
Soil Science and Agrochemistry

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No 1 (2010)
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7-14 150
The data on dynamic of agrochemical indicators of arable soil fertility of the Republic of Belarus, their cadastre assessment are given. It is found that more actual in planned further intensification of agricultural production there are the problems of conservation and increasing of organic matter and phosphorus supply in soils of arable lands.


15-25 183
The article presents the results of studies of differences in soil influence (the degree of moisture, grain size and the nature of the structure of parent rocks) on the productivity of winter wheat. We present refined scale of assessment scores, agroindustrial grouping of soils of arable lands in the degree of its suitability for cultivation (most suitable, suitable, little avail and unusable), areas of suitable soils and map of theirs district distribution.
25-34 165
For the first time for the republic conditions was generalized and applied experience in designing a thematic map products in relation to soil cover. Objectives and steps was defined for digital thematic soil maps and related materials creating.
34-41 119
The results of investigations of peat soils transformation regularity in Polesye under the anthropogenic factors influence are presented in the article. Forecasting models of chemical composition and diagnostic signs of peat soils of different evolution stages were elaborated on this data.
41-49 118
The results of the comparative agroecological estimation of unchangeable cultivation of east galega and crops of fodder crop rotation are shown at the article. Optimum influence of east galega on agrophysical, agrochemical and biological properties and researched soil productivity in compare with crops of fodder crop rotation was determined.
49-57 153
Values of reflective capacity for diagnostic the degree of erosion of sod-podzolic and sod-calcareous soils were attempted. The correctness a transfer of sod-podzolic and sod-calcareous soils of the different degree of erosion (moderately, strongly and very strongly) to the soil type “washed off” on the based on values of reflective capacity was showed.
58-63 169
Coefficients of moisten is a relation of actual stores of available water to optimal stories equal 85% of a field moisture capacity in arable layers. They were determined on field collective farms for loamy, sandy loam and peat soils as indicators water supply plants. In overwhelming cases they equal 0.6-0.7 for all period vegetation fluctuating from 0.2 to 1.0. It is evidence about water deficiency for plants. Culture yields was the following: winter wheat - 1.9-2.5 t/ha, barley - 1.7-4.5 t/ha, potato - 17-29 t/ha on background of differential rates fertilizers.
63-72 111
The conducted research show that between40К and the content of physical clay there is the close correlation communication, allowing defining the quantitative content of the basic mineral fractions at radiological monitoring. Possibility of definition of an accessory of the soils to group of a version without performance of laboratory analyses on an establishment of mineral structure is shown.


73-79 112
The influence of fertilizer systems on productivity of a cereal-grass crop rotation as well as variation of agrochemical properties (pH, humus content, mobile phosphorus and potassium content) of luvisol light loamy soil is presented. Dependence of change of productivity of a cereal-grass crop rotation from doses of mineral fertilizers is established.
79-88 169
The analysis of methodical approaches is resulted in definition of dozes of lime, comparison of approaches of foreign authors with approaches of domestic agrochemical sciences is made. The way of specification of dozes of lime is offered on the basis of concept of an optimum level of acidity, specific рН shift, the account of a kind of a crop rotation and the contents of mobile phosphorus in soil.
89-99 143
Cultivation of crops on sod-podzolic light loamy soil of slightly acidic (pH 5.6) through the four years leads to an increase in its acidity to acidic (pH less than 5.5). Making ameliorants such as chalk and calcareous sapropel containing in its structure easily accessible form of calcium, the second year after liming of sod-podzolic light loamy slightly acid soil leads to a significant reduction in soil acidity, but the effect of their action for the third year fades faster than on the background of dolomite flour. Dolomite flour has a lasting effect over time. Liming of soil by different types of ameliorants in varying degrees increases the content of the soil exchange forms of calcium and magnesium affecting the ratio of these elements. On average, the second to fourth years after liming the ratio between CaO and MgO in the soil in the application of dolomite flour was 4,1, 6,7 - carbonate sapropel, chalk - 8,5, the initial value up to 4,8 favorite experience at the optimum ratio of 4-6. When making chalk as lime ameliorant on sod-podzolic light loamy soils with high content of exchangeable magnesium (300 mg/kg) can avoid the sharp disparity between CaO and MgO in the soil.
99-111 190
In given article results of our research on influence of liming on potash mode of sod-podzolic light loamy soils are resulted. Liming has made various influence on dynamics of soil potash forms depending on a security background potash on sod-podzolic light loamy soils. Between forms of soil potash dynamical (mobile) balance and if the plant absorbs water-soluble potash its content in soil fills at the expense of exchange, and that in turn at the expense of not exchange is established, eventually. Change of acidity of soil with рНKCI 4,8-4,9 to рНKCI 5,4-5,6 and рНKCI 6,3-6,5 has resulted: at level of the content of mobile potash 200-250 mg/kg to increase in the content of water-soluble, exchange, mobile forms of soil potash during too time have decreased the content of not exchange form that testifies to possibility of use of not exchange form of potash; At level of the content of mobile potash 300-350 mg/kg - to increase of content in soil of water-soluble, not exchange forms of potash, are probable at the expense of reduction of the content of exchange and its mobile form.
112-123 119
The highest productivity of cultures in a crop rotation link on sod-podzolic soils is received at organic mineral fertilizing system providing entering of mineral fertilizers (mid-annual dose N110Р60К120) against a background effect and aftereffect 40-60 t/ha of straw manure. On light loamy soil productivity has made 110,3-114,1 c/ha of fodder units (f.u.) at payment of 1 t of manure on the average 25,0 f.u. , 1 kg NРК - 9,1 f.u., on friable sandy soil the given parameters were at level of 111,4-116,9 c/ha 50,1 f.u and 9,2 f.u. accordingly. On sod-podzolic soils the net profit has made 701-984 thousand roubles at profitability of 88-106 % in variants with the maximum productivity. Mid-annual economic nutrition elements removal at cultivation of a crop rotation link on sod-podzolic soils was 143,4 kg/ha of nitrogen, 76,8 kg/ha of phosphorus, 122,6 kg/ha potassium, 36,9 kg/ha of calcium and 27,3 kg/ha of magnesium in the middle.
123-139 145
At cultivation of spring wheat on luvisol soils productivity at level 68-71 c/ha is formed at entering N60+N30Р60К120 and N60+N30Р50К90 + Cu50 +Mn50 + seron or moddus + N30 (stage 51-53). Thus the weight of 1000 grains on 4,5 g is more, the content of crude fiber on 1,0% above, and its gathering on 78 kg/ha is more at wheat cultivation on luvisol sand soil. However the maintenance irreplaceable and critical amino acids and biological value of fiber above in spring wheat at cultivation on luvisol loamy soil. Specific carrying out of nutritional elements by spring wheat at cultivation on luvisol soils increases at application of mineral fertilizers and chemicalization means, and also at increase of doses of mineral fertilizers. Specific carrying out potassium and calcium by spring wheat at cultivation on luvisol loamy soil almost twice above, than at cultivation on luvisol sandy soil.
139-147 117
The data on yield of wheat varieties, specific activity of137Cs in grain and straw, total removal of radionuclide137Cs and potassium are presented. The tested wheat varieties are evaluated from point of view of individual and collective doses reduction in case of cultivation for food on land contaminated with radionuclide137Cs.
148-156 204
In the conditions of vegetative experience the admissible levels of sodium and chlorine concentration in sod-podzolic loamy sand soil at spring wheat and barley cultivation are established.
157-165 119
In article the results of works on estimation of nitric nutrition backgrounds in selection of winter rye on grain quality and agrochemical efficiency are presented. The backgrounds N0, N60 and N60+30 which were supplemented with not root top dressing in a phase of ear formation (N15) were modelled. The best variation of signs of grain efficiency and the content of alcohol-soluble protein were observed in variant N60+30.
165-173 128
In article the results of research of influence of mineral fertilizers on quality of oats grain at cultivation on luvisol loamy sand soil are resulted. The application of fertilizer system P40K90 +60+30 Cu + Mn + fungicide has provided reception of 48,7 c/ha grain, thus fiber gathering made 5,9 c/ha, the protein content in grain - 14,1%. By application of mineral fertilizers in such combination and fungicide promoted increase in the sum of irreplaceable amino acids at 20,4%, and critical - on 18,1% in comparison with a variant without fertilizers. «Amino acid speed» on irreplaceable amino acids makes 103,3%, on critical - 85,0% from the norms, recommended by FАО/WHO, «chemical number» - 80,55% and 64,0% accordingly. The further increase in a dose of nitrogen reduces biological value of fiber.
173-181 120
Results of research on influence of terms of sowing of stubbly cruciferous crops (oil radish, winter and spring rape) on grain productivity of spring triticale are presented. It is established, that inclusion of stubbly cruciferous crops in a grain link of a crop rotation (the winter rye - spring triticale) allows to increase grain productivity of spring triticale. The crop increase considerably decreases at transition from earlier terms of sowing of stubbly cabbage crops to later.
181-186 122
Results of long-term research on influence of complex application of means of chemicalization on productivity of winter triticale are presented at cultivation on the anthropologically-transformed peat soils. The highest productivity of grain on the average for 4 years is received at joint application of a plant growth regulator with fungicides - 56,3 c/ha, that above in comparison with a background variant on 9,9 c/ha. However entering of nitric fertilizers into three terms, application of retardants in two terms and fungicides is economically and energetically proved only under favorable weather conditions.
187-196 119
The liming of sod-podzolic light loamy slightly acid soil had a favorable impact on the performance of the production process and seed yield of spring rape. Seed yield of spring rape in liming of sod-podzolic light loamy slightly acid soil with dolomite flour, chalk, and calcareous sapropel on the background N120P75K90 increased at 3,0-1,5-3,6 t/ha. The highest seed yield of spring rape at the level of 36,7 kg / ha was formed on the background of liming with dolomite flour in making N150P75K150.
197-204 135
The crop and the root residues of summer rape in comparison with other crops on sandy loam soils are studied. Influence of nitric fertilizers and seeding rates of summer rape on formation of straw and roots, and also the content in them of nutrients is shown.
204-212 143
In research on sod-podzolic light loamy soil the use of various kinds of organic fertilizers and industry waste has enhanced maize productivity by 5,0-31,2 c/ha of fodder units (f.u.), a full mineral fertilizer - on 39,4 c/ha of fodder units, at the general productivity in the fertilized variants of 125,0-156,2 c/ha of fodder units. The highest productivity parameters of maizy are received in variants with entering N90+30P60K120 into a combination to 60 t/ha of straw manure of cattle (productivity of green mass - 781 c/ha, dry matter gathering - 156 c/ha, gathering of fodder units - 156,2 c/ha, gathering fodder protein units - 146,9 c/ha, the content of crude protein - 11,1%, digested protein - 14,69 g/kg of green mass at security 1 f. u. by digested protein at level of 73,4 g.) and to 60 t/ha of divot and manure compost (productivity of green mass - 769 c/ha, dry matter gathering - 153,8 c/ha, gathering of fodder units - 153,8 c/ha, gathering fodder protein units - 139,3 c/ha, the content of crude protein - 10,3%, digested protein - 13,5 g/kg of green mass at security 1 f. u. by digested protein at level of 67,7 g).
213-220 146
In the field experiences with oil flax cultivation the influence of boric fertilizers on productivity and quality of oil flax seeds at the various levels contents boron on sod-podzolic soil has been studied. It is noted that boron content increase in soil in the limits 0,28-0,95 mg/kg and outside root top-dressing by boric fertilizers was accompanied with flax seeds yield enhance from 23,5 to 26,3 c/ha, increasing content of crude oil in seeds from - 34,9 to 38,3%.
221-227 124
Influence of various doses and terms of outside root top-dressing by cobalt and manganese fertilizers on quality of green mass and grain of blue lupine on sod-podzolic light loamy soil is studied. It is established that outside root top-dressing by chelates of cobalt and manganese in dozes on 50 g/ha active substance in a phase of the end of flowering - the beginning of grey beans formation has ensured the maximal obtaining of feed protein and optimum zootechnical characteristics.
227-235 144
The application of biofertilizer Kaliplant (K-mobilizing bacteria) was found to affect grain crops quality. More reliable effect of Kaliplant on grain quality was observed under deficit of mobile potassium in luvisol loamy sandy soil. Significant increases of protein contents in winter rye (0.4-0.5%) and winter triticale - 0.7-1.3% were found. Introduction of Kaliplant resulted in the improvement of amino acid composition of grain under following conditions: for winter rye under К2О content in soil in diapason of 105-222 mg/kg, for winter triticale and spring wheat - 94-164 mg/kg.
235-243 138
In the article two - year experimental date concerning optimal substrate volumes for watermelon and melon seedlings are presented, fertilizers doses for basic dressing of high - moor peat in crops seedling period and various kinds and doses of liquid complex fertilizers depending on plants growth and development phases were developed.
243-254 241
Results of research on pollution of soils on objects of supervision in Minsk are resulted by water-soluble and exchange sodium, chlorides and sulphates. Laws in distribution of these pollutants concerning remoteness from motorways and seasonal prevalence are revealed.
254-272 129
On example of sod-podzolic soils of Belarus formed on litological monomial moraine and loess-like loams, it is shown that modern soils are the final residual product of degradation of the parent substratum. At the given stage of pedogenesis development, in holocen time period, homogeneous moraine and loess-like loams degraded to loamy sand varieties under the influence of natural and anthropogenic processes.


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ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)