed with the nitrogen content in spring wheat plants – in the phase of 1 node 3,80–4,90 %, in the flag leaf phase – 2,00–2,70 %, heading – 1,60–2,10 %, milk ripeness – 1,60–1,70 %..

70-79 12

Experimental data on hydrolytic enzymes (invertase and urease) activities have shown that minimization of basic tillage of Luvisol sandy soil and Luvisol light loamy soil as well as application of mineral fertilizers, litter manure of cattle, straw with NPK, CAS and biopreparation Zyten resulted in stimulation mineralization possesses in С and N cycles as compared with moldboard plowing. High levels of invertase (cycle C) activity were observed under application of straw with NPK, CAS and biopreparation Zyten. High levels of urease (cycle N) activity was observed under application of litter manure of cattle with NPK. Method of basic tillage more intensive effect on mineralization activity in С and N cycles in Luvisol sandy soil as compared with Luvisol light loamy soil under similar fertilization. 

79-88 9

The article presents the data on the development of reasonable doses and terms of application of fertilizers for feed beans, depending on the method of basic treatment of soil. The influence of fertilizer systems and weather conditions on grain yield and the removal of nutrients on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil has been established.

The weather conditions of the growing season of forage beans in 2024 were more favorable for the growth and development of plants and contributed to the formation of grain yields on average 97% higher than in 2023. Due to the use of fertilizers, the grain yield of forage beans increased by an average of 5,2 c/ha in the plowing block, in the block disking – by 8,3 c/ha. The standards for the removal of the main elements of nutrition by the grain harvest of feed beans have been developed, which amounted to 42,1 kg/t of nitrogen, 9,0 kg/t of phosphorus and 21,8 kg/t of potassium.

89-96 10

The article presents the results of research on the effect of nitrogen, copper, manganese and zinc fertilizers on the yield and quality of winter barley when cultivated on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil. The data of nutrients removing with the winter barley harvest are presented. It has been established that an effective method for increasing the yield of winter barley is foliar feeding of plants with copper and manganese against the background of the application of mineral fertilizers.

97-104 13

The article presents data on the yield of green mass of grain sorghum harvested in the phase of the beginning of panicle and milky-wax ripeness of grain. The variability of the yield of green mass is shown with varying the main agrochemical parameters of sod-podzolic sandy loam soil. The regression equations are presented that describe the pair and multiple correlation of the yield of green mass in both phases of mowing maturity with the exchangeable acidity of the soil, the content of humus, mobile forms of potassium and phosphorus. The quantitative parameters of the change in yield with an increase in the level of soil humus content, the content of P2O5 and K2O, and a decrease in the reaction of the soil environment are given.

105-117 13

The article presents the results of a study of the possibility of using new industrial ion exchangers such as TOKEM and AN-31 as carriers of anions of nutritional elements for plants. Their working exchange capacity for anions of the main nutrients (NО3, SО42–, Н24/НPО42–) and water-holding capacity were determined. Using anion exchangers AN-31, TOKEM-320, TOKEM-400 and cation exchanger TOKEM-100, three variants of ion-exchange substrates were obtained. The quality of the obtained substrates was assessed in preliminary laboratory experiments on growing leaf lettuce Lactuca sativa L., perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne L., capsicum Capsicum annuum L., wild strawberry Fragaria vesca L., cherry tomatoes Lycopersicon cerasus L. and marigold Tagetes patula L. on 100 % substrates and their mixtures with infertile sand or soil for growing vegetable and flower crops. The fertility of substrates was assessed by the amount of fresh and dry biomass per gram of substrate. It has been established that all the studied anion exchangers are useful for producing ion-exchange substrates with fertility at the level of the previously developed BIONA-111® substrate.


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ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)