
Soil Science and Agrochemistry

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No 1 (2024)
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7-12 93

The territorial features of the placement of soybean crops (for grain) in the regions of the republic are established based on the analysis of the cultivated areas of the crop. The data on soybean yields from 2015 to 2023 are analyzed. The analysis of the territory of the republic according to the sum of active temperatures above 15 °C. The coefficient of sustainability of harvesting in the regions of the republic is calculated. The research results serve as a basis for planning and developing the structure of soybean acreage, taking into account agro-climatic indicators.

13-19 58

The data on changes in the specific activity of 137Cs in the upper soil horizon as a result of deflationary processes are presented in the article. It has been established that the nature of land use plays a key role in the intensity of horizontal migration of 137Cs during deflationary processes. Changes in specific activity on meadow lands are more than two times lower than on arable lands.

On arable lands along natural and anthropogenic barriers, zones of accumulation of deflationary (induced) material with an increased radionuclide content are formed. On sandy soils, the difference in the specific activity of the arable horizon between the transfer and accumulation zones reaches 45,7 % on arable lands, and 22,3 % on meadow lands.

The degree of susceptibility to deflationary processes is closely related to the level of degradation of peat soils. On peat and peat-mineral soils, the difference in the specific activity of 137Cs between the zone of transfer and accumulation on arable lands is up to 37,5 %, on meadow soils – 18,3 %, and on residual peat and post-peat soils – reaches 77,6 % and 30,7 %, respectively, on arable and meadow lands.

20-26 55

The article presents the key elements of ecological modernization of land resources of the Republic of Belarus based on the state environmental policy, the purpose and principles of which are the combination of a high level of economic development of agricultural production and a low level of environmental impact.

The research results in the analysis of ecological modernization of land resources within the framework of the strategy implementation, which provides for the preservation and improvement of soil fertility of agricultural land by optimizing the structure of agricultural crops, introducing adaptive-landscape farming systems and introducing a system of soil ecological crop rotations, balanced use of organic and mineral fertilizers, active use of new effective fertilizers and pesticides with low toxicity.

27-34 82

The article presents the main stages of mapping of agrochemical properties by geostatistical method on the example of soil acidity. The comparison of classical and geostatistical methods of soil acidity mapping for the study area was carried out. The comparison was made by the following indicators: cost of sampling and laboratory analysis, costs of liming. Geostatistical method, despite higher costs of sampling and laboratory analysis, 2.9 times more expensive than the classical method, would reduce the cost of liming from 147 rub./ha to 109 rub./ha.

35-42 61

In laboratory experiments, it was found that the swelling rating of hydrogels in soil is lower than in distilled water and depends on the composition and concentration of ions dissolved in water and the balance between the force created by the swelling hydrogel and the restraining force of the surrounding soil particles.

The maximum swelling rating of hydrogels when applied to sod-podzolic cultivated middle loamy soil was observed with their surface application, with an increase in the depth of their embedding, it decreased. For this reason, soil application of Zeba hydrogel to a depth of 6–10 cm did not affect its maximum water-holding capacity. Under the same conditions, Bellava hydrogel has demonstrated greater resistance to compression by soil particles.


43-51 43

On sod-podzolic sandy loam soil, due to effective fertility, in an average of 2 years, winter rye grain hybrid KVS Vinetto 36,7 c/ha was obtained by plowing, 35,2 c/ha by disking. In the dry year 2023, grain yields were 9 % lower, and straw yields were 40 % lower than in 2022. Due to the use of fertilizers, the yield of winter rye grain on average increased by 2 times compared to the control. In the block with surface tillage, there was no significant difference in the yield of winter rye grain compared with similar variants in the block with traditional tillage, with the exception of the variant with straw treatment with microbial fertilizer Zhytsen, where the yield in the disking block was 7.6 c/ha higher than in the plowing block.

The sealing of straw without a compensating dose of nitrogen, both in traditional and surface tillage, did not have a negative effect on the uniformity of seedlings and the development of winter rye plants in the autumn period on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil.

52-63 46

The effect of S60 applied to soil as ammonium sulfate and the foliar spray of 4 % magnesium sulfate solution had been studied in the model field experiment with medium mobile S 7–10 ppm and four different levels of exchangeable Mg supply. The grain yield responses to the tested fertilizers were sufficient only on the low and medium content of Mg (45–120 ppm) in soil. Application of S60 to soil resulted with yield increase 0,76–0,65 t of wheat and 0,55–0,45 t of triticale. The same level of crop response was noted after foliar spray of magnesium sulfate: 0,75–0,58 t of wheat and 0,55–0,45 t of triticale. The assessment of mobile sulfur supply of arable soil in regions and district of Belarus has been done according to the data of 14 cycle of Soil Survey (2017–2020). In genera 2/3 of the area of arable soils in Belarus is characterized by a very low content of mobile sulfur with a difference by region from 15,1 % (Stolinsky district) to 99,9 % (Kruglyansky district).

64-73 48

The most effective in cultivating winter rapeseed was the use of complete mineral fertilizer N30+90+60P20K70 in combination with microfertilizers MicroStim-Manganese, MicroStim-Boron and plant growth stimulator Aminofol Plus against the background of the 2nd year of aftereffect of straw manure, which ensured the production of 38,9 c/ha of oil seeds containing 21,4 % protein, 48,3 % oil with 7,4 c/ha of crude protein yield and 79,3 c/ha of feed unit yield. With such a fertilization system, each kilogram of mineral fertilizers paid for 4,7 kg of oil seeds In a technological experiment on sod-podzolic loamy soil.

The standards for the specific removal of basic nutrients by winter rapeseed have been clarified. They make up are (kg/t): N – 31,8–37,9, P2O5 – 15,8–16,2, K2O – 21, 2–22,9 in depending on the fertilizer system used and the level of yield.

74-90 45

The influence of hydrothermal conditions and mineral nutrition regime on the corn production process was assessed in a technological experiment on highly cultivated loamy soddy-podzolic soil. It was revealed that in drier conditions of the growing season, the share of mineral fertilizers in the formation of the crop increases by 2 times, plant growth stimulants – varies at the level of 7–13 %, reaching maximum values in the least favorable weather conditions, increasing the resistance of plants to stress in the process of their growth and development.

It has been established that when using a full mineral fertilizer (N90+30Р20К60) or only one nitrogen fertilizer (N90+30) in combination with MicroStim-Zinc microfertilizer, Boron, plant growth regulator Agropon S or organomineral fertilizer Forkrop Golden 10-14-4 against a background of 60 t/ha of straw manure forms more than 120 c/ha of the biological yield of corn grain.

91-98 45

In a field experiment on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil, it was established that when the gross zinc content increases from low (23,3 mg/kg) to excessive level (35,7 mg/kg), the amount of mobile zinc increases from 2,6 to 11,1 mg/kg. The share of mobile zinc accounts for from 11,1 to 31,1 % of its total content. Zinc uptake by alfalfa plants increases linearly with increasing zinc concentration in the soil. An increase in the content of mobile zinc in the soil from low to excessive levels increases the accumulation of the element in alfalfa plants from 19,7 to 30,3 mg/kg dry weight.

In the technology of alfalfa cultivation on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil, low- and medium-provided zinc, foliar feeding in the branching phase with zinc fertilizer in doses of 0,15 and 0,10 kg/ha a. i. increases the yield of dry mass by 17,4 and 7,9 c/ha and increases the zinc content in plants to 25,6 and 24,0 mg/kg with a profitability of 87,2 and 25,5 %, respectively.

99-107 40

Model inoculation experiments for cultivation of fodge beans were conducted in conditions of soil microcosm with artificially created levels of glyphosate content in soil: 0; 3; 10 and 50 l/ha in the field conditions. Stress effect of glyphosate on the growth, development and photosynthesis parameters of plants was observed. Application of strains Bacillus circulans К-81 and Bacillus sp. Кт for seed inoculation resulted in signif- icant anti stress effects on plants at wide diapason of glyphosate content in soil. Plant’s growth stimulation, the increase of assimilation leafs square as well as chlorophyll and carotenoid contents in leafs were observed.

108-114 49

In world practice, there are many waste processing technologies. However, the use of most of them leads to an increasing accumulation in nature of gaseous, liquid and solid components, causing irreversible damage to the environment. In the Republic of Belarus, the problem of recycling wastewater sludge from industrial enterprises is quite acute due to the increased content of highly toxic substances in them. In this regard, there is a need to develop rational ways for their safe processing.

115-129 47

The article presents the data on the influence of various forms of sulfur-containing mineral fertilizers (phosphogips. Sulphurammophos, ammonium sulphatе) on productivity and grain quality of winter wheet. And spring rape, potato tubers and spring triticale (seeds) growing on podzoluvisol loamy sand soil. And sod-podzolic light loamy soil. Impact and aftereffect of phosphogips were established (found).


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ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)