
Soil Science and Agrochemistry

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No 2 (2010)
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7-18 284
This article provides an advanced agroindustrial soils grouping according to their suitability for different crops cultivated in Belarus. The grouping include 15 agro-groups for which arable lands was assessed on the degree of suitability (the most suitable, suitable, little avail unusable) for 16 crops.
18-25 166
The database of representative soil profiles was created on the first level generalization of Soil Information System of Belarus and includes detailed information about the most common types of soil in the territory the republic, represented by 109 soil profiles with detailed bound to the territory and full set of analytical data.
25-33 122
Cumulic (sediment) soils formed from alluvium with elevated landforms at the foot of the slopes, in ravines, gullies and alluvial fans of the material of the upper layers of soil or material forming rocks. They are formed by a combination of delluvial, colluvial or proluvial of sedimentation with the process of soil formation. Depending on the intensity of soil-forming process, rhythm and rate of accumulation of sediment material, the degree of humus content and grain size, forming a very broad spectrum cumulic (sediment) soils - from less developed to fully-developed, from thin to super, from weakly humus to humus, from sandy to clay.
33-39 202
The classification cumulic (sediment) soils of the chernozemic zone of Moldova compiled taking into account: the genetic affiliation izohumus cumulic soils to a particular subtype of chernozem; capacity of young (fresh) sediments under the original izohumus soils; the total thickness of the layers and horizons with humus more than 1%; the degree of silting depth of burial izohumus soils in the case of the mantle under the original soil more than 50 cm; the degree of humus content of the arable layer.
40-49 146
There is presented in article the first version of the method of quantitative assessment of agroecological potential of soil-land resources in erosionned and waterlogged landscapes, or information that define possibility of unexhausted usage of lands at preservation natural equilibrium.
49-54 151
Coefficients of erodibility of sod-podzolic soils of Belarus to erosion were determined by two methods: relation in soils sand to summary of silt and clay; SiO2:R2O3. Fluctuation of these coefficients was from 0,5 to 5,8 and 6,4 to 19, accordingly. Both methods can use for orientation evaluate of erosion stability of soils. With increase of coefficients soil resistance to erosion was increased.


55-72 146
The field experiments with fertilizer treatments of spring wheat, peas and winter triticale on the four different levels of soil supply with mobile phosphates has been conducted in 2005-2009 on luvisol loamy sand soils in Belarus. It was found the spring wheat grain yield linear increase by factor 1.8 and protein yield by factor 1.9 according to change of mobile Р2О5 content from 70 to ≈400 mg/kg of fine textured loamy sand soil. While the grain yields of peas and winter triticale were increasing according to quadratic parabolic curve with maximum in the range of Р2О5 content 200-400 mg/kg of the coarse textured loamy sand soil. The mobile Р content of soil fitted to maximum crop yield represents the upper level of optimal range while the P content fitted to maximum yield increment per 1 kg of P fertilizer represents the lower level of optimal range. There was found significant increase of protein and gluten contents as well as the improvement of amino acid composition and biological quality of grain proteins according to increase of soil P supply levels up to the optimal range.
73-80 124
In research on sod-podzolic light loamy soil reproduction of the contents of the major agrochemical indicators in arable horizon has provided entering of straw manure of cattle of 60 t/ha, 60 t/ha of divot and manure compost, 40 t/ha of straw manure of cattle in a combination to 5 t/ha of straw winter triticale on a background of full mineral fertilizer N210P160K330. Application of the given system of fertilizer promoted also to reception maximum productivity of a crop rotation link of 108,9-111,2 c/ha f.u.
81-88 138
It is established that application of new forms of liquid complex fertilizers for grain crops, mark N-P-К = 8-4-9-0,15 (Сu) - 0,10 (Mn) in component structures at presowing processing of seeds is effective reception of increase of productivity of winter rye, at the expense of increase of shoots of seeds at early stages of development, processes of growth, improvement of overwintering and safety of plants during vegetation, and also decrease in an infection of seeds and developments of other diseases that has provided an increase of productivity of grain in limits from 11,0 to 16,3%.
89-97 146
7 vairity of 4n and 8 vairity of 2n winter rye in period of grain swelling are studied. Dependences of accumulation of protein in grain are presented to this period. Essential value of a sign of speed of dry matter accumulation in grain on protein content is revealed.
98-108 117
The results of investigation for the influence of mineral fertilization on the yield and quality of winter triticale grown in grain-grass-raw crop rotation after red clover on Luvisol loamy sand soil were presented. It was found that split application of N150 (N90 at the beginning of vegetation + N30 at the phase 29 according Tsadex + N30 at the last leave phase) at background of P40 K80 and aftereffect of 40 t/ha FYM provided triticale yield 76,5 c/ha, protein content in grain 12,1% and protein yield 788 kg/ha.
109-117 121
The results of investigations of quality of the content grain winter triticale cultivation on sod-podzolic light loamy and loamy sandy soils depending on using organic and mineral fertilizing are revealed.
117-134 121
The article presents the results of research (2007-2010) on sod-podzolic light loamy soil of high fertility levels on the study of different compound fertilizer forms and doses with trace elements (copper and manganese) and biologically active substances in mainly application them into the soil on the yield and quality indicators of brewing barley of Ataman and Brewery varieties. It is established that the use of complex fertilizer various forms with micronutrients and plant growth regulators in the technology of brewing barley cultivation has provided grain yield increase on 3,3-6,1 c/ha (by crop harvest 60,2-60 c/ha of barley Ataman variety and 42,7-46 c/ha - Brewery variety) in comparison with standard mixtures (by crop harvest of 56,9 and 42,7 c/ha). The best complex fertilizer marks with trace elements in these soils were: N:P:K = 9:13:18; N:P:K = 10:19:25; N:P:K = 13:19:25; N:P:K = 10:16:19 which provided the grain increase in the range of 4,2 to 6,1 c/ha with grain quality indicators (protein, starch content ) on the level of required standards.
134-145 129
When liming of sod-podzolic weakly acid soils of various forms of lime ameliorants positively influenced the yield of spring rape seeds on chemical composition of plants and take out the main elements nutrition crop yields. The growth of the specific removal of calcium and magnesium yield practically did not affect the application of calcareous sapropel. The introduction of dolomite, which has a longer aftereffect containing calcium and magnesium, to an increase in the specific removal of calcium from 9,0 to 9,9-10,8 kg/t, magnesium - from 4,1 up to 4,5-5,2 kg/t. The highest specific removal of calcium was obtained by making chalk - 11,7 kg/ha. Liming slightly acidic soil contributed to the growth of the specific removal of phosphorus on 0,5-1,6 kg/t, but the forms themselves ameliorants had no significant effect on the removal of phosphorus, the values of which the options were 24,2-25,3 kg/t. On the background of dolomite powder increasing doses of dolomite potassium from 90 to 150 kg/ha increased the potassium content of the dry weight of rapeseed by 0,09% in the straw - on 0,41%. In this case, the specific removal of elements increases from 23,5 to 29,0 kg/t, respectively, more due to increase seed yield of potash fertilizer. Increasing doses of nitrogen from 120 to 150 kg/ha increased the percentage removal of an element with 37,6 to 38,6 kg/t (1 kg/t).
145-155 160
On sod-podsolic sandy soil the structure of balance of nitrogen in system soil-plant depending on doses and terms of entering of nitric fertilizers is studied. It is established, that in a nitric nutrition of plants soil nitrogen prevails. Efficiency of barley and winter rye on 80-85% is formed at the expense of soil nitrogen and on 15-20% at the expense of nitrogen of fertilizers. In grain 68-72% of all nitrogen of fertilizers absorbed by plants concentrate. Operating ratios of nitrogen of fertilizers fluctuate depending on doses and terms of entering of nitric fertilizers from 30 to 38%. Fractional application of nitrogen promotes increase of factor of its use on 5-8%. At increase in doses of fertilizers the size of consumption of nitrogen plants increases, however operating ratios decrease. In a soil profile it is fixed from 21 to 40% of nitrogen of fertilizers. With increase of doses of fertilizers the absolute sizes of fastening of nitrogen increase, relative decrease. The basic quantity (65-72%) of nitrogen fixed in soil concentrates in arable (0-20 cm) layer. Fractional entering of nitric fertilizers promotes decrease in migration of nitrogen in underarable horizons. Losses of nitrogen as a result of washing away and denitrification make depending on doses and terms of its entering from 23 to 47%. High speed immobilization and nitrogen fixings promote decrease in its losses. Increase of doses of nitric fertilizers leads to increase in absolute and relative losses of nitrogen, fractional application - to their decrease on 5-6%.
156-163 341
On sod-podsolic sandy soil influence of doses and terms of entering of nitric fertilizers on formation «added nitrogen interaction» and its interrelation with accumulation137Сs in plants is studied. It is established, that nitric fertilizers raise consumption by plants of nitrogen of soil in relation to background on 30-89% depending on their doses. At fractional entering N9 in comparison with unitary, the quantity «added nitrogen interaction» in plants increases on 0,32-1,44 g/m2, and at increase in a dose of fertilizer to N12 - for 0,63-1,60/m2 On unit of nitrogen of fertilizers 0,31-0,92 units of soil nitrogen will be mobilised. At fractional entering of nitric fertilizers and with increase in their doses value of the given indicator increases. Presence of close positive correlation between concentration137Сs in grain and size «added nitrogen interaction» specifies that nitric fertilizers not only directly strengthen migration137Сs in system soil-plant, but also indirectly - as a result of additional mobilisation and consumption by plants of soil nitrogen.
164-172 121
Fertilizer application positive influenced on productivity of deflation dangerous Polesye soils as in traditional as in soil-protective crop rotations. In traditional crop rotation the highest net income received in variant N73Р64К120 - 105-141$ USA/ha at a level of profitability 64-80%. In soil-protective crop rotation application N56Р84К148 + micro fertilizers is more economically efficient (33-86$ USA/ha of net income, profitability - 20-49%).
172-180 172
The application of complex micro fertilizers Ekolist and Vitamar increases productivity of sring wheat grain on the background N70P60K90 + N30 on 3,3 and 4,6 c/ha, and gathering of crude protein on 0,3 and 0,4 c/ha.
180-186 127
Influence of various doses and terms of outside root top-dressing by cobalt and manganese fertilizers on quality of green mass and grain of blue lupine on sod-podzolic light loamy soil is studied. It is established that outside root top-dressing by chelates of cobalt and manganese in dozes on 50 g/ha active substance in a phase of the end of flowering - the beginning of grey beans formation and in two terms: in a phase of budding and in a phase of the end of flowering - the beginning of grey beans formation has ensured the optimal amino acidic composition of green mass and a grain.
186-192 156
In the field experiences with oil flax cultivation the influence of outside root application various forms and dozes of microfertilizers on productivity and quality of oil flax seeds soil has been studied. Experimental data shown that the maximal increases of flax seeds yield are received at joint entering of microfertilizers MicroStim - Zinc, Boron in dozes of 0.16 and 0.1 kg/ha and MicroStim - Zinc, Coрper in dozes of 0.1 and 0.03 kg/ha active substance. Outside root application of oil flax microfertilizers increasеs of crude oil content in seeds.
193-200 121
It was found that application of biofertilizer Kaliplant for pea growing on Luvisol loamy sand soil characterized by 94-164 mg/kg K2O content results in the increase of pea grain yield by 2-4 c/ha, protein content in grain by 0.4-4.0% and in the improvement of protein biological value as well.
200-207 166
Positive effect of biofertilizers Azobacterin, Kaliplant and P-mobilizing bacteria on the yield of oil sunflower hybrid Donskoj-22 was found. As compared to biofertilizers the growth regulators Sejbit, Agat-25 K and peat oxidate were less effective. Most effective in respect of the increase of oil yield per hectare were P-mobilizing bacteria, Azobacterin and Kaliplant; in respect of the increase of 1000 seeds mass - peat oxidate, P-mobilizing bacteria, Azobacterin and Kaliplant.
207-214 165
In researches on a sod-podzolic loamy sand soil application of full mineral fertilizer N80P120K100 has provided an increase of a harvest of tomatoes fruits of 10,1 t/ha at the general productivity of 35,7 t/ha, mass of 1 fruit 79 g and ovary fruits of 77,2%. Processing of tomato plants by a bacterial preparation fitostimofos has provided identical agronomical efficiency in comparison with a full mineral fertilizer.
214-222 105
In article the influence of potential and effective soil fertility on seed productivity of perennial, hygrophilous, riding, rhizomatous of the grass - Beckmannia eruciformis is considered. They are built linear and not linear correlation dependences of seed productivity from such factors as contents of humus in soil, volume humidity and doses of the mineral fertilizers. From the spent researches it is established that of seeds productivity of Beckmannia eruciformis has a linear dependence from potential and effective soil fertility. Using equations of the dependences, introduces possible to calculate the biological seed productivity of Beckmannia eruciformis, coming from security of soil humus and volume humidity. The value of seed productivity will in this instance allow directly to value the influence of the potential fertility. For an estimation of effective soil fertility in article the equations of correlation dependences taking into account doses of the used mineral fertilizers also are resulted.

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ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)