No 1 (2014)
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9-23 131
The article deals with the questions of validation and creation of separately processed working areas of the agricultural landscapes. The existing methodological basis of the ecological and agricultural technological criteria of dispensing of the working areas is analyzed. An alternative system of the typization of lands, with isolation of the land types with relatively uniform natural and technological conditions for agricultural production, which commensurate with the units of the agricultural usage as a basis for creation of the working areas.
24-31 122
In the article was shown diagnostic features of field identification of agrosoddy reduced-gleied (drainic soddy boggy) soils and drained peat human-transformed (degrapeat) soils, which are similar on morphology.
32-40 105
In the presented paper under analysis is the dependence of resistance to erosion degradation of sod-podzolic soils, formed on the loesslike and moraine loams, to the structure of rheir agrophysical properties.
40-48 164
The stages of the design and structure of the created database agrophysical properties most common soils in Belarus are presented at the article. Genetic affiliation soils, lithology and parent bedrock, the type of land use on soil species studied, their agro-environmental and reclamation state data of agrophysical properties of soils and structural-aggregate composition are presented at the proposed structure of the data bank.
48-65 150
For security of sustainable development of agriculture, agroameliorative complexes, rational and balance use of water and land recourses need to develop the cross-sectoral policies with methods and principles of integrated management. On the example of the pilot area (Shahtersky district of Donetsk region) with interested party the alternative spatial plans for integrated management of land and water resources are developed. They are directed at restoration of agroameliorative complexes, development of drip irrigation, improvement of soil fertility, improved of land use, creation of water and land users associations.
65-78 217
The composition of primary and clay minerals of brown forest soils of Moldova's Codry was studied in comparison with xerophytic forest chernozems of the same ecosystem. Based on indicators of weathering it was found that transformation of silicate base in brown forest soils proceeded more intensively than in the xerophytic forest chernozems. It developed as podzolization involving gleying and was not accompanied by clayization of horizons B in a result of in situ clayization or lessivage process.
78-86 128
Comparative balance of minerals in brown forest soils of Moldova's Codri and xerophytic forest chernozems showed similar in size losses in both soil types of primary minerals and 2-3-fold increase in the loss of clay minerals in the former. Total losses of silicates in the brown forest soils by the profile are 12-20 kg/100 kg of breed. Weathering of minerals in these soils is influenced by acid decomposition and proceeds as podzolization without signs of lessivage and subsurface clayization of horizons B.
87-94 132
Brown forest soils of watersheds of Moldova's Codry are characterized by high total reserve of natural K (1917-2671 mg/100 g ) which is less, but comparable with the total reserve of K in the xerophytic forest chernozems. A feature of structure of the reserves of K in these soils is that immediate and near reserves in them are significantly smaller by size than in the xerophytic forest chernozems. They have relatively high proportion of potential reserve represented by coarse mica and potassium feldspars, and have higher degree of differentiation in the distribution of reserves by the profile as a consequence of lighter granulometric composition and their other genetic characteristics.
94-104 148
The article is devoted to influence of fertilization systems on emission of carbon dioxide from chernozem typical. Systems of fertilizers are a significant factor that affects CO2 emission from the soil. Organic fertilizers have a special importance for the maintenance of soil quality in connection with that they are a necessary component of the forming and maintaining its status of humus, as well as control of microbiological processes. The aim of investigation was to determine the characteristics of the intensity of CO2 emissions in the application of different fertilizer systems considering the seasonal dynamics, and estimates the annual loss of emission soil carbon. The observations showed that fluctuations in the emission activity during the vegetation period were more significant, and it is associated with changes in temperature and soil moisture. Overall, the investigations are showing the difference between the intensity of CO2 emissions under different systems of soil fertilizer, with the predominant influence of organo-mineral system.
104-112 151
Dynamics of allocation C-СО2 on soddy-podzolic soil in pure to steam, in a deposit and in crops of field cultures at entering organic, mineral and organic- mineral fertilizers is studied. Also studying of issue C-СО2 is spent on different types of soils with a natural vegetative cover: on soddy-podzolic, peat-podzolic, peat-gley soils in the mixed wood with a cover of plants and without it. It is established, that продуцирование carbonic gas in crops of different cultures depends on features of the culture, hydrothermal conditions of growth and soils fertility. Application of fertilizers strengthens issue С-СО2 under different cultures from 1,2 to 1,7 times. The sizes of issue depended on change of hydrothermal conditions - increased in the spring, reached a maximum in the summer, decreased to since autumn. In supervision from May till November at the expense of breath of root systems in crops of a potato and annual lupine, in a deposit 45-46% С-СО2, in soddy-podzolic soil - 25%, peat- podzolic - 22%, peat-gley to soil - 44% are on the average produced.
113-123 104
The humus balance in southern chernozembycrop production technologies was investigated. The main soil humus source that in the absence of organic fertilizers is plant residues was determined. Using No-till technology loss significantly reduces wind erosion humus, but little effect on the total humus balance was determined too. For all versions of the technology experienced negative balance of humus, this is between -1.32 - -2.04 t/ha for three years
123-135 113
There were presented the results of stationary and temporary field experiments performed during 1974-2012 to study the effect of tillage systems on soil processes that determine the soil fertility, crop productivity, their economic and energy efficiency.
136-149 111
In article the material about speed of agrochemical degradation is presented of Luvisol Loamy Sand soil depending on efficiency of agricultural crops and level of application of fertilizers.
149-158 115
It is showed that in the modern conditions of management in default of stock-raising and manure indemnification of elements of feed takes place due to uncommodity part of harvest, that is considered as biologithation of crop rotations. In 5 field crop rotations with a pea and herbares without top-dressing returning all uncommodity part, provides complete indemnification of macroelements feeding on potassium, and on nitrogen and phosphorus balance was negative. At top-dressing in uncommodity part of harvest there were sufficient quantities of elements of feed for achieving of positive balance on nitrogen and phosphorus, and at the average to 1 ga of crop rotation were recovered: 22 kg of nitrogen, 33 kg of phosphorus and 102 kg of potassium.
159-172 126
As result of reduced application of lime during the period of 2009-2012 soil tests indicated an increasing acidification of arable land in majority of districts of Belarus. Dynamics of calcium and magnesium supply in soils as well as the necessity for application of required volume of liming for maintenance of optimal reaction of agricultural soils are discussed.
172-189 123
Influence of ways of placement of straw and green mass of oil radish, spring soil treatment on productivityof crop rotation potato - barley - ryeand quality indexes of agricultural production on sod-podzolic light sandy loam soil was related.
190-198 136
Results of a two-year vegetation experiment of studying the effect (spring wheat) and aftereffect (on oats) of zeolite introduced in pure form (2 g / kg) or on the background of mineral fertilizers (NPK to 0.25 g / kg) are adduced. It had been found that the using of zeolite on unfertilized soil is unstable and largely affects the yield of the straw. Mineral fertilizers have the highly effective direct action, the grain yield was tripled and the yield of straw is increased in eight times. However, an aftereffect on oats were ineffective, and the zeolite gave reliable increase of main and secondary productivity on the background trend of increase in weight of 1000 grains, protein and starch in the grain. Using of a zeolite leads to a decrease in the acidity, increase in the content of movable phosphorus compounds (at 29 mg / kg or 28 % of the absolute control ) and potassium (54 mg / kg , or more than 60 % of the control). Zeolite increases the content of silicium forms in the soil, available to the plants (30% compared to control, and in comparison with the embodiment NPK too) that gives a tendency to increase of the silicon content in plants.
199-209 115
Data of calculation of basic nutrient balance and productivity of crop rotation link potato - oats - yellow lupine in the application of new organic and organic-mineral fertilizer systems are resulted and analyzed in the article. Proven ability to replace manure fermented organic fertilizers without reducing the productivity of the soil.
210-225 118
Presents the research results obtained in the stationary and temporary experiments. It is shown that in conditions of the South Ukraine Steppe most effectively main mineral fertilizers, including nitrogen. It promotes the increase of harvest at 23,8, 37 and 60,4% predecessors black couples, pairs of green manure, winter rape, respectively. Crop quality corresponds to the first and second classes. Productive spring feeding can be conducted from January Windows before trubkove (N60), when feeding from the mass trubkove before milk development stage of seeds of grain in norm 30-60 kg of active substance nitrogen can, in 2 out of three cases, a positive impact on the quality of grain. Presowing treatment of seeds of winter wheat composition of biological products risogrin FMB and taking into consideration increases productivity by 5.6% on a black pair of 10.3 - winter rape and 13.6 - peas in comparison with the control variant without their use; seed inoculation biological agents have not been improved grain quality while growing by such predecessors as peas and winter rape, and on the black couple - quality parameters match the settings of the third class.
226-235 116
The features of fertilization spelled wheat nitrogen fertilizer on the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Studied different doses of fertilizer and the timing of their introduction. We describe the impact of nitrogen fertilizers in different terms, the wheat plants. In the experiment grown wheat variety spelled Dawn Ukraine. We determined the dynamics of mobile phosphorus and potassium in the soil at different fertilization in the layer 0-20 sm and nitrogen reserves of mineral compounds (N-NO3- + N-NH4+) in the soil layer 0-100 sm height above data spelled wheat plants. Calculated yield of grain. Established indicators of quality wheat spelled, including protein, gluten, vitreuesness, nature grain, gluten deformation index. Collected recommendations on the use of nitrogen fertilizers to improve the quality of wheat grain spelled.
236-250 126
On anthropogenno-transformed peat soils found that phosphate and potash fertilizers in rates of Р60К80-120 reduce intake of137Cs in grain by 20-30%. Application of K160 does not lead to a further substantial reduction in the transfer of radionuclides in products. Nitrogen fertilizers in rates of 60-90 kg/ha on the background Р60К120 slightly (on 4-9%) increase intake of137Cs in grain compared with phosphorus-potassium background, and sharing them with the introduction of the copper-containing fertilizer and plant growth regulators reduce radionuclide transfer factors. Without restrictions on137Cs soil contamination density can be cultivated spring wheat fodder purposes. In years with normal moisture possible without restrictions to cultivate the culture and food purposes with a valid137Cs content of 90 Bq/kg. When excessive moisture limiting density of soil contamination for food grains is when making Р60К120 and nitrogen rates of 60-120 kg/ha - 28-31 Ku/km2. Get foodgrains with137Cs content of up to 60 Bq/kg in years with normal moisture content possible using N60Р60К120, N90Р60К120 and N120Р60К120 densities and soil contamination, respectively 36, 33 and 29 Ku/km2. In years with abundant moisture cultivation culture is limited soil contamination, respectively 20, 19 and 18 Ku/km2. Recommended in anthropogenno-transformed peat soils under spring wheat fractional application of nitrogen fertilizer rate of 120 kg/ha in combination with copper-containing fertilizers and plant growth regulators, which provides an average grain yield of 42.8 q/ha .
250-257 113
Optimum system of fertilizer when growing barley on sod podzolic loamy sand soil is the application of N60+60Р30К120 (nitrogen fertilizers were applied in two steps: N60 - cultivation N60 - in the phase of 2-3 leaves) on the background of the aftereffects of 50 t/ha of organic fertilizers. This system fertilizers has provided the maximum yield of grain to 43.8 c/ha for the content of protein 12.0%. Specific stand bear main element of the feeding has formed: nitrogen - 20,5 kg/t, phosphorus - 8,7 kg/t, potassium - 22,8 kg/t.
257-268 141
In researches on the sod-podzolic sandy soil the highest productivity of grain of corn of 108 c/ha was provided by N90+30P60K140 on the background of cattle manure in a dose of 60 t/ha and on the background of straw plowing with the liquid manure in a dose of 30 t/ha, thus profitability of straw plowing with liquid manure was 43% higher. The yield of crude protein made 966-978 kg/ha, starch - 66 c/ha, fodder units - 141,5-141,7 c/ha.The increase of productivity of corn grain from compensating dose of nitrogen in the form of a carbamide in variants with NPK was doubtful. In variants where straw is closed up without additional nitrogen, the profit was on the average 59 USD/ha higher in comparison with variant where its autumn application, without decrease grain productivity is provided. Decrease doses of phosphoric and potash fertilizers taking into account quantity of these elements released from barley straw plowed under corn, provided equal productivity, as well as full doses of NPK, at decrease expenses for fertilizers on 26USD/ha and increase profitability on 3-12%.
268-278 122
Field trials were conducted in 2010-2013 years on the Podzoluvisol light loam soils on four different levels of the exchangeable magnesium content (1 n. КСl) has been presented. The levels of exchangeable magnesium are: 74-77; 120-144; 181-195; 240-263 mg kg-1 Mg. The equivalent cation ratios on presented levels has corresponding significances: Ca2+:Mg2+=10,7-13,2; 6,5; 3,9-4,0; 2,7-2,9 and К+:Mg2+=1,04-1,30; 0,55-0,64; 0,33-0,48; 0,21-0,36. It was determined accounting range of the optimum content of the exchangeable magnesium in soil (180-240 mg kg-1 Mg) and equivalent cation ratios of the soil absorbing complex (Ca2+:Mg2+=3,5-4,0; К+:Mg2+=0,3-0,5) for receiving of the high productivity of green mass and grain corn. Essential gains of green mass corn yield - 5,0-2,6 t/ha and grain corn yield - 0,74-0,28 t/ha was obtained when a foliar spray of Mg fertilizer (1 kg/ha, 4% MgSO4·7H2O) was applied only on the low and medium contents of the exchangeable magnesium in the soil. Application of the 60 kg/ha sulfur fertilizers allowed to obtain gains of green mass corn are 2,0-7,7 t/ha at the magnesium content in the soil not higher than 181 mg/kg. Phospogypsum in contrast with the ammonium sulfate fertilizer was more efficiency.
279-284 112
The article presents the results of research the effect of agrochemical background of chernozem typical on the mineral nutrition level of maize during the vegetation and also modified of nutrition element loss by green mass in conditions of pot experiment.
284-292 107
For the first time on the sod-podzolic loam soils north-eastern part of Belarus studies on the effect of microfertilizers in chelate form Adob Cu, Adob Mn and Adob Zn, complex preparation containing macro and microelements Basfoliar 36 extra, and complex preparations containing chelated micronutrients and growth regulators MicroSil-Copper-L and EleGum-Copper on yield and economic efficiency of cultivation of winter triticale and cornhave been conducted.
292-309 105
In field stationary experience the action of various doses, forms and meliorates productivity and quality of millet on destroyed peat sour soil mixes on destroyed peat sour soil in cultivation of millet on a green forage and grain is investigated. It is established, that per the first year of action calcareous meliorates positively influenced productivity and quality of crops. On a productivity gain of green weight of millet the greatest influence have rendered meliorates in a doses 2,0 t/hа СаСО3, in particular, defecat (15-34 c/hа with cost 1 t СаСО3 7,5-17,0 c/hа), and the maximal a productivity gain a grain of millet is received from doses meliorates 4,0 t/hа СаСО3 (3,0-4,0 c/hа of a grain with cost 1 t СаСО3 0,6-1,0 c/hа of a grain).
309-325 137
The article presented the effectivness of nitrogen-phosphorous-potassium (composite) fertilizers with micronutrient supplements on the yield and quality of green mass and grain of blue lupine grown on Luvisol sandy loam and loamy sand soils. The composite fertilizers with micronutrients (NPK + B, Mo, Mn, NPK + B, Mo, NPK + B) in doses of N15P50K100 were more effective then mixture of NPK аnd composite fertilizers without micronutrients. There were an increase of green mass by of 19-40 сha-1 and grain prodactivity by 2.8-4.0 сha-1. It was found that the use composite fertilizers increased the row protein content in green mass and grain of blue lupine. Supply of 1 f. u. of green mass by digestly protein was increased by 3,1-17,8 g and achieved 106,8,0-127,7 g. Supply of 1 f. u. of grain was increased by 4,6-10,4 g (178,1-188,1 г/кг).
326-333 122
In field experiences on soddy-podzolic sandy soil of Meshchersky lowland high agroeconomic efficiency of an adaptive link of a crop rotation with blue lupine, grown up on grain, a potato and barley is established at entering under lupine winter wheat straw. Straw in a combination with symbiotic nitrogen-fixing crop ( lupine) has proved to be effective resourses regenerative the factor and a perspective reserve of reproduction of fertility of soils without participation of nitrogen of mineral fertilizers.
333-347 197
It was shown in the field experiments that the application of biofertilizer Azobacterin ( A. brasilense В4485) on contaminated Luvisol loamy sand soils resulted in the increase of perennial grasses yield and reduction of137Cs and90Sr accumulation in dry mass of grasses. Main factors of positive Azobacterin influence on perennial grass quality were discussed.
347-363 125
The article provides information about the effect of irrigation and complex fertilizers with microcells (with chlorine and without chlorine) and NS-containing fertilizers on quality of carrots (carotene, vitamin C, soluble sugars, organic acids, pectin) of different terms of harvesting. It is established that these receptions had influence positively on improvement of quality of carrot.
363-370 125
For obtaining the maximum productivity of roots and rhizomes of common valerian (46,4 centners/hectare) and the biggest quantity of extractive substances from the unit of area (13, 1 centners/hectare) it is necessary to carry out not root additional fertilizing by microelements in 3 terms, in the third decade of June, in the third decade of July and in the third decade of August. With every additional fertilizing it is recommended to bring in 3 microelements - B100Cu100Zn100 in chelate forms.
370-379 210
The investigations were carried out at the Department of Biotechnology of the Institute for Fruit Growing. For the first time in Belarus the base for production of healthy plant material of hop were established, including the selection of adaptation substrates and estimation of ex vitro acclimatization effectiveness of hop plantlets.
279-386 112
As a result of field trials carried out in 2012 on a trial field of the RUC “Institute of plant protection” the question on nutrition elements removal by weed plants and maize cultivated for grain is studied. It is determined, that the weed plants, which form powerful vegetative mass, absorb the nutrition elements more intensively. In maize crops among monocotyledonous weeds Echinochloa crus-galli has got the highest nutrition elements removal, among dicotyledonous ones - Tripleurospermum inodora and Chenopodium album .
ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)