
Soil Science and Agrochemistry

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No 2 (2012)
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8-16 121
Necessity of maximum simplification of wind erosion process mathematical formulation on account of principled difficulties in practical use for conditions of Belarus of latest soil wind erosion empirical model, developed by V.M. Gendugov and G.P. Glazunov, is substantiate. Supposition, that blowing intensity relate to air stream velocity not by exponential, but by power dependence, is put forward. “Power” wind erosion model encompassing the whole area of possible wind velocities, in which empirical coefficients are absent, is developed on this basis. Derived model verification using experimental data of V.M. Gendugov and G.P. Glazunov is fulfilled. Is defined, that the most intimate relation with experimental points is observed near the wind velocity 14 m/c and exponent equal 2, i.e. when the function shapes parabola. The parameter - “initial quadratic” air stream velocity, starting with which wind erosion develops according to parabolic law, thus for the first time is determined.
17-26 124
The results of experimental information analysis of soil blowing, published in monograph by V.M. Gendugov and G.P. Glazunov (2007), are presented in article. Calculations are realized with using introduced wind erosion “power” model. Three parameters, which possess clear physical interpretation - “threshold”, “initial quadratic” and “critical” air stream velocities, underlie in the introduced by us model instead of nondescript and unconnected empiric coefficients are ingressed in wind erosion “null-model” of V.M. Gendugov and G.P. Glazunov It is shown, that “power” model covers all area of wind erosion hazard velocities. Two dependences are proposed for wind erosion intensity calculation, one of which works in the range of wind velocities from threshold up to critical, other - in the range of wind velocities exceeded critical.
27-33 127
Theory of magnitudes dimension and similarity application to parameters representing soil blowing process allowed to receive two complex characteristics of wind erosion process in dimensionless form - erosion wind potential and comparative index of soil surface wind erosion instability. It is possible to quantitatively estimate and compare wind erosion stability of any soil surface and air stream influence degree on it, as well as simplify wind erosion intensity calculation at any wind velocity, with use of derived complex characteristics.
34-40 165
The article reviews the component structure of the soil cover of protected areas of Belarus. There are small representative and substantiated to create the Red Book of Belarus soils to maintain the references of natural soils.
41-48 128
In the article data of maintenance and composition of humus in the profile of podzols of Brest Polesye are presented. They have much organic carbon, up to 10 % in topsoil and have also second maximum of organic carbon in Bh horizon.
49-57 138
The paper presents data bank structure of the software and information complex for optimize use of soil resources in the Republic of Belarus. Given information and logic scheme, representing the sources of data and algorithms of interaction Database and Knowledge base in the process of assigning the soil polygon a certain degree of suitability for a particular crop.
58-64 118
The results of ecologic-economical estimation of the application of the differentiated soil protective crop rotations on the eroded sod-podzolic soils developed on moraine clay loams, in the conditions of the Belarusian Poozer,у are shown at the article. It was determined that the maximum effect obtained in food crop rotation with organic-mineral fertilizing system - 150-162 $/ha net income in the level of profitability 47-54 %. Saturation of rotation crops by cereal leaded to a reduction of the ecological and economical efficiency indicators in comparison with the food crop rotation.
65-74 132
The increase of the decomposition degree of peat take place if calcareous fertilizers have been used on the weakly decomposed peat soils, but decomposition degree is not changing by introduction of calcareous fertilizers into soils developing on the middle or highly decomposed peat. The content of total nitrogen, humic and fulvic acids is increasing, but С:N ratio, the quantity of the light- and heavy hydrolysable substances are decreasing in soils developing on a weakly decomposed peat. The elemental and group composition of organic matter are not changing if calcareous fertilizers have been used on the soils developing on the middle and highly decomposed peat. At entering of calcareous fertilizers into peat soils calcium and magnesium cations interact with the carboxyl groups located at aromatic nucleus belonging to different molecules of humic acids. The new organic-mineral components with the increased electronic paramagnetism are forming into peat soils as a result of such interaction.
74-81 133
In article is of the results of research on sod-podsolic and brown forest soils of the ouk-woods in Bieloviezskaya Puscha in the granulometric composition, water-physical, microbiological, chemical and biochemical index.


82-96 115
Comparative efficiency of application of new and traditional composts at winter wheat cultivation on sod-podsolic light loamy soil has been studied. The highest productivity of grain of winter wheat (73,0-74,0 t/ha) with the best indexes of quality and profitability of fertilizers application 52-58 % is received in variants with organic-mineral fertilizer system.
96-102 123
The influence of organic fertilizers different types and doses aftereffect (1 year) on the spring rape seeds productivity on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil is studied. The best rape seeds yield obtained in variants with organic-mineral fertilizer - 22,5-23,7 c/ha. Organic fertilizers application under rapeseed produced at the output of biogas installation, at a dose of 40 t/ha, provided a similar yield (22,2 с/ha). Due to the aftereffect of bedding manure and compost obtained 4,3-5,6 kg/ha of rapeseed. Net income from the fertilizers use was 1371,8-2113,0 rubles/ha with 73-105 % return. The use of organic fertilizers produced at the output of the biogas plant was highly profitable (119-189 %).
102-109 283
Influence of various fertilizer systems in spring rape cultivation on podzoluvisol loam soil is studied. It is established that mineral fertilizers application in doses N90Р60К120 promoted formation of seeds spring rape productivity 28,2 t/ha. Specific carrying out of basic nutrients with 1 t basic and by-product production at the given fertilizer system has made: nitrogen 44,4 kg, phosphorus 21,5 kg, potassium 54,9 kg, calcium 19,1 kg, magnesium 7,6 kg. In researches with summer rape 2010-2011 it is established that depending on mineral fertilizers system indicators specific carrying out of nitrogen and phosphorus below standard. Specific carrying out of potassium (except without fertilizers variant) above standard and in a variant with entering N90+30P60K120 exceeded it twice. Specific carrying out of calcium exceeded standard in 2,7-4,1 time, magnesium - in 3,3-4,1 times.
109-121 158
Quality indices of spring rapeseed growing on Luvisol sandy loam and loamy sand soils in dependence of fertilizer systems are presented in the paper. It was established that 100 grains mass, protein and oil contents in rapeseed were not depended on soil fertility and texture. Application of different forms and doses of mineral fertilizers didn’t affect the contents of glucosinolats and erucic acids. Their contents in rapeseeds were in diapason of 2 % (1th class).
121-128 134
As a result of carry out of stationary experiment on sod-podzolic loamy sand soil with barley it is established, that the maximum grain yield and cross output of protein from area unit have been grown on a variant with N60Р60K180 application on the background of pH(KCl) - рН 6,9 and exchangeable content Ca - 715 and Mg - 184 mg/kg with their equivalent ratio - 2,7. Efficiency of application of full mineral fertilizer increased with increase of pH index. The recoupment of mineral fertilizers an increase of grain yield with increase of potassium rates decreased slightly. On soils with reaction close to neutral (pH(KCl) - 6,5-6,9) profitability of mineral fertilizers application was higher, than on soil with рНKCl 5,5 and the maintenance exchange Ca - 548 and Mg - 135 mg/kg. Essential increase of the contents of critical and essential amino acids in barley grain was observed at neutralization of acid soil to level рН 6,9 and the content of exchangeable Ca 715 mg/kg, Mg 184 mg/kg and their ratio 2,7. The gain of amino acids in grain on limed backgrounds was provided for the most part at the expense of share increase of threonine, leucine and phenylalanine.
128-134 99
Influence of complex application macro- both micronutrients on productivity and carrying out of food elements by barley is studied. Positive influence of optimum mineral fertilizers doses N70+40P60K150 in a combination to copper and magnesium micronutrients on grain productivity is established. The tendency to decrease in productivity of barley grain is noted at increase in a dose of the cobalt brought in soil.
135-143 131
The two years studies of grain corn yield responses in model field experiment with exchangeable magnesium content in soil from low - 50 mg∙kg-1 to high - 265 mg∙kg-1 and varying К:Mg and Ca:Mg ratios 2,2-16,9:1 and 0,12-1,46:1 correspondingly has been presented. It was found the highest grain yield - 10,8-14,1 t∙ha-1 at N110+30Р60К120 application was obtained at Ca:Mg ratios 5,1-5,7 and exchangeable magnesium content 145-160 mg∙kg-1. It was found that increasing exchangeable magnesium content in soil from 50 up to 265 mg Mg/kg raised magnesium concentration in leaves of corn plants on growth stage of 6-8 leaves up to 1,7 times. At the same time concentration of nutrientes - calcium and potassium in corn plants leaves decreased whith increasing exchangeable magnesium content in soil.
143-149 110
Problem on maintenance of the enterprises which are engaged in potato processing by qualitative technical raw materials is actual, and there is a necessity for working out of technology of cultivation of a potato for processing on products from a potato. On the basis of the spent researches the data about action of complex fertilizers, regulators of growth and microcells against organo-mineral fertilizer systems on productivity and quality of tubers of a potato of a grade of atlant is presented. The expediency of processing of plants of a potato in vegetation by liquid complex fertilizer against organo-mineral system of fertilizer that promotes increase in productivity of a potato and increase of its quality is established.
150-159 131
In the article presents the results of studies of the effect of complex fertilizer with a balanced ratio of nutrients on the morphometric parameters, productivity and quality of early cabbage at different profiles of soil surface.
159-165 128
The effectiveness of the different species and doses of liguid micro fertilizer ecosil Microsil in field experiments on sod-podzolic soils with grain, grain-leguminous and root crops has studied.
166-170 118
The results on the study of the effect of mono- and complex microfertilizers, included in protective-stimulating compositions on yield elements and yield of winter cereal crops are presented in the article. It has been revealed that the use of complex compositions is more preferable.
171-176 137
There are given the results of research chernozem podzolized agrochemical parameters changes under the influence of long-term application of fertilizers and contents of microelements in winter wheat grain and green mass of maize.
177-187 132
In the researches conducted on sod-podzolic sandy-loam soil laid by the exterminated loam, it was set that application of microfertilizers: boric, zinc, copper - on a background of organic and mineral fertilizers (60 т/ha of manure + N135 P60 K120) influences on forming of biomass of medicinal valerian. Microelements by the efficiency of their influence on forming of biomass of roots and rhizomes of valerian both at the soiland and unroot bringing are possible to be disposed in the next order of decrease: Zn > В > Cu. Variants with the use of the unroot additional fertilizing by zinc (Background + Zn(0,15+0,15+0,15)) and especially with joint application of zinc and bor (Background + В(0,1+0,1+0,1) Zn(0,1+0,1+0,1)) have the most intensity of accumulation of general and underground biomass.
187-200 155
Basing on the data of enzymatic tests, activity of soil organic substances mineralization (hydrolytic enzymes) as well as agrochemical properties and crop productivity we fined that split application of N54 andN72 at backgrounds of P60K132 were environmentally acceptable on Luvisol loamy sand soil.
200-206 145
At stationary lot of rice self-perpetuating cultivation (since 1937) during plants vegetation stage changes of soil environment reactions, of sums of reduced materials, of mobility of fertilizers elements and water-soluble organic substances were observed. It was discovered that application of mineral and green fertilizers and their joint use conduced development of reducing process and influenced positively on nutrient and humus soil status.
206-215 130
The purpose of the present article is to explore the impact of fertilizers systems on organic matter accumulation by the roots and stubble residues of different species of perennial grasses. Based on the field experiment on Podzoluvisoil loamy sand soil there is an observed tendency of the root residue accumulation increase by the impact of fertilizers. Example of calculation of mass of roots and stubble residues by dry matter yield and converting theirs into manure has been presented.
215-222 152
In researches on the cultivated sod-podsolic loamy soil it is established that the content of the general nitrogen in green material of various phenotypes a basilica in a phase of technological ripeness on the average made 2,53 %, phosphorus - 1,74 %, potassium - 4,87 %, calcium - 3,63 %, magnesium - 0,94 % in solid. Standard carrying out of basic elements of a food with 1 t of products appeared 2,8 kg (N), 2,0 (P2O5), 5,5 (K2O), 4,1 (CaO) and 1,1 kg (MgO).
222-232 146
Data on the content of the main mineral nutrients and their correlations in leaves of the tree species of most often used in gardening of Minsk are presented in this article. Infringements in leaves of the weakened trees ( Aesculus Hippocastanum L. , Tilia cordata Mill ., Acer platanoides L. , Thuja occidentalis L .) and nutrients correlations (N/Р, P/Ca, Ca/P and Na/К), without essential correlations changes of K / (Ca+Mg) (Ca + Mg) / K are revealed.
233-239 156
The effect of long-term (2000-2010) use of mineral fertilizers on physico-chemical and agro-chemical properties of soil under steady-state experiment on leached chernozem was studied. During the experiment the acidity of the soil on non-fertilized variant has increased. Mineral fertilizers had an additional effect on acidifying of the soil. Their application did not provide the reproduction of humus in the soil, but increased the content of mineral forms of nitrogen and mobile compounds of phosphorus and potassium.
239-249 139
As a result of soil-environmental research of agricultural lands adjacent to animal complexes, it’s established the spatial distribution of mineral nitrogen, mobile phosphorus and potassium forms in soils. The main soil pollutants of agricultural lands are mobile phosphorus and potassium forms, which are found in high content than the optimal values in soils. It’s found that soils which are situated in the affected zone of animal complexes and with increased content of mobile phosphorus occupy 58-60 % of the investigated lands area, a very high and high content of mobile potassium - 58-84 %, a very low-and low content of mineral nitrogen - 70-82 %.
249-260 206
By results of 11 rounds large-scale agrochemical of inspection of agricultural grounds are established, that the quantity(amount) destroyed peat in comparison with the previous period in the Brest area has increased up to 79,4 thousand га (on 16,4 thousand га), in the Gomel area - up to 63,2 thousand га (on 5,2 thousand га). In total amount деградированных торфяников of the Brest area, on a share soils with the contents of organic substance less than 20 % is necessary 65 %, and in the Gomel area - 84,5 %. On levels acidic destroyed peat are distributed as follows: with рН 5,01-6,0-62-66 % from the general area, with рН less than 5,01-19-20 %, with рН more than 6,01-15-19 %.
260-267 116
The nutrients balance of typical chernozem in Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine under the influence of different fertilization systems is calculated. The quantitative changes of agrochemical soil parameters at different load levels of agrochemicals are considered.
267-276 118
Based on studies conducted in the stationary field experiment and fixed lysimeter installation given agrochemical and agro-ecological assessment of the traditional (manure + NPK ) and alternative systems of fertilizer ( green manure + NPK and NPK + Bioproferm ) found possible without compromising on the yield and quality of potatoes as well as fertility replacing the traditional system of soil fertilizer alternative.
276-282 126
The research results of the studies on the effect of increasing doses of nitrogen fertilizers on the yield of winter and spring rape oilseeds are presented in the paper. It has been established, that on middle-cultivated derno-podzolic light loamy soil, the highest economic effect is reached using nitrogen dose of N200 in two doses on winter rape, and N160 in two doses - on spring rape.

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ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)