
Soil Science and Agrochemistry

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No 1 (2012)
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7-17 111
The measurement of erosion degradation degree of the sod-podzolic soils by attitude of internal energy of soil absorbed complex to the internal energy of humus are presented at the article. For Noneroded soils this ratio is less 70, slightly eroded - 70-110, moderately eroded - 110-210, severely eroded - 210-320. Quantitative measures of erosion soil degradation can predict crop shortage and loss of melkozema.


18-23 116
The concept of creating of the unified soils database of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus is discussed in article, and the results of the researches on the development of database structure and management system are presented.
23-29 135
In the article was presented the results of the research of spectrum reflective capacity of the Hortic Antrosols, of sandy granulometric compasition. It was Shown the validity to defind the Hortic Antrosols at a level of the individual types on the basis data spectrum reflective capacity, which clearly indicate a lack of differentiation of the soil profile into genetic horizons characteristic of sod-podzolic soils.
29-37 121
It was established, that productivity of deflation dangerous Polesye soils in traditional crop rotations increased от 1-14% in compare with soil-protective crop rotations. Net income of fertilizer using in soil-protective crop rotations was less, than in traditional crop rotations. Fro example, in the best variant (N270Р420К640 + micronutrient) of grass-grain crop rotation net income was equal 99-367 $/ha and profitability level was 11-38%. In grain-row crop rotation application of N445Р320К600+B0,05+Cu0,15 + 50 t/ha manure is more economically efficient (319-502 $/ha of net income, profitability - 31-46%).
38-44 114
Short analysis of present empirical dependences introduced for wind soil erosion calculation and generalized empirical model developed by V.M. Gendugov and G.P. Glazunov for the purpose of their further approbation and adaptation for conditions of Belarusian Polesie, where wind erosion is the most intensive and inflict the largest damage to soils, is performed in the article. The main factor influencing the carrying out of soil particles by air stream - friction shear stress invoked by wind on soil surface, is considered. Test of hypothesis about dependence form between friction shear stress and wind velocity at approximation of published experimental data received by V.M. Gendugov and G.P. Glazunov in the wind tunnel is realized. For the first time has established, that wind velocity minus value called by us “threshold wind velocity” having clear physical sense: only during obtaining threshold wind velocity friction shear stress appears on soil surface (and begins to grow with further wind velocity growth), should be used as argument of calculated quadratic dependence. Has determined, that transference and removal of soil particles from surface during obtaining threshold wind velocity are not yet may be observed, but friction shear stress appears and preconditions of wind soil erosion occur. Experimental data statistical analysis has shown, that strength of links of derived dependence higher than of earlier suggested wind soil erosion models with use of cube and squared wind velocity, what authenticates about the competence of the proposed parameter introduction. Substantiation of numerical value of threshold wind velocity is realized, which is permanent for any soil surface with any roughness, size and particles composition density, and is about 4 m/s.


45-54 135
It was found that 3-term nitrogen introduction in doses of 150 kg ha-1 (N90 at the beginning of vegetation + N30 at 31 Zaddoks stage + N30 at 47 Zaddoks stage) at the background of Р40К80 and aftereffect of 40 t ha-1 FYM for winter triticale cultivation after clover on Luvisol loamy sand soil resulted in grain yield 72.6 c ha-1, output 98.7 c ha-1 f.u. At applied fertilizer system the content and output of raw protein were equal to 12.2% and 768 kg ha-1 respectively, mass of 1000 seeds - 45.69 g, critical amino acid sum 7.27 g kg-1 (grain) and 70.50 mg g-1 (protein), biological value of protein - 101,4% (irreplaceable amino acid, FAO/WHO).
54-61 128
The comparative efficacy of organic composts, sapropel and litter cattle manure in the maize green mass cultivation on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil is studied.
62-69 121
On sod-podzolic sand soil at high efficiency of crop rotation (473,9 centner of fodder unit) N433Р290К590 application against 60 t/hectare of manure was insufficient for preservation of humus content in soil at initial level, this rate of fertilizers has provided only a small gain of mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium. Due to tillage of straw the humus content in soil has increased on 0,04-0,07 %, mobile forms P2O5 - on 8-16 mg/kg, K2O - on 20-29 mg/kg.
70-81 128
In model-field experiments the dynamics of nutrients and carbon content in inmineralizating residues of the different straw kinds in processes of its transformation in sod-podzolic soils is studied.
82-89 116
The effect of different doses of fertilizers and integrated products based on micronutrients and growth regulators on productivity and grain quality of spring wheat varieties. It is established that a variety of Tom was the most responsive to increasing doses of mineral fertilizers with N65P60K90 + N25UAN to N75P70K120 + N25UAN + N20, where the observed increase in grain yield of 5.4 t/ha of crude protein in the grain by 2.2%. The best option was the use of fertilizer Fitovitala against N65P60K90 + N25UAN, where the yield was 49.0 t/ha and crude protein content of 15.1%. Grade Sabine provides a higher grain yield compared with a grade of Tom. The highest grain yield and crude protein content obtained in the form N65P60K90 + N25UAN + Fitovital - 54.0 t/ha and 14.1%.
90-99 322
The two years studies of green mass corn yield responses in model field experiment with four different levels of exchangeable magnesium content in soil has been presented. It was found the positive yield response on 11-19% in the limits of Mg content 73-181 mg kg-1 of soil. Further increase of Mg content in soil up to 235-243 mg kg-1 was excessive, it followed by reduction of green mass yield on 5-9%. Significant yield response to foliar spray of Mg fertilizer was noted only on low and medium content of exchangeable Mg in soil.
99-109 124
In article results of researches for 2008-2010 with flax oil grades Brestsky, conducted in north-eastern part of Belarus on sod-podzolic loamy soil are resulted. In field experiments examined the effect of sharing of mineral fertilizers and plant growth regulators on yield and quality of flax. The most effective was the use of brassinosteroids in two stages: the seeds in their inlaying and spraying of crops in a phase of "fur-tree" on the background of complete fertilizer dose N45P60K90. In this case the yield of seeds was 16,7-17,2 ts/ha with oil content in them - 49,7-50,1%, the yield of straw - 41,7-42,3 ts/ha with an average number of 0,5-1,0; conditional net income from 1 ha 1194134-1353820 rbl. at profitability - 217,2-231,8%.
109-116 116
The efficiency of various brands and doses of liquid fertilizers MicroStim on sod-podzolic soils in field investigations with root crops, vegetables, fruits and berry crops has been studied.
117-123 116
The application of microfertilizers Elegum B increase productivity of peas on the background N30P60K90 in average 2009-2010 years on 4,7, Vitamar - on 4,8 c/ha. Basfoliar 36 Extra - on 4,7 and Ekolist from grain legume - on 5,3 c/ha.
123-130 113
During the studies on the sod-podzolic sandy loamy soil while growing asparagus of mineral fertilizers and bacterial phosphate preparation Phytostimofos were established.
130-136 127
The field researches which have been carried out in 2010-2011 on the sod-podzol sandy soil of spread by easy by thin loam in a farm of "Magnum-Сhmel" of the Pruzhansky region of the Brest area established optimum doses of introduction eсosil and its influence on productivity, and quality of cones of hop. The maximum productivity of cones of hop of 17,2 c/hа at the content of alpha acids in them 12,5% and collecting them from unit of area of 2,15 c/hа is received as a result of application eсosil 40 ml/hа in two steps: 1 - in the second decade of May at the beginning of intensive growth of hop at height of plants of 1,5-2,0 m; 2 - in the second decade of June at the beginning of education and growth of lateral escapes at height of plants of 4,5-5,0 m, against 30 t/ha of organic fertilizers + N180P120K160.
136-149 436
Tested P-mobilizing bacteria were found to promote plant development at earlier stages of ontogenesis that provides the increase of plants adaptive potential. As a result of inoculation with P-mobilizing bacteria the root volume of plants was increased by 14-30%, root biomass - by 11-32%, stem biomass - by 6-19% compared control treatments. Inoculation of winter triticale and spring barley sowings with P-mobilizing bacteria resulted to reduction of indices of spread and development of root rot infection by 1,2-1,3 and 1,3-2,3 times respectively. Application of P-mobilizing inoculants resulted in the yield increase of winter triticale and spring barley due to combination such factors as plant growth promotion, fungi static effect and P-mobilization.
150-159 122
The results of field experiment (2008-2010) conducted on drained Histosol soil, contaminated with137Сs and90Sr are presented. It was found a sufficient effect of different rates of fertilizers on yield of perennial clover-grass mixture and accumulation of137Cs and90Sr in the green forage.
159-167 139
Results of researches by definition of mobile forms of sodium in soils in the conditions of technogenic pollution of soils are resulted. At pollution of soils by sodium more than half of mobile sodium it is presented by water-soluble forms. Distribution of mobile sodium on a profile of soils has eljuvialno-illuvial character and depends on a water mode of soils.
167-177 107
In clause the data of researches for 2006-2009 are submitted., in which the changes removal potash by a grain yield spring triticale, grain of peas, spring rape seeds, green weight pea-oat mixture are analysed depending on acidic light loamy soil, level of its security mobile potash and dozes potash of fertilizer. Is established, that on removal potash by basic production of the specified cultures the paramount influence is rendered by their biological features and level of productivity. The growth of a level of security of soil mobile potash with 200-250 up to 300-350 мг/kg increases removal of an element on variants with fertilizers on 0,3-38,1 of % depending on a kind of cultures. At the expense of decrease acidic of soil on control variants with среднекислой up to close to neutral, removal potash with the basic crop of researched cultures grows by 10,1-36,0%.
177-186 112
In research on sod-podzolic light loamy soil an application of various kinds of organic fertilizers in a crop rotation link has provided an increase of productivity of 0,47-1,56 tha-1 f.u., at the general productivity in the fertilized variants of 10,81-11,90 tha-1 f.u. The best indicators of agro-economic efficiency at reproduction in arable layer of sod-podzolic light loamy soil of agrochemical indicators of soil fertility are received in variants with entering of straw manure of cattle of 60 tha-1, 60 tha-1 of peat-manures, and also 40 tha-1 straw manure of cattle in a combination to 5 tha-1 of straw winter triticale on a background of NPK (the general productivity of 11,57-11,90 tha-1 f.u., an increase of productivity from entering of organic fertilizers - 1,23-1,56 tha-1 f.u., full organic-mineral fertilizers - 3,85-4,18 tha-1 f.u., the pure income of application full organic-mineral fertilizers - 466,7-572,2 thousand rbl.ha-1, profitability - 53-68 %).



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ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)