
Soil Science and Agrochemistry

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No 2 (2023)
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7-13 97

   The results of research on the development of a specialized information system based on a computerized system for collecting, storing, processing information using geostatistical assessments are presented. The practical application of a specialized information system allows, with the least material costs, to significantly increase the economic efficiency of obtaining crop products through objective production planning, taking into account the requirements for agro-ecological properties of the soil cover, determine the quantitative need for applying organic and mineral fertilizers, the feasibility
of carrying out measures to increase soil fertility, which will provide a differentiated approach to the use of soil resources and fertilizers for the planned yield for each field of an agricultural enterprise.

14-23 93

   A scale of potential risks of crop production in the event of droughts and arid phenomena, developed on the basis of a score assessment of soil (area of soils, least resistant and low resistant to droughts and arid phenomena) and climatic (cartograms of the sum of temperatures above 10 °C and annual precipitation) conditions, by administrative-territorial units (districts) presents at the article. It is proposed that the risk of crop production in the event of droughts and arid phenomena is considered weak with a total score of ≤ 5, average – 6–7, high – 8–9, very high – ≥ 10 points. The results of the assessment and a cartogram of the potential risks of crop production in the event of droughts and arid phenomena are presented. It has been established that Brest, Kamenetsky, Braginsky, Vetkovsky, Dobrushsky, Vetkovsky, Narovlyansky, Khoiniksky, Berestovitsky, Volkovysk, Grodno, Svislochsky, Shchuchinsky, Bykhovsky, Slavgorodsky districts have a very high potential risk of negative impact of droughts and arid phenomena on crop production. In 42 districts, located mainly in Gomel, Brest and Grodno regions, the potential risk is high, in 45 – medium, in 17 districts – low.

24-33 88

   The assessment of the ecological and economic damage caused by water erosion of soils of arable lands of the Mstislavsky district of the Mogilev region is present at the article. It is established that the direct damage from the shortage of crops will amount to 4,620 thousand rubles. The total cost of purchasing and applying fertilizers to compensate for the loss of humus and nutrients caused by erosion degradation is about 800 thousand rubles. Consequently, the total environmental and economic damage is at least 5,420 thousand rubles. According to optimistic scenarios of the forecast, an increase in the proportion of perennial grasses to 40–75 % and a decrease in the proportion of row crops to 0–10 % will reduce direct damage from erosion degradation processes to 3383–4380 thousand rubles, indirect damage to 214–580 thousand rubles. The total damage will amount to 462–1822 thousand rubles. The exclusion of perennial grasses from the structure of sown areas and an increase in the proportion of row crops to 40 % or more will lead to an increase in direct damage by 1,4 times, indirect damage by 4,0 times. The total environmental and economic damage is projected at the level of 9,800 thousand rubles, which is 1,8 times higher than with the existing structure of acreage.

34-43 71

   The article presents data on the redistribution of 137Cs as a result of deflationary processes. It has been established that along natural and anthropogenic obstacles, zones of accumulation of deflation material with an increased content of radionuclide are formed. On loose-sand soils, the difference in pollution density between the transport and accumulation zone reaches 30,0 %, on sandy soils – 45,0 %, on peat and peat-mineral soils – up to 37,5 %, and on residual peat and post-peat soils – 75,0 %. The zones of maximum accumulation of radionuclides correspond to the south-eastern parts of the fields, which is due to the prevailing wind directions. At the same time, it should be noted that the water regime plays a key role on organic soils, as they have zones of permanent overwetting, from the surface of which there is practically no transfer of soil particles.


44-59 61

   The influence of tillage techniques and fertilizer systems on the content and stocks of nutrients in mortmass in layers of 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm of sod-podzolic soils has been established, the dynamics of stocks during the winter wheat vegetation has been studied; the relationship between grain yield and stocks of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium mortmass in soils was determined.

60-66 83

   The article presents correlations between the yield of green mass of Sudangrass harvested in the phase of the beginning of the heading and in the phase of milky-wax ripeness, on the one hand, and the main agrochemical parameters (exchangeable acidity pHKCl, humus content, K2O, P2O5), on the other hand. The strength of the relationship between each of the indicators is shown. Based on the established trend lines and regression equations, the quantitative parameters of the change in the yield of green mass of Sudangrass in different phases of cutting ripeness were determined with a change in the values of influencing factors. Were calculated predicted yield of green mass and the intensity of its growth between the phases of crop development with the variability of agrochemical parameters of sod-podzolic sandy loamy soil.

67-79 74

   Cultivation of Pisum sativum L, Millenium under soil microcosm conditions in model experiments with different glyphosate content in soil: С0, С1, С2 and С3, which corresponding the application of 0; 3,0; 10,0 and 50,0 liters of herbicide per hectare. Experimental data showed that seed inoculation by rhizobacteria Azospirillum sp. and Rhizobium sp. provided anti-stress effect on cultivated plants at high diapason of glyphosate content in soil. Anti-stress action of inoculation procedure realized in plant growth promotion, root stimulation, as well as in the increase of leaf’s assimilation area and chlorophylls content in leafs.

80-90 79

   Cultivation of Zea Mais, Frodo under soil microcosm conditions in model experiments with different glyphosate content in soil: С0, С1, С2 and С3, which corresponding the application of 0; 3,0; 10,0 and 50,0 liters of herbicide per hectare. Experimental data showed that seed inoculation by rhyzobacteria Pseudomonas spp. provided anti-stress effect on cultivated plants at high diapason of glyphosate content in soil. Anti-stress action of inoculation procedure realized in plant growth promotion, root stimulation, as well as in the increase of leaf’s assimilation area and chlorophylls content in leafs.


91-98 77

   This regulation establishes requirements for the implementation of technological operations for the cultivation of spring wheat with an average estimated grain yield of quality class 2 at the level of 60.0 c/ha (maximum 79 c/ha) with various intensification of technologies for its cultivation on sod-podzolic highly cultivated loamy soils.

99-106 60

   These sections of the industry technological regulations establish requirements for the effective use of fertilizer systems, depending on the level of intensification of corn cultivation for green mass on sod-podzolic highly cultivated soils with a entific research and field experiments in the cultivation of corn of the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry”.

107-118 57

   Fertilization systems for winter wheat are recommended, including the application of cattle bedding manure, the incorporation of chopped straw of the predecessor, and, taking into account the organic background, effective doses of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, optimal timing and doses of nitrogen fertilizing, which, along with increasing yield, will improve the quality of grain content protein (up to 12–13%), and gluten (up to 25–28%).

119-126 104

   The regulations provide doses, combinations and timing of the use of microfertilizers in the fertilizer system when cultivating winter rapeseed on sod-podzolic highly cultivated soils, ensuring increased yields and improved seed quality.

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ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)