No 2 (2014)
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7-18 183
The data of results of fertilization in Belarus accumulated during 1966-2013 as well as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium balances were discussed in the paper. The comparison of fertility status changes (12-15 monitoring investigation) with regard to previous monitoring data was presented. The system of soil liming and phosphorus and potassium fertilization in 2006-2013 permit to support reached earlier soil acidity level and phosphorus and potassium content in arable soils.
19-28 153
The results of routing studies on arable land in the soil-ecological areas where the soil cover is represented by different groups of parent rocks are presented at the article. It was found that the physical soil properties of Belarusian Poozer,e is largely determined by the genesis of soil-forming rocks, types of accessories and degree of exposure to erosive processes. Almost all the studied soil overcrowded, and therefore need to develop policies and practices to regulate agrophysical condition of soils. At the same time, the soils of Belarusian Poozer,e are characterized by a good structural-aggregate composition and relatively high stability of the structure to collapse.
28-42 150
For the characterization of biomass abundance and metabolic activity of soil microbial communities two integral parameters were proposed. Simultaneous determination of carbon content in microbial biomass and dehydrogenase activity give most objective information about soil microbiological status. Indicators for biochemical assessment of mineralization and humification activities and ratio in soil were proposed.
42-51 122
The article presents results of research on the soil information system of Soligorsk region agricultural landscapes and shows the possibility of using the inventoried information for the soil resources management by the example of determining the degree of soil suitability for specific crops.
51-58 124
The results of model vegetative experience on studying the influence of agrophysical parameters of arable soil layer on the germination and development of agricultural crops with different size seeds are presented. It was established that the improvement of agrophysical parameters of arable soil layer leads not only to the energy increase, the speed and harmonious germination, but also to the crop increase in general.
59-70 137
The advantages and expediency of different fertilizing-ameliorating materials of different genesis action based on the results of field experiments on primary cultivation of sandy desert soil in Egypt are considered. The efficiency of different ameliorants use for rapid culturing desert soils with an improvement of morphological properties, increase of their productivity, humus content and water-holding capacity was substantiated. It was proved that in case of special organic ameliorant application the water-holding capacity of culturing soil was 6 times higher than that in the initial one and 1.5 times higher comparatively using low mineralized sphagnum peat. Alongside with the processes on sandy soil structuring activation under the influence of ameliorant application the reducing surface tension of the soil solution, increases its wetting ability and the ability to penetrate into the fine pores of soil are observed. This effect is achieved due to special treatment of caustobiolites in the process of their organic matter activation in preparation of ameliorant and further transfer of its natural surfactants in soil solution.
L. A. Bulavin,
T. M. Bulavina,
S. S. Nebyshinets,
D. G. Simchenkov,
I. A. Sushchevich,
I. E. Bobrik,
F. N. Leonov
70-78 156
The research results on the study of the influence of soil cultivation techniques and terms on winter triticale grain yield are presented in the paper. It has been established that to a certain extent this index is reliant on the soil cultivation for preceding crops. It is shown that for the purpose of resource saving on highly-cultivated soils when plowing is used for preceding crops, cultivation of winter triticale is effectual after nonmoldboard or shallow soil cultivation as well as using technologies of direct sowing.
78-85 114
The data on the productivity of drought-resistant annual forage grasses and their effect on the density of different types of Polesye’s soils are presented at the article. It was found that the greatest productivity annual grasses formed on peat-mineral soil. Echinóchloa frumentácea formed the highest productivity among annual grasses on all soil types. Soil density of the under annual grasses depend on soil characteristics. In all studied soils annual grasses helped to reduce the density of the layer 0-10 cm.
86-94 136
The results of assessment of protective forest plantations on eroded and erosion dangerous soils of Belarus are presented at the article. It was found that all investigated erosion plantations are characterized by forestry and forest indices inherent in forest stands with some differences due to site conditions. In most cases, such plantations perform soil protection properties, preventing the development of erosion processes in excess of the permitted level.
95-102 138
In studies on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil found that decrease doses of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers with regard to the content of phosphorus and potassium in straw plowed corn provided the yield of sunflower seeds at the level of full doses of mineral fertilizers by reducing the cost of fertilizer at 50 USD/ha In versions with application N60+30P60K120 under sunflower additional nitrogen in the straw inefficient and saves 27 USD/ha without reducing yields.
103-111 142
As a result of use of complex of methods based on different principles, it is set that acid method of Chirikov (GOST-26204) is of little use for estimation of phosphorus natural supply of chernozems typical and ordinary on loess rocks. For this purpose it is expedient to use weakly alkalescent or salt methods.
T. M. Seraya,
E. N. Bogatyrova,
Yu. A. Belyavskaya,
T. V. Kirdun,
O. M. Biryukova,
I. G. Volchkevich,
M. I. Zhukova,
M. M. Torchilo
111-118 128
In studies on high- fertile sod-podzolic loamy soil is established that the oats cultivation without the use of mineral fertilizers and synthetic plant protection products has ensured the grain yield of 42.8 kg/ha. The grain yield decrease because of the refusal plant protection products was not significant and amounted to 2 kg/ha. Oats grain obtaining in the organic farming system was characterized by a slightly lower protein content and essential amino acids compared to conventional fertilizers. Compliance with regulations on the use of pesticides in oats crops ensured the absence of residual amounts of their active ingredients in the grain.
118-124 118
The research results on the study of the effect of increasing doses of nitrogen and micronutrients Ekolist Mikro Z and Fitovital on grain yield and economic efficiency of spring triticale cultivation are presented in the article. It has been established that Ekolist Mikro Z and Fitovital provide almost the same effect which is very important from the point of view of import substitution.
124-131 121
On the anthropogenically transformed peat soil when the content in it moving phosphorus 700-790 and potassium 620-800 mg/kg of soil optimal doses of phosphate and potash fertilizers for perennial legume-cereal grasses are P90K180. Increasing the dose of potassium to 240 kg/ha is not significantly increases productivity, but reduces the return on fertilizer yield increase. When the content of soil organic matter at the level of 50-55 % and mineral nitrogen 145-155 mg/kg of soil the most effective dose of nitrogen fertilizer is N60, providing on background P90K180 hay yield of 141.0 t/ha or 71.9 feed units, payback nitrogen and 27.5 und total (NPK) mineral fertilizer 10.9 fodder units. With increasing doses of nitrogen to 90 kg/ha of fertilizer efficiency decreases.
G. V. Pirogovskaya,
S. S. Khmelevsky,
G. M. Safronovskaya,
A. I. Isaeva,
T. V. Garbuzova,
A. A. Malitskaya,
L. P. Shimansky,
V. I. Soroko,
V. V. Bobovkina
131-142 111
Data on influence of standard and complex fertilizers on productivity of green weight (leaves, stalks, baskets), dry substance and yield structure of sunflower (height of plants, quantity of leaves on a plant, diameter of a basket) on sod-podzolic light loamy (Minsk district of the Minsk region) and coherent sandy loam soil (Mozyr district of the Gomel region) are given.
143-151 129
The purpose of the present article is to explore the impact of fertilizers systems on main mineral nutrients accumulation by the roots and stubble residues of different species of perennial grasses. Based in the field experiment on Podzoluvisol loamy sand soil there is observed tendency of the mineral nutrients accumulation increase depending on fertilizer system.
151-160 139
On the sod-podzolic sandy loam soil in field and production experiences with blue lupine and winter wheat the effectiveness of pre-sowing seed treatment and foliar application liquid microfertilizers MikroStim containing cobalt, boron, copper, manganese and molybdenum is defined.
161-171 157
Non - root additional feeding with micro - fertilizers Fitovital and Microstim Cu on the background of N60P60K90 + N30 increased the yield of grain of malting barley by 0,53 t/ha and 0,77 t/ha.
171-178 221
The article presents the research material (2013-2014) for the study of the effective use of microfertilizers Adobe Copper, new complex products on the basis of micronutrients and growth regulators Microstim-Copper and water-soluble complex fertilizers Nutrivant plus, growth regulator Ecosil on sod-podzolic light loamy soil in the oats cultivation of the North-Eastern part of Belarus.
179-185 121
It is established that depending on the level of mineral nutrition with straw of winter crops in sod-podzolic sandy loam soil intake 25,2-49,7 kg/ha of organic matter, 9-36 kg/ha of nitrogen, 8-20 kg/ha of phosphorus and 51-102 kg/ha of potassium; straw legumes - 15,8-of 22.4 kg/ha of organic matter, 12-26 kg/ha of nitrogen, 8-13 kg/ha of phosphorus and 34-52 kg/ha of potassium.
186-192 135
The article provides data on the application effectiveness of the pure cultures of bacteria Bacillus sp. 235 and 523 antagonistic, growth-stimulating and nitrogen-fixing properties isolated from the microbiocenoses of chernozem podzolized with an organic cropping system. Positive impact of the strains on the growth and development of the winter rye seeds under the early phase of the ontogenesis was observed. It was determined that the inoculation of infected by fungi maize seeds, resulted in, a stimulating effect on the seed germination. Length of roots was higher by 76.5 % with using strain 523, and by 18,4 % under the effect of strain 235 compared with the control.
192-200 122
The impact of integrated and independent use of organic fertilizers and microbial preparation Azoter on agrochemical properties of sod-podzolic sandy loam soil was analyzed in the article. Increase in the content of mineral nitrogen, mobile phosphorus and potassium in the soil and also positive impact on humus and soil reaction solution under their influence were observed.
200-207 139
In the review of the literature are taken up questions of application of agrotechnical receptions (uses of organic and mineral fertilizers, ameliorants, growth plants regulators, etc.), directed on overcoming of negative influence of soil pollution and green plants in city conditions.
ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)