
Soil Science and Agrochemistry

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No 1 (2021)
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17-27 194

The article analyzes the dynamics of data describing the agro-climatic conditions of Belarus (the sum of temperatures above 10 °C, precipitation, hydrothermal coefficient, bioclimatic potential). The values of the hydrothermal coefficient, as well as the values of points reflecting the decrease in soil fertility of arable land due to agroclimatic conditions in the republic by regions, individual administrative districts are given on the basis of updated data of the second round of cadastral assessment.

27-42 150

Using the balance method, the features of the quantitative content of fractions of physical clay (medium and fine dust, and silt) relative to their content in the parent rock were established, and the features of their ratio and redistribution in physical clay as a result of prolonged agrogenic impact in comparison with natural soils were revealed. A new interpretation of the granulometric composition of soddy-pale-podzolic light loamy soils is presented and the presence of a general principle of the relationship between the fractions of physical clay and soil humus through the constants of dynamic equilibrium, as well as between the indicators of humus-granulometric ratios and the productivity of soils is shown. The data obtained can be applied as a new method for assessing soil fertility.

42-50 143

The article presents the results of studies of the relationship between agrochemical and agrophysical properties with the structure and resistance to erosive degradation of sod-podzolic loamy soils formed on loess-like parental material. Pedotransfer functions have been developed and verified. The ranges of soil properties that form the optimal structural state and resistance to erosion processes are determined.


51-59 140

The results of studies on the study of the potash state of sod-podzolic light-loamy soil under the conditions of the use of potassium-deficient fertilizer systems are presented. It is established that the use of potassium-deficient fertilizer systems on soils with a high content of mobile potassium leads to the development of intensive degradation processes in relation to this element and the depletion of the potash fund of the soil. The decrease in the content of water-soluble potassium during the rotation of the fivefield grain-crop rotation is 9–34 %, mobile – 11–25 %, non-exchange 10–15 %. The highest rates of degradation were observed when using a mineral fertilizer system. The introduction of manure reduced the loss of potassium in absolute terms, but increased the share of unproductive losses.

60-72 139

The data of diagnostics of nitrogen nutrition of spring wheat on highly cultivated soil are presented. A close relationship between crop yield and grain quality and nitrogen content in soil and plants has been established. The greatest number of conjugated indicators was revealed in the phases of flag-leaf and earing of spring wheat. The optimal parameters of these indicators allowing to obtain the yield of spring wheat at the level of 60 and more c/ha are determined: the content of mineral nitrogen in plants in the phase of the flag leaf is not less than 200 mg/kg, in the earing – not less than 270 mg/kg; the content of total nitrogen in the first node-not less than 3,3 %, in the flag leaf – more than 1,8 %.

73-92 133

The comprehensive assessment of the effect of dose loads of liquid by-products of animal husbandry and poultry manure on the agrochemical parameters of sod-podzolic soils, their phytotoxicity, sanitary condition, enzymatic activity, the content of pollutants, as well as on agricultural crops growing on them was carried out.

93-105 174

In a stationary field experiment four levels of exchangeable magnesium content were prepared, reflecting the differences in arable soils of Belarus (Mg 45–240 mg/kg of soil). The optimal range of exchangeable Mg 120–140 mg/kg of soil was found for the formation of a high yield of peas with good grain quality. The equivalent ratio of cations in the soil should be Ca2+: Mg2+ = 4–5 and K+: Mg2+ = 0,6–0,7. It was found the positive yield response to sulfur applied to soil and to foliar application of magnesium sulphate solution, that verified the deficit of S and Mg nutrition for pea plants at the range of exchangeable Mg content <120 mg/kg of soil. The parameters of soil and plant diagnostics of pea nutrition with sulfur and magnesium have been developed.

106-112 129

The article presents the results of studies on the effectiveness of the use of liquid micro-fertilizers MicroStim in the cultivation of corn under production conditions on sodpodzolic highly cultivated light loamy soil. It has been established that foliar feeding of corn with MicroStim micronutrient fertilizers in the phase of 6–8 leaves increases the yield of green mass by 48–52 c/he, grain – by 9,5–10,6 c/he, zinc content by 3,2–4,8 mg/he kg, copper – by 1,7–2,2 mg/kg dry weight.

113-119 156

On peaty-gley soil with content of mineral nitrogen in the early spring period of 50–55 kg/ha, a high supply of mobile phosphorus (875 mg/kg), an increased supply of mobile potassium (805 mg/kg) and an average supply of mobile copper (7,15–7,99 mg/kg), the most effective system for fertilizing perennial grasses is the use of N120P90K150 together with non-root fertilization with copper (Cu80). This fertilizer system provides a conditional net income of 94,07 rubles/ha (38,71 US dollars/ha), a profitability of – 17,1 % and a return on fertilizer of – 18,3 kg of hay, or 9,3 feed units.

120-128 139

The article presents the results of studies of the use of complex micronutrient fertilizers MicroStim and the growth regulator Ecosil in the cultivation of beets on sodpodzolic light loamy soil. The influence of the studied fertilizers on the yield of root crops, their marketability, quality and removal of nutrients has been established. Double treatment of table beet crops with micro-fertilizer MicroStim-Bor,Copper against the background of application of mineral fertilizers in doses of N90P80K130 and N100P90K140 ensured maximum productivity – 52,8 and 55,7 t/ha. In root crops, the dry matter content was 17,2 and 17,4 %, sugars 14,4 and 15,3 %, respectively.

129-138 122

Separate and combine application of A. brasilense, B. circulans and T. longibrachiatum in laboratory and field experiments showed their capability of plant growth stimulation, improvement of plant adaptation and productive process parameters of winter triticale. It was found the essential fungi static effect of separate and combine microbial inoculants on root rot development. Application of binary compositions A. brasilense + Т. longibrachiatum, B. circulans + Т. longibrachiatum and A. brasilense + B. circulans resulted in grain yield responses in diapason of 4,3–7,0 %. Yield responses from monoinoculants varied as follows: 1,9–5,9 % according soil erosion catena.

139-149 132

On the basis of new experimental data obtained in field technological experiments, optimal systems for fertilizing zucchini cultivated on sod-podzolic soils of different degrees of fertility have been developed, providing stable yields with high fruit quality.
Varieties and hybrids of zucchini that accumulate nitrate to a lesser extent in specific soil and climatic conditions are identified.

149-161 265

Studied zeolite substrates consist of chemically modified clinoptilolite of the Kholinsky deposit (Transbaikal group, Russia) and contain correcting additives – natural phosphate minerals. Zeolite is saturated with K+ and NH4+ ions, the molar ratio of which (N/K) can vary in the range of N/K = 0,5–4. The pH value of the water in contact with the substrate can also be set during the production process (pH = 4,5–7,5). We studied the cultivation of the following crops in laboratory pot experiments: leaf lettuce; ryegrass; tomatoes; cucumber; seed potatoes; garden strawberries; zucchini; sweet pepper; arabidopsis; marigold; peas. As the main test culture for elucidating the influence of various factors on plant growth, we used leaf lettuce cultivar Aficion (Lactuca sativa, Aficion). Using this example, the influence of the following factors on plant growth on nutrient media containing a zeolite substrate was studied: granulometric composition of the substrate; the influence of the content of the substrate in mixtures with various sterile and nutritious soils; pH of water in contact with the substrate; the ratio of mobile nitrogen and potassium in the substrate. All tested plants can grow on 100 % zeolite substrate and respond positively to the addition of such a substrate to fertilized and non-fertilized soils. The addition of a relatively small amount of non-fertilized neutralized high-moor peat to the zeolite substrate dramatically improves plant growth. Plants grown on such mixtures contain an order of magnitude less nitrates in biomass than on nutrient soils fertilized with nitrates with comparable biomass yields.

161-171 158

The effect of the composition of mixtures of a nutritious zeolite substrate with non-fertilized neutralized high-moor peat on the growth of determinant tomatoes in a laboratory pot experiment was studied. Zeolite substrate contained a complete set of inorganic substances necessary for plants. In the experiment, the content of the zeolite substrate in a mixture with peat (0–100 %) and the molar ratio of nitrogen and potassium (N:K = 0,5:1 – 3:1) were varied with a total content of these elements of about 50 meq/100 g of substrate. The cultivation of tomatoes was carried out in pots containing 450 ml of nutrient medium during the full cycle of plant development (from seed to ripe fruits). Watering was carried out with drinking-quality tap water. No plant feeding was carried out during plant growth. In the process of plant growth, monitoring of the crown volume was carried out using the proposed method, which is based on periodic measurement of the height and width of the projection of the plant from different angles. This made it possible to plot the dependence of the crown volume depending on the growing time, the percentage of the substrate in the mixture with peat, and the N: K ratio. It has been shown that nutrient media containing 50 and more percent of zeolite substrate have a sufficient supply of nutrient ions balanced in composition to ensure the full growth of tomato plants of the determinant cultivar Red Pearl. The largest crown volume and fruit mass were observed when using a mixture of 10 % peat with 90 % zeolite substrate with a ratio of N: K = 2:1.

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ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)