
Soil Science and Agrochemistry

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No 2 (2015)
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7-18 207
The data of long-term lysimeter researches on cation-anion structure of sod-podzolic soils different texture are cited. The sum of ions (аnions and cations) in lysimeter solutions during researches (1981-2012) changed from 5,8 (sandy) up to 9,9 mg-equivalent/l (coherent sandy soil spread with moraine loams). Change of ionic structure and cation and anion correlation in a soil solution are influenced with entering lime means, organic and mineral fertilizers. At the raised dozes of entering both mineral, and organic fertilizers, the cation and anion content in a soil solution increases. At the moderate dozes of fertilizers attitudes (HCO3-/Са2 +, SO42-/Са2+и Cl-/Са2 +) decrease, that testifies to pollution decrease of ground and superficial waters by hydrocarbonates, sulfates and chlorides.
18-30 123
The results of analysis conducted researches on adjustment of large -scale soil maps were given. Experience in the use of materials of remote sensing adjusting medium -soil maps and mapping of soil structure was stated.
30-38 149
To determine the level of required nutrients for crops the methods of leaves cover diagnostic using satellite imagery of crops were studied. By using multispectral satellite imagery with high spatial resolution on maize crops in the early stages of their growing through multi-thematic interpretation were received maps of soils due to the level of stress manifestations. This fact allows us to optimize the study of certain land areas and evaluate soil factors of maize nutrition as an indicator of agrochemical soil conditions, and in this case to extrapolate the results obtained in the analysis on territories with similar spectral images.
38-47 133
The researches to determine of soil loss tolerance for right-bank Ukraine southern chernozem soil were conducted. In the planning period of 50 years by 5% of soil productivity decrease for not eroded chernozem a soil loss tolerance is 4 t/ha per year, and for the eroded soil is 5 t/ha per year.
47-56 184
Soil and soil combination fertility evaluation of croplands was made using soil and environmental index on the base of the training farm «Minderlinskoye» of the Suhobuzimo district of the Krasnoyarsk region. The evaluation results allowed to determine soil properties limiting fertility and helping to optimize the crops location structure on the farm.
56-65 160
The problems related to determining soil respiration intensity (SRI) of the Left-bank Polissya of Ukraine, as well as to establishing the regularities of the formation and stipulation of emission losses of organic carbon by soils under the conditions of the agrocenosis are presented. The original technique used in the paper makes it possible to not only determine the values of CО2 emission from soils, but to calculate the values of errors that appear in the process of measurements. The research results prove that in 2013 the values of SRI from the basic soils of the Left-bank Polissya of Ukraine varied considerably depending on the soil type, land type, farm crop and respiration intensity. It has been revealed that in the period of the investigation SRI in the soddy mid-podzolic gley sandy soil on the ancient alluvium amounted to 1,130+0,633 kg/ha/h, whereas in the peaty bog well-degraded soil on the recent alluvium it amounted to 13,955+1,318 kg/ha/h. It has been established that in 2014 under the conditions of moisture deficiency the range of SRI values in the above soil types narrowed down considerably, thus amounting to 2,78+0,35 and 6,76+0,58 kg/ha/h respectively. It has been revealed that an integrated error which proves most significant as to its value appears due to the imperfection of the device and the equipment, as well as due to ΔCО2 value (the difference between the finite and the initial concentration in the chamber). The total value of the errors ranges from 60,6 to 93,4% of the error total value.
66-75 135
It is determined regularities сhanges of salt, nutritious, water regimes, agrophysical, physical and chemical properties of chernozem podzols in the drip irrigation by first class water and different fertilizer systems in crop rotation conditions. Variants of an optimum combination of regimes drip irrigation and fertilizer systems which provide high productivity of vegetable crops are determined.


76-86 124
The enter of macro and microelements with atmospheric precipitation and their losses by removal in subsoil waters depending on texture of sod-podzoliс soils, forms and dozes of applied fertilizers (according to the long-term supervision lead on lysimeter station in Minsk during 1981-2015) are presented.
86-92 113
Results of researches of efficiency of the organic (green manure, post-harvest residues) and mineral (moderate rate) fertilizers in short-term rotation on the background of plowing and surface soil treatment are given. It is established that significant changes of humus content in 0-30 cm soil layer has not occurred. In general, for the four-year crop rotation period a content decrease of alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen, mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium in the soil is observed.
92-101 118
It is established, that for after emergency the period there was an essential decrease in biological availability and intensity of migration137Cs in system soil-plant owing to not exchange fixing and reduction of water-soluble and exchange forms in soil. Transfer factors were reduced on sod-podzolic soils in grain crops in 3,0-6,7 times, in potato tubers - in 5,0-7,5 times. On peat soils availability137Cs has decreased on the average 2,5 times. Transition137Cs in plants on these soils in 2,7 times above, than on sod- podzolic soils. Receipt indicators90Sr in plants most intensively decreased right after emergency losses, further they were stabilized. In connection with high mobility90Sr in soil (50% and more are in the exchange form) transfer factors in agricultural crops essentially above in comparison with137Cs - in grain crops on 2,5-3 order, in potato tubers - on the average in 5 times.
102-107 111
The article is devoted to the analysis of humus and changes of its reserves in podzolic chernozem in a prolonged agricultural use. Reduction of humus and its stocks in comparison with the data at the time of carrying of the experiment, due to increasing of mineralization process and the low return had organic residues to soil. Fertilizing systems that were studied in the experiment, different influence on humus conditions. The best dynamic stabilization observed by organo-mineral fertilizer system in the versions of 9 tons of manure and manure + N45P68K36 13.5 t + N67P102K54.
107-116 125
The data on the influence of the type of crop rotation, different fertilizers systems, crop type on the organic matter quantity in the topsoil, its physical and chemical properties are shown. It is determined that the cultivation of row crops in the rotation and unchanging agricultural crops lead to deterioration of the physical and chemical properties of seasonally frozen soil of the Middle Priamurye region. Cultivation of perennial grasses in crop rotation can save and improve soil properties.
117-124 120
In studies on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil found that lowering doses of phosphate and potash fertilizers with regard to the content of phosphorus and potassium in the straw plowed predecessor had ensured the grain yield of barley at the level of full doses of mineral fertilizers by a lower cost for fertilizers on 51 USD /ha, or 26%. The use of a compensatory nitrogen dose on plant residues of the precursor in the form of urea provided an increase grain yield of barley on 15,4 c/ha in spring application and 3,4 kg/ha in autumn. In the variants with the NPK application under barley additional amounts of nitrogen on straw increased yields an average of 4,2 c/ha.
125-137 128
The action of alternative fertilizers compare to traditional organic fertilizers on spring barley productivity on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil. Overall, studied fertilizers have similar agronomic and economic effectiveness. Their use has a positive effect on the grain and straw quality and provides high nutritional and energy value. Fertilizers use contributes to a positive balance of the main nutrients. However, their introduction for barley is unprofitable.
138-150 123
Comparative effectiveness of new and traditional types of organic fertilizers on the sod-podzolic sandy loam soil was studied. It was established the liquid and solid organic fertilizers on the basis of biogas residue has positive effect on the yield and quality of corn green mass. Action of «Effluent» similar mineral fertilizers and traditional liquid organic fertilizers at the similar nitrogen doses. The highest nutritional and energy value of green mass was obtained by «Effluent» fertilizing. Maximal net income obtained by 35 and 70 t/ha of «Effluent» - 226-257 USD/ha.
150-158 115
The optimum parameters of nutrition barley with cobalt depending on the supply levels of a sod-podzolic sandy soil with this element which enhance the productivity and the cobalt content in the grain are given.
158-167 127
Method for determining nitrogen mineralization ability of peat soils is based on carrying out hydrolysis for 18 ± 0,5 hours at temperature of +27 °C in the presence of a restoring agent nitrates alloy Devarda or zinc dust mineral and organic compounds of nitrogen with as extractant solution of 0,2 M KOH at a ratio of soil: solution 1:20, measuring the concentration of ammonium nitrogen in the filtrate using photometer and processing results of the analysis by a personal computer.
167-181 264
The review have shown the perspective of Azospirillum spp use as an acting agents of biofertilizers is connected with their ability to plant growth promotion, nitrogen fixation in association with grain crops, different nitrogen metabolism, chemotaxis and aerotaxis. Under the condition of choice of active Azospirillum strain possessing high capability of root colonization, N2-fixation, growth promotion as well as under the optimization of mineral N-nutrition of plants the application of Azospirillum spp may provide the real input of biological nitrogen in crop yield and the increase of protein content in crops.

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ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)