No 2 (2009)
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7-22 129
The data on productivity of crop rotations with different share of grain crops in dependence on fertilizer system as well as parameters of agrochemical properties of Luvisol loamy sand soil (pH, humus content, mobile phosphorus and potassium content) in dependence on fertilizer system and crop rotation are considered.
23-31 119
The estimation of factor, forming erosion process, at the territory of northern, central and southern soil-ecological Belarusian province was showed in the article. The extent of climate influence, relief, soils and man's impact on intensive of water erosion is estimated by means of factor analysis method.
32-42 128
The estimation of factor, forming erosion process, at the territory of northern, central and southern soil-ecological Belarusian province was showed in the article. The extent of climate influence, relief, soils and man's impact on intensive of water erosion is estimated by means of factor analysis method.
42-52 127
The results of mineralogical investigations of sandy granulometric composition Hortic Anthrosols was formed on the various genesis rocks are submitted in the article. It is shown common transformations of the absorbing complex′s mineral basis of these soils which are responsible for the equilibrium quantitative ratio of hydromica and vermiculite components or for the predominance of minerals with swelling structures in the clay fractions of the agrohumus horizons what has shown positive effect on the betterment of properties soils and their fertility.
52-59 118
Research results on the evaluation of the genetic potential of the agrosod-carbonated light-loamy soils which are developed on the soil-forming rocks of different genesis and on the mineralogical composition indexes of clay (< 0,001 mm) and silt (0,001-0,005, 0,005-0,01 mm) fractions have shown in the article. It is given a comparison of the soils assessment scale was condacted by standart methods and was established on the mineralogical composition results.
59-66 125
Main features of forest, meadows and field geocenosis, which are of significant importance for further perfection of our knowledge about these ecosystems in aspect of possibility of regulation their influence on production processes and fertility status conservation.
67-78 144
The stochastic model of influence of drainage on a mode of adjacent territories is stated. The estimation of total effect of influence of drainage on efficiency of agricultural crops on the adjoining grounds is given, in view of zones of positive, negative and his neutral display.
79-92 199
The relation of the arable land productivity in feed units (f. u.) and fertilizer use efficiency to soil fertility and economic conditions of 118 districts of Belarus for 2004-2008 period and247 cooperative farms in Gomel region for period 2001-2005 had been studied. It was found that yield response per 1 kg NPK applied varied on farm level from 3.1 to 18.0 f. u., while the profit from fertilizer use varied from 4 to188 USD per ha. Analysis of reasons preventing the realization of potential crop yields according to soil fertility indices and fertilizer used has been done.
92-100 117
Liming of sod-podzolic light loam soil with рНKCl 4,3-4,5 promoted the decrease in lability of soil humus due to decrease in labile fraction of humic acids on 303 mg/kg, fulvic acids on 700 mg/kg of soil. Under influence of organic fertilizers the contents of labile humic acids has increased for 1140-1519 mg/kg of soil, fulvic acids has decreased for 164-264 mg/kg of soil. The most effective way to increaseof contents of labile humic acids in soil was joint application of 12,5 т/га in one year of manure and N83Р61К112 fertilizers on a limed background. The greatest supply of mobile humus and humic acids is observed to variants with organic-mineral system of fertilization. The maximal supply of mobile fulvic acids are typical for variants with application of mineral system of fertilizer.
100-110 143
Liming of sod - podsolic light loamy soil by dolomite meal end carbonate sapropel on the application N72P65K83 was gronomic efficiency method which give productivity of croup rotation in dimensions 3,3 metric c/hа f. un. end 4,6 c/hа f. un. Most the productivity of croup rotation was on fon dolomite meal in doose of the potassium fertilizer 140 kg/ha of plase croup rotation end was 80,8 c/hа f. un. The max effect of lime was on second year after carrying in lime material. Most influence on index of acidity soil exerted chalk (0,28 un. from 1 t w.s. CaCO3). Exacte displacement medium reaction (рНkcl) in dolomite meal was 0,12 un., and in carbonate sapropel - 0,19 un. For achievement level pH 6,10-6,20 and to avoid momentary alkali effect of soil in consequence increase pH more than 6,36 using carbonate sapropel and chalk for liming weak acidity sod-podzolic light loamy soil recommend to use correction factor CaCo3 - 0,63 for carbonate sapropel (lake Benin) and for chalk - 0,43 (deposit Berezov). Using liming of soils on weak acidity sod-podzolic light loamy soil with pH 5,76-6,00 optimum dose CaCO3 must be 2,0-2,5 t/hа w.s., it will be able to reach index ph 6,10-6,20.
110-119 137
At winter triticale cultivation on sod-podzolic soils the maximal productivity is received in variants with N70+30Р60К120 application on a background of 2-nd year aftereffect of growing dozes of manure. On light loam soil the grain productivity in these variants has made 77,0-79,9 c/ha at a recoupment of mineral fertilizers of 1 kg on the average 9,0 kg of grain, 1 t manure - 8,8 kg. The net profit has made 111-146 thousand roubles at profitability of 17-26%. Application of mineral fertilizers on a background of 20-60 т/га manure aftereffect on loose sandy loam soil has provided formation of productivity of a grain winter tritiсale at a level 68,5-72,9 ц/га. Each kg NРК thus paid off by 9,1 kg of grain tritiсale, 1 t manure - 24,4 kg. The net profit has made 155-165 thousand roubles at profitability 23-29%. Specific output of nutrients with crop yield of winter tritiсale has made on the average 17,8 kg of nitrogen, 9,7 kg of phosphorus, 15,3 kg of potassium, 1,3 kg of calcium and 1,9 kg of magnesium.
120-128 111
In researches on sod-podsolic light loamy soil application of manure of 40-50 tha-1 in a combination with N60+30P60K120 has provided the maximum indicators of efficiency of winter grain crops (a winter wheat, a winter rye, a winter triticale). Entering of covering manure of 50-60 tha-1 directly under winter grain crops has appeared more effectively the application of similar doses of manure in occupied steam (it has been an increase of a crop of 0,36-0,40 tha-1). At application of covering manure of 20-40 tha-1 entering of organic fertilizers in occupied steam and directly under winter grain crops has appeared almost equivalent.
129-136 134
The three-year data on influence of various winter rye fertilizer systems on indexes of total and specific removal and coefficients of nutrients use of soil and fertilizer are given.
137-150 112
The influence of doses and forms of liquid N-fertilizers amended by microelements (Cu and Mn) and biologically active substances applied both by basal and partial fertilizing as well as liquid complex fertilizers containing the chelate forms of microelements (including Fe) applied by foliar nutrition on the transfer of Cu in the spring wheat plants (cultivar Rassvet) under tillering, earing, ripeness was considered in the paper.
151-157 144
In article results of experience on studying of accumulation and consumption of elements of a food by plants of spring wheat of the various grades cultivated on three technologies of different degree of intensity are stated. It is established, that technologies of cultivation rendered stronger influence, than high-quality features of plants on consumption of nutrients. Absorption of N, P2O5, K2O with increase of level of intensity of technology increased, and on grades was practically identical.
157-166 115
In the article data on influence of mineral fertilizers on quality of grain summer triticale depending on degree of acidity and potassium security of soil are stated. The maximum productivity of summer triticale is received on soil with acidity рНKCI 6,3-6,5 and application the dose of potash fertilizers of 120 kg/hectares (60,7 t/hectares) - at level of soil security of mobile potassium 200-250 mg/kg, and doses of 70 kg/hectares (61,2 t/hectares) -at level of soil security of mobile potassium 300-350 mg/kg. Change of soil acidity with рНKCI 4,8-4,9 to рНKCI 6,3-6,5 has led to increase in weight of 1000 grains, the maintenance and gathering of crude fiber. The application of 120 kg/hectares potassium against nitrogen-phosphoric fertilizers has ensured the greatest sum of critical and irreplaceable amino acids. The greatest sum of critical amino acids (7,46) is received at acidity of soil рНKCI 6,3-6,5, and the greatest sum of irreplaceable amino acids (20,55) at acidity рНKCI 5,4-5,6.
166-174 124
The studies influence of conditions of mineral nutrition on photosynthetic productivity of plants oats ( Avena nuda ) are resulted in this paper at cultivation on Podzoluvesol loamy sand soil. The system of fertilizer N60+30+20Р40К90 + Cu + Mn + fungicide provided the maximum area in experience of a sheet surface - 51,57 thousand in m2/ha is formed to a phase sheet last, and value of photosynthetic potential in this phase reaches 0,58 million in m2/ha a day has been found. Active escalating of a sheet surface, and also its longer preservation in a functional condition (33,28 thousand in m2/ha to a phase tasseling of panicle) has ensured productivity of grain 48,2 c/ha. Application of mineral fertilizers promoted more intensive accumulation of a biomass on all phases of development and led to increase in an indicator of pure efficiency of photosynthesis on the variants with fertilizers.
174-183 143
In article data on influence of acidity and supply on sod-podsolic loamy sand soils mobile potassium on productivity and quality of spring rape seeds are stated. It is established, that decrease in acidity of soil with рНKCI 4,8-4,9 to рНKCI 5,4-5,6 and рНKCI 6,3-6,5 promotes growth of productivity of seeds on the control accordingly on 0,16 and 0,11 tha-1. In variants with fertilizers of an increase of productivity of seeds from decrease in acidity of soil increase and accordingly make 0,16-0,5 and 0,15-0,41 tha-1. At supply of soil mobile potassium 200-250 mg/kg the increase in doses of potash fertilizer from 90 to 150 kg/ha raises productivity of seeds from 0,13 to 0,58 tha-1 at all levels of acidity of soil. The increase of productivity of seeds from 1 kg potassium against рН 4,8-4,9 makes 1,4-1,6 kg, against рН 5,4-5,6 - 1,9-2,6 kg, against рН 6,3-6,5 - 2,6-3,8 kg. With growth of supply of soil mobile potassium to 300-350 mg/kg for spring rape the dose of potassium 90 kg/ha is most effective. The increase in doses of potassium at this level to 120-150 kg/ha leads to decrease the increases of productivity of seeds.
183-190 115
In clause, the results of researches on study of efficiency of application of organic and mineral fertilizers are resulted at cultivation of mix pea-oaten on light loamy soil. The basic entering N60P60K120 has ensured productivity of green weight of 558 c/ha (61,3 c/ha f.u.). Gathering of a crude protein at the given system of fertilizer has made 1353 kg/ha at security f.u. by protein at level of 97 g.
190-197 112
The research into sod podzolic light loamy soil has shown that the use of various kinds of organic fertilizers enhanced corn productivity by 2,5-15,6 t ha-1 with the overall yield productivity 65,0-78,1 tha-1 and the recoupment 27-60 fodder units per 1 t of manure. Using full mineral fertilizer N90+30P60K120 boosted productivity growth by 19,7 t ha-1 of corn green mass with the recoupment of 13,1 fodder units per 1 kg of NPK.
197-205 116
On dernovo-podsolic to soil entering into prelanding cultivation Р60К90 against application under background of fertilization by 60 t/hectares of straw cattle manure and processing of plants by growth regulators has provided productivity of tubers of a potato of 193-201 ts/hectares. The increase of productivity from growth regulators has made 23-31 ts/hectares. Growth regulators promote increase in the maintenance of starch and nitrates.
205-215 114
The application, on a background of 30 t/ha of organic fertilizer, complex fertilizer (NRK - 13:12:19) with modifying additives, which included sulfur, boron, zinc and iron, binders and biologically active substances, helps to ensure a maximum yield of hop cones (1930 kg/ha) and additional yield increase (270 kg/ha) compare with the variant, where the standard mixture of mineral fertilizers was applied. The content of alpha-acids increased from 11,6% to 12,2%, which ensured their collection of 237 kg/ha, and an increase of 43 kg/ha. The application of the complex fertilizers contributes to the shift of the ratio of cones to the mass of leaf mass in favor of the cones and the ratio of leaf mass to its area in favor of leaf mass. Soil and climatic conditions of our republic are favorable for the formation of high and good -quality cones yield. The qualitative indicators of the Hallertauer Magnum hop variety, grown in Belarus, the content of α-and β-acids, kogumulon and other indicators comply with the requirements of the brewing industry. The application of the complex fertilizers leads to an increase of the β-acids, reduction of the share of the kogumulon and increase of the lupulon and adlupulon in the hop cones.
216-227 116
Efficiency of outside root top-dressing of microelements during cultivation of maize on sod-podsolic sandy soil on different rates of mineral nutrition get registered after of applying zinc in mineral form on 1 rate mineral nutrition (50 t/ha manure+N120P60K120) in doze 75 g/ha reactant and on second rate mineral nutrition (50 t/ha manure +N180P90K180) - in doze 150 g/ha reactant; this is increase productivity of green mass on 53 c/ha and grain on 8,3 c/ha on 1 rate mineral nutrition, and on 61 c/ha and on 9,9 c/ha on second rate. And also support maximal profitability of production green mass and grain maize 109% and 266%.
227-240 110
Results of field experiences on influence of Se-fertilizers on efficiency of grass and accumulation Se in them Se is given. In the first year of use of grass the authentic increase of a crop of hay of grass from entering of Se in soil are presented. In the first year of entering Se in a doze 100 г/га the contents it in hay Dactylis glomerata L. has increased in 4,7-5,5 times, in hay Festuca pratensis Huds. - in 4,6-8,2 times, in hay Phleum pretense L. - in 5,8-6,5 times and has made 117,5-209,8 mkg/kg. At a doze of entering Se 300 г/га the contents of Se in plants of Dactylis glomerata L., Festuca pratensis Huds. And Phleum pretense L. has increased in retensson with background in 12,9; 19,8; 12,7 times (рН 6,0) and in 10,8; 13,4 and 10,7 times (рН 6,7) also have made 340,2-456,1 mkg/kg. At unitary entering into ground Na2SeO3 in a doze 300 г Se/га before sowing of plants on luvisol light loamy soil to ground the contents Se in hay Dactylis glomerata L., Festuca pratensis Huds., and Phleum retense L. at a level optimum for forages is provided during the two-years vegetation.
240-247 113
The application of biofertilizer Kaliplant (K-mobilizing bacteria) was found to provide reliable yield responses of winter triticale grain in relatively wide diapason of mobile potassium contents (84-201 mg/kg, К2О) in Luvisol loamy sand soil. Significant stimulation effects of Kaliplant on the use of water-soluble, exchangeable and nonexchangeable potassium forms were observed if K2O contents in soil were in diapason of 84-164 mg/kg. Kaliplant effect on grain yield was connected with root growth promotion and the improvements of plant adaptive potential as well as K-nutrition.
248-261 110
The peculiarities of microbiological and enzymes activity were investigated in dependence on genetic characteristics and content of organic substances in Peat soils, Organic-mineral and Soddy-podzolic loamy sand and loamy clay ones in natural and modeling conditions, as well as in the conditions of lysimeter experiments. High degree of correlation between the content of organic matter in soil and the level of activity of polyphenoloxidase, peroxidase, catalase, urease and invertase has been determined. The ratio of peroxidase and polyphenolxidase activities specifies that in the drained peat soils the processes of organic matter mineralization essentially prevail over the humification ones. Alongside with that is defined, that at the similar content of organic substances in peat soils the intensity of polyphenoloxidase, peroxidase, invertase and dehydrogenase activities were 2 times lower in peat soil developing on reeds than that on sedge one that is explained by genetic and structural peculiarities of organic substances of these soils. Obtained results allow with sufficient measure of validity to use studied biological activity data for iagnoseing change of an ecological condition of soils in connection with application of various kinds and norms of mineral fertilizers. As the most sensitive indicators, reflecting a reaction of soils on application of mineral and organic fertilizers can be considered the number and structure of microflora, enzymes activity and intensity of CO2 producing by soil. The studied set of indicators is offered as probable and for concrete situations it can be differentiated.
261-269 181
The results of laboratory researches showed that the herbicides ATRIBUTE, WG (propoxycarbazone sodium, 700 g/kg), SECATEUR, WDG (amidosulfuron, 50 g/kg + iodosulfuron - methyl - sodium, 12,5 g/kg + mefenpyr-diethyl (antidote) Bayer CropScience AG, Germany production and LAREN, WP (metylsulfuron-metyl, 600 g/kg), Du Pont International Operations Sarl Co, Switzerland production by toxicological evaluation for soil biocoenosis evaluation and biochemical processes of soddy-podzolic soil one can refer to average danger pesticides.
269-273 121
The express method of an estimation of influence of radiations of plasma on seeds is based on measurement oxidation-reduction processes of breath of the seeds irradiated with plasma. The developed device by means of gauges with sufficient accuracy defines the maintenance of oxygen and carbonic gas in small volumes of air.
273-281 116
In article the data by efficiency of a preseeding irradiation of seeds of flax гелиевой is cited by plasma. As a result of complex studying of the basic technological parameters of preseeding processing of seeds of flax helium-plasma receives effective modes of influence of the given reception on intensity of growth and development of plants of flax.
ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)