
Soil Science and Agrochemistry

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No 1 (2023)
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7-15 146

The results obtained both in field hospitals and in the course of route studies made it possible to develop standards for the loss of batteries, which depend, first of all, on the degree of erosion degradation of soils. The decrease in humus content varies in the range of 5–15 % on slightly eroded soils, medium-eroded – 15–30 %, strongly eroded – 30–40 %. Losses of mobile phosphorus and potassium on slightly eroded soils are found in the range of 10–20 %, medium-eroded – 20–30 %, highly eroded – 30–50 %. Based on the assessment of yield shortfalls from erosion degradation, all crops are grouped according to the degree of resistance to water erosion processes as follows: high – annual grasses, perennial grasses; medium – winter and spring cereals, winter and spring rape, flax, sugar beet; low – corn.

16-23 189

The article analyzes the agro-ecological conditions for the cultivation of sugar beets, calculates the areas of suitable soils by regions and draws up a map of their distribution by administrative districts. The republic has a significant reserve for expanding sugar beet crops and selecting plots for its optimal placement. Based on harvest data for 2018–2022 the stability coefficient of sugar beet harvesting is calculated. Minsk and Mogilev regions belong to the zone of acceptable stability, and Brest and Grodno regions belong to the zone of regulatory stability of sugar beet harvesting. The obtained research results are the scientific basis for planning acreage by regions and districts of the republic to form their optimal structure.

24-37 160

Methodological aspects of assessing the agroecological state of zonal soddy-podzolic soils of various granulometric composition under conditions of long-term agricultural use are presented. The assessment is based on the calculated deviations of the indicators of humus-granulometric ratios and buffer capacity in the acidic and alkaline range of arable land soils from the initial (natural) state, followed by determining the degree of change in the value of one or another criterion (“weak”, “moderate”, “strong” and “very strong”) and the calculation of transformation coefficients and soil stability. The obtained criteria can be used to improve the system of indicators for assessing and monitoring the agroecological state of soils in the educational process, when conducting scientific and monitoring studies, developing measures to preserve soil fertility and their rational use, and building models of soil fertility.

38-48 118

The developed scale for grouping the main types of Belarus soils according to the degree of resistance to droughts and arid phenomena, depending on soil-hydrological constants, granulometric composition of soils and underlying rock (resistance parameters) presents at the article. Based on the created digital maps of resistance parameters, as well as the developed scale of soil resistance, a cartographic material was created in the QGIS software environment reflecting the distribution of soils of the Kamenetsk region by groups of resistance to droughts and drought events. It has been established that the soil cover of the Kamenetsk region is characterized by a high potential risk of droughts and arid phenomena. The proportion of the least and weakly resistant soils in the total area of the region is 62,9 % and 41,0 % of agricultural land. It has been established that the soils least resistant to droughts and arid phenomena belong to the non-agricultural land.

48-58 139

Studies on the restoration of the qualitative state of the degraded arable layer of leached (cambic) chernozems of Central Moldova through the combined use of agrotechnical and phytomeliorative methods have shown that when in the arable layer is introduced the green mass of 2 vetch crops in the field as «busy fallow» under winter and spring vetch, 12,4 t/ha of dry mass of vetch were introduced into the soil, from which 4 t/ha of humus could be formed. This dry mass of organic vetch residue contains 310 kg/ha of biological nitrogen, 60 % of which is of symbiotic origin. In the soil layer 0–10 (12) cm treated with a disc harrow, the average content of organic matter increased by 0,20 %; a positive balance of humus and nitrogen was formed, the physical condition of this layer improved significantly.


59-74 122

The results of Agrochemical Soil Survey for 1989–2020 showed an acceptable level of exchangeable Ca-supply of arable soils and grassland in Belarus due to long term systemic liming of acidic soils. At present, 81,9 % of the area of arable and 93.1 % of improved grassland are characterized by an optimal and high content of Ca2+. Due to a significant decrease in the required volumes of liming in recent years, there is a noticeable acidification of arable soils in most regions of the republic. This can lead to a loss of exchangeable calcium and degradation of soil fertility.
Two scenarios are discussed for forecasting the availability of arable soils with exchangeable calcium for the period up to 2035 in the regions of Belarus: 1 – optimistic, with liming on demand, the proportion of acidic (pH < 5.0) soils will decrease from 9,8 to 6,1 %, and the proportion of soils poorly supplied with calcium will decrease from 18,1 to 12,9 %; 2 – the inertial scenario is unacceptable, because with a long-term deficit of liming, 40 % of the requirement, the weighted average content of exchangeable Ca will decrease by 31 %, and the share of soils poorly supplied with calcium will increase to 44,9 %, which will lead to a decrease in the yield of the most valuable crops: sugar beet, rapeseed, wheat and corn.

75-88 162

The influence of tillage methods and fertilizer systems on the content and reserves of mortmass and CMM in layers of 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm of sandy loam soil was assessed, their dynamics during the growing season of winter wheat was established. During the observation period, the highest rates in the experiment were noted when disking in a layer of 0–10 cm in spring at the beginning of growing season with an organic-mineral fertilizer system with treatment of straw with Zhytsen microbiological fertilizer or applying a compensating dose of nitrogen in the form of CAS (the content of mortmass was at the level of 5200 mg/kg, carbon – 1298–1322 mg/kg; reserves – 6812 and 1112–1186 kg/ha, respectively).

89-99 127

The results of studies that, when cultivating spring wheat, made it possible to establish a decrease in the content of available potassium in a highly cultivated soil by 16–26 % in the period from sowing to the flag leaf-heading, due to the consumption of potassium by plants. In the second half of the growing season (heading – full ripeness), the content of available potassium in the soil to a greater extent depended on the moisture content in the 0–20 cm soil layer (η 0,90–0,95). There was an increase in the content of available potassium in the soil by 8–40 mg/kg of soil, free potassium in plants by 0,16–0,68 %, total potassium by 0,04–0,80 %, depending on the phase of growth and development of spring wheat when applying 120 kg/ha of nitrogen fertilizers against the background of P30K90. The effect of potash fertilizers on these indicators has not been established.

100-111 123

The most effective technique for growing corn for green mass was the use of N90+30+30 in combination with foliar top dressing of crops with MicroStim-Zinc, Boron microfertilizer and a complex of double foliar top dressing with plant growth stimulants Ecogum AF and Ecosil, Ecosil Plus against the background of the introduction of 60 t/ha of cattle manure In the technological experiment on soddy-podzolic loamy soil. It was ensured the receipt of 19,3 tons of feed units, 22,7 centners of protein, $ 203 of conditional profit from 1 hectare with a profitability 66 %. Every kilogram of nitrogen fertilizer pays off 170 centners of corn green mass, the cost of adding 1 ton of feed units is $ 28, and the achieved level of content of mobile phosphate and potassium compounds in the soil is maintained with such a fertilizer system.
The possibility of cultivating corn under conditions of deficiency of organic fertilizers has been studied. The use of the mineral fertilizer system (N90+30+30P20K60) in combination with microfertilizer and two-time foliar top dressing of crops with growth stimulants provides 15.7 t/ha of fodder units, 22,7 q/ha of protein, 60 $/ha of conditional profit at profitability 37 % and payback of 1 kg of mineral fertilizers 62 centners of corn green mass. Such a fertilizer system leads to the degradation of soil fertility, and therefore it is permissible to use it in the cultivation of corn in no more than one crop rotation It is assumed.

112-118 112

The article presents the results of studies on the effectiveness of the use of microfertilizers of Microsim in the cultivation of spring barley on sod-podzolic highly cultivated light loamy soil. It was found that the most effective is the combined use of copper and manganese in the foliar fertilizing of spring barley in doses of Cu0,025Mn0,025, which provides an increase in yield by 6,9 c/ha, protein content in grain – by 1,7 %, profit – 43,2 USD/ha.

119-125 112

The article presents the results of studies on the effectiveness of the use of zinc fertilizers in the cultivation of alfalfa, depending on the availability of sod-podzolic sandy loam soil with zinc. It has been established that non-root fertilizing of alfalfa with zinc fertilizer is effective only with low availability of mobile zinc in the soil. An increase in the content of protein and zinc in alfalfa plants was noted with an increase in the content of the element in the soil and the introduction of micronutrients.

126-135 125

The development and introduction into production of new forms of complex fertilizers containing nutrients in a balanced amount (macro- and microelements) makes it possible to optimize plant nutrition and at the same time reduce the cost of their use. This article presents the results of research on the use of new forms of macro-, microfertilizers and growth regulators of domestic and foreign production on linear growth, crop structure and grain quality of spring wheat on soddy-podzolic light loamy soil.
The maximum height of plants (111,0 and 111,9 cm), the largest number of productive stems (563 and 583 pcs/m2), the mass of 1000 grains (39,8 and 39,9 g), the maximum yield (69,7 and 70,3 c/ha) of spring wheat grains were noted in the variants of MicrotimCopper L and Nutrivant Plus against the background of N60+30+30 P70K120.
The highest content of crude protein in spring wheat grain was noted in the variant with the use of N60P60K90, N60+30P60K90 – 13,3–13,6 %. Vitreousness ranged from 69,7 to 80,8 % and did not increase significantly according to the variants. The maximum gluten content was noted in the variants with the use of MicroStim-Copper L and Nutrivant Plus against the background of N60+30+30 P70K120 – 33,2 and 34,4 %.

136-148 144

Screening of 15 strains of phosphorus solubilizing rhizobacteria Pseudomonas spр. by cultivation in liquid Dworkin-Foster medium with glyphosate as phosphorus source showed common dependence of bacteria growth on concentration of glyphosate. High population density was observed in diapason of 0,20–0,60 µкг of glyphosate per ml of medium, the increase of glyphosate concentration resulted in the significant reduction of population densities. Screening showed that phosphorus solubilizing rhizobacteria Pseudomonas sрp. virtually not capable of glyphosate utilization as a sole nitrogen source for metabolism.

149-154 96

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ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)