No 1 (2020)
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7-14 481
The analysis of the use the mineral fertilizers in the Republic of Belarus and the production capacity of soils is given. It was revealed that soil fertility increased significantly due to the rather high doses of fertilizer application on arable land in previous years. Stabilization of arable land productivity at the level of 40-45 c / ha is indicates of high soil potential. The issues of increasing payback the mineral fertilizers and holding measures for more efficient use of the achieved fertility are relevant in conditions of deficiency mineral fertilizers.
S. V. Shul’Gina,
T. N. Azarenok,
D. V. Matychenkov,
O. V. Matychenkova,
L. I. Shibut,
S. V. Dydyshko
15-36 234
The demand for online access to information on agricultural land soils actualizes the question about the development of reference analytical system “Electronic Soil Register of Belarus”. The article contains the regulatory justification for the formation of the register and the scientific and methodological bases for its construction.
37-45 218
Mapping and occurrence of eroded soils in different regions of Belarus were analyzed in the paper. A soil-erosion map composed in Research Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry shows the types of erosion (water and wind) as well as the intensity of its manifestation (weak, medium, strong and very strong) on agricultural lands. The methodology of soil-erosion map’s preparation and its implementation in agriculture are described.
45-53 335
This article was supported by the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research. The article presents the results of research on the study of rare and unique soils of the Republic of Belarus. The study was conducted to establish the conditions for the formation, composition and properties of podzolic soils developing on light and coherent parent rocks and based on the systematization and analysis of the data. Knowledge of unique soil varieties is the information basis for providing research work on soil conservation, an indispensable component of the biosphere. This information can be used to realization environmental programs. Information on podzolic soils can be used in educational programs: data on the properties, characteristics, distribution and classification of soils in Belarus, as well as forestry experts.
V. B. Tsyrybka,
M. M. Tsybulka,
H. M. Ustsinava,
I. A. Lahachou,
I. I. Kasyanenka,
A. V. Yukhnovets,
A. A. Mitskova
54-61 164
The article presents the results of studies of the influence of organic fertilizer and liming on the structure and water resistance of sod-podzolic light loamy soils subject to erosion degradation. The positive effect of the applying of organic fertilizers on the values of these indicators was established. The average statistical dependences (r - 0,67) between the content of agronomical valuable aggregates and the water resistance of the soil with the content of humus in it were revealed.
61-77 170
The article presents а new interpretation of humus-granulometric relations of sod-pale-podzolic light loamy soils as a result of the cultural process of soil formation. The presence of a general principle of the relationship between the fractions of particle size distribution and the humus state, in particular, between the humus content in physical clay, the humus content in the soil and the grain size fractions through dynamic equilibrium constants is shown. An attempt was made to evaluate the degree of soil stability on the basis of indicators of humus-granulometric relations, buffering in the acid and alkaline ranges, and cation exchange capacity. The data obtained can be used as a new method for assessing soil fertility and stability as a result of agrogenic effects.
78-86 165
Irrigation of ordinary chernozems in the South of Moldova with water of good quality from the Dniester river for 12 years caused changes in the composition of primary and clay minerals. They were expressed in a marked decrease in the content of both groups of minerals and in the relative accumulation of quartz in the soil. Among the primary minerals, feldspars and layered silicates were destroyed, while among the clay minerals, smectite, chlorite, and kaolinite were destroyed. Signs of smectite transfer along the profile and accumulation in horizon B, as noted by other researchers, have not been established. Indicators of changes in the mineralogical state indicate that the upper part of the irrigated Chernozem, along with quartz, receives additional enrichment with illite. The destruction of silicate minerals and the relative accumulation of quartz in the soil should be attributed to the negative impact of irrigation on the soil.
86-93 141
The balance of mineral masses of the silicate part of the ordinary Chernozem irrigated for 12 years with good quality waters from the Dniester in comparison with non-irrigated ordinary Chernozem revealed losses from irrigation of primary minerals in the amount of 201 t/ha, clay minerals - 470 t/ha. The losses were comparable with the losses of primary (259 t/ha) and clay (607 t/ha) minerals in the entire history of the formation of this chernozem. Irrigation caused additional illitization of the upper part of the chernozem profile and an increase in the amount of illite by 42 t/ha. Amond of clay minerals, the greatest losses (439 t/ha) are associated with smectite. Smectite losses occurred on the spot without moving it deeper into the profile. The applicability of the method used for calculating the mineral balance in assessing changes in the mineralogical composition of irrigated chernozems in Moldova was confirmed.
94-104 174
The results of studies on the phosphate state of sod-podzolic light loamy soil under conditions of residual aftereffect of phosphorus fertilizers are presented. With a very high supply of soil with phosphates of various solubilities, a significant decrease in the degree of phosphate mobility (by 15-29 %) was noted for mineral and organic backgrounds of the crop rotation. A significant decrease in the phosphate content, determined by the method of Kirsanov and I + II group according to Chirikov, was observed exclusively against a manless background and did not exceed 8 and 5 %, respectively. The change in the amount of phosphates of group III according to Chirikov was insignificant.
104-116 181
The results of Agrochemical Soil Survey for 50 years showed the 3 times increase of mobile K-supply of arable soils and grassland in Belarus. The 2/3 of arable soils square and ½ of grassland are characterized with optimal or high level of mobile K content. At the same districts of country the needs for improvement of K-fertilizer supply of potentially fertile Luvisol clay and loam soils are evident, as well as reduce the K-supply of poorer sandy soils with higher mobile K content. Differentiated norms of K-balance accordingly of initial mobile K content of different textured soils are proposed.
117-125 138
The article presents data on the impact of various agrotechnological techniques (basic and soil-protecting technology) of cultivating corn on green mass, standard and new forms of complex fertilizers with the addition of microelements and plant growth regulators, different doses of fertilizers, microelement (Zn together with Ecosil) on green mass productivity corn, product quality, economic efficiency and the appropriateness of the techniques used in the anthropogenically transformed peat soils of Polesie. The most effective agrotechnological methods for cultivating corn on green mass on these soils have been identified.
125-132 143
The use of nitrogen fertilizers in rates from 100 to 140 kg/ha increases the productivity of perennial grasses on the background of P90K150 from 92.9 to 105.9 C/ha of hay or from 47.4 to 54.0 C/ha of feed units, on the background of P90K180 - from 97.0 to 110.7 C/ha of hay or from 49.5 to 56.5 C/ha of feed units. Maximum productivity is provided when using N140P90K180 -110.7 C/ha of hay or 56.5 C/ha of feed units. Increases in hay due to nitrogen fertilizers on backgrounds with different doses of potash fertilizers are close and make up 30.4-43.4 C/ha price or 15.5-22.1 C/ha of feed units against the background of P90K180 - 29.1-42.8 C/ha of hay or 14.9-21.9 C/ha of feed units. The highest payback of nitrogen fertilizers with an increase in yield is formed when they are applied in rates of 120 kg/ha. Against the background of P90K150, it was 33.8 kg of hay or 17.3 feed units, against the background of P90K180 33.1 kg of hay or 16.9 feed units.
133-143 209
The article presents the data of phytotesting of sod-podzolic soils with regular application of pig manure effluents, liquid manure of cattle and litterless bird droppings using three test cultures - spring barley, winter wheat, and corn. It was established that the studied soils do not have a phytotoxic effect on the parameters of growth and development of test cultures: seed germination relative to soils without loads was at least 90 % with inhibition of sprout length not more than 11.6 %, roots 12.7 %. The total toxicity of the studied soils corresponds to the V class of toxicity (norm), i. e. the value of the test functions is at the level of soils without loads.
143-152 166
Correlation analysis showed enough close negative relationship (r) between the pH, the content of mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium in sod-podzolic loamy sand soils and the transfer coefficients of137Cs and90Sr in the green mass of peas. The content of mobile potassium, at which there is a minimum accumulation of137Cs by green mass of peas is in the range of 350-379 mg/kg, humus - 2.3-2.5 % and90Sr at pH of 5.7-6.3. The content of mobile phosphorus, at which there is a minimum accumulation of90Sr with green mass of peas is in the range of 210-240 mg/kg, the exchangeable CaO of 950-1050 mg/kg.
152-159 140
In studies conducted in 2012-2013 on Luvisol loamy sand soils, it was found that the minimum accumulation of137Cs by clover plants is observed at exchangeable pH in the range of 6.1-6.7. The minimum transfer of137Cs to clover are observed at the content of exchange calcium - 1430-1580 mg/kg and magnesium - 138-155 mg/kg of soil. The minimum accumulation of137Cs by clover plants is observed when the content of mobile potassium is 480-530 mg/kg of soil. The accumulation of137Cs by clover decreases more intensively with an increase in the content of mobile potassium in the soil to the level of 300 mg/kg K2O, further increase of mobile potassium in the soil is less effective. A fairly close and reliable relationship has been established between the transfer factor of137Cs and the humus content in the soil. The minimum transfer factor for137Cs is recorded at humus content in the range from 2.7 to 3.1 %.
160-166 187
The results of studies on the effect of fertilizers on the consumption of nutrients by sunflower plants by the phases of growth and development are presented. In the course of research, the observation of the dynamic accumulation of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium is due to the fact that mineral fertilizers and growth regulators have a positive effect on the level of the content of plant components of sunflower.
166-175 181
The article presents the results of studies on the use of new forms of complex fertilizers in the cultivation of table beets on sod-podzolic light loamy soil. The influence of the studied fertilizers on the productivity of root crops, their marketability, quality and removal of nutrients was also studied. The use of complex NPK fertilizer with boron and manganese at a dose of N90P80K130 increased the yield of table beets by 9,5 t/ha in comparison with the use of urea, ammoniated superphosphate and potassium chloride in the same dose. The use of complex fertilizers for foliar application Leafdrip and Agricola Aqua Vegeta on the background of N90P80K130 increased the yield of root crops by 6,5 and 4,3 t/ha, respectively. Complex NPK fertilizers with boron and manganese at a dose of N90P80K130 and N90P80K130 + Leafdrip provided the highest content of dry matter (17,0 and 17,1 %), sugars (14,0 and 15,4 %) in beet root crops and marketability of root crops of beet (96,4 and 95,6 %).
176-182 163
The article presents the results of studies on the effectiveness of using MicroStim liquid micronutrient fertilizers in the cultivation of maize on sod-podzolic highly cultivated light loamy soil. It has been established that non-root top dressing of micronutrient corn during the growing season increases yield, improves product quality and is a cost-effective method.
182-190 164
The article presents the results of field experiments on the accumulation and removal of micronutrients by oil flax plants in foliar top dressing in the form of inorganic salts and the new liquid microfertilizer Mi-croStim. Application of microfertilizer MicroStim contributed to a more intensive accumulation of boron, zinc and copper in seeds and straw of flax in comparison with inorganic salts, increased the total removal of copper by 2,3-30,3 %, zinc - by 8,9-12,5 % (for except for with a dose Zn0,3 Cu0,1), boron - 2,8-18,7 %.
190-204 191
The article presents data on the effect of new forms of complex fertilizers with the addition of iron-containing compounds in the form of sulfates or chelates) on the entry of iron into the soil (arable horizon), seed yield, oil content, iron intake in oil flax plant in the “herringbone” and flowering phase (stem, inflorescences and roots), plant affection by various diseases when cultivated on sod-podzolic loose sandy soils. It was found that the inclusion of iron-containing compounds in doses (0,07-0,10 % by weight of fertilizerand, mainly iron-containing compounds in complex with plant growth regulators (Epin, Hydrohumate) has a positive effect on seed yield, oil content with a one-time reduction in the incidence of plant growth by various diseases.
205-220 183
Corn is the main silage crop in the agriculture of the Republic of Belarus. The main technique aimed at achieving this goal is the use of mineral and organic fertilizers. To form high yields, corn plants require a significant amount of nutrients throughout the growing season. Thus, these studies are relevant. The use of fertilizers significantly influenced the increase in the yield of green mass of corn, and the content of necessary macro- and micro-elements in it. Promoted a positive photosynthetic activity of crops. The improvement of all these indicators is affected not only by the correctly selected doses of organic and macronutrient fertilizers, but also by micronutrient fertilizers and growth regulators. The best fertilizer system to obtain a high and high-quality corn silage crop during the experiments was organomineral with foliar top dressing with zinc-containing micronutrient fertilizers.
220-232 149
Application of mono inoculants Azospirillum brasilense, Bacillus circulans, Тrichoderma longibrachiatum (sowing treatment) as well as their binary compositions stimulates the formation of generative stems, the increase of grain’s number in spike and spike mass, as well as results in the reduction of pathological process in grain crops growing on different slope elements of Luvisol loamy sand eroded soils. Anti stress action of microbial inoculants provides the increase of grain crop yields on eroded soils. As a rule most significant effects from mono inoculants were obtained on eroded soils (yield responses - 4.3-6.6 %). Binary compositions were effective at different slope elements of Luvisol loamy sand eroded soils (yield responses 3.4-7.9 %).
ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)