
Soil Science and Agrochemistry

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No 1 (2013)
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10-25 121
The results of experiences on the influence of composite macro and micro fertilizers, fungicides and growth regulators on bread baking qualities of two winter wheat varieties - Syita and Finesiya are presented. It is found that the best indicators of bread quality in experiences with winter wheat Syita were obtained by application N180 in five times and N180 in five times with two top-dressing by micro fertilizers.


26-41 222
The article describes the principles of environmental regulation of anthropogenic impact on soil cover of landscapes of Belarus. The detailed characterization and description of the conditions for their implementation are given in the framework of development of the state system of environmental regulation.
42-52 132
Composition of primary and clay minerals of xerophytic forest chernozems (specific soils of the southern Moldova) was studied. A number of its characteristics was identified in comparison to regionally close ordinary chernozems, and also their common features. It was found that nearly all characteristics of mineralogical state of xerophytic forest chernozems indicate a more intense transformation of their silicate base in comparison to ordinary chernozems.
52-61 122
Calculation of the balance of minerals showed that in xerophytic forest chernozems of the Southern Moldova processes of transformation of their mineral base go according to the eluvial type and with much greater intensity than in surrounding zonal ordinary chernozems. It was also found that these soils do not exhibit of illuvial properties typical to other forest soils, but for a more pronounced degradation of the mineral base in comparison to regional chernozems, xerophytic forest chernozems seemingly should be treated as forest soils.
62-67 120
Xerophytic forest chernozems have a large total reserve of potassium, composing in the form of К2О up to 2500 mg per 100 g of soil. High available reserve of exchange potassium in the turf horizons up to 3% from the total. The middle reserve of potassium enclosed in clay minerals in these soils also increases to the upper horizons and constitutes 600-1200 mg per 100 g. Potential reserve associated with the primary minerals, however, increases in the direction of rock and by its size substantially exceeds the middle reserve of potassium constituting 1100-1700 mg per 100 g.
68-80 116
The joint analysis of “soil blowing null model’ reference positions by V.M. Gendugov and G.P. Glazunov and conclusions derived on the basis of developed by us wind erosion ‘power’ model confirmed their identical effectiveness in the postcritical range of wind velocities. Application of threshold, initial quadratic and critical velocities introduced by us in wind erosion ‘power’ model allows to widen its scope, determining complex wind erosion parameters and soil blowing intensity in the undercritical range of wind velocities. The “exponential” wind erosion model effect by V.M. Gendugov and G.P. Glazunov do not spread out this range. Has shown, that the ratio of critical speed (for given soil) to factual wind velocity, laid down in the ground of “soil blowing null model’ by V.M. Gendugov and G.P. Glazunov, is similar to received by us soil resistance of wind exposure parameter (SRW).
80-89 109
The assessment of potential soil blowing, which confirms the urgency of measure preparation regarding wind erosion soil stability increase including ameliorators application, cultivation systems upgrading and soil protective crop rotations introduction, by the example of wind velocities distribution in the April month according to weather station Slavgorod, is realized. It is shown, that wind erosion-preventive measures realization, permitting to raise initial quadratic velocity for light mineral soils, for example from 5,5 to 7 m/s, reduces predictable wind erosion intensity more than fourfold.
89-97 107
The choice of type of soil and kinds of long-term grasses substantially influences productivity of long-term bean forage crops. At an estimation of nutritional value depending on soil conditions and specific structure, it has been established, that the greatest quality of a green forage was marked at cultivation of bean cultures on peat-mineral and sod-glei soils.
97-105 140
The possibility of using spectral images of Landsat 7 for monitoring of humus condition Southern Steppe Ukraine soils was examined. The regression equations of relation between the humus content in topsoil layer, humus reserve and spectral brightness of satellite images was calculated.
106-117 151
The paper presents the results of studies on the impact of technology No-till on the southern chernozem soil structure. The use of No-till technology in a short period of time does not affect the soil’s microstructure, at the same time change indicators macrostructure was determined. The improvement of soil macrostructure indicators with the agronomic point of view, and water and wind erosion characteristics associated with the creation in southern chernozems better conditions for aggregation due to improved microbial activity and the formation of "young" humus in the topsoil layer.
118-125 120
The results of the study of the fractional composition of sod-podzolic soils (albeluvisols) of Brest Polesie are given. Ascertained low organic carbon content (typically less than 1 %) in the humus horizon, the drop in the total content with depth, humate-fulvic humus composition. In the composition of humic and fulvic acids dominate mobile fractions, whose share falls to 70 % in the forest soil to 50 % in the arable soil. Content and composition of humus in soils studied are practically independent of particle size distribution.
126-132 261
The results of the agro-sod-podzolic soils spectral reflectivity studies of different granulometric composition with the same content of humus, determined at different wavelengths. It is established that the wavelength of 750 nm is the most informative features for the reflectivity as the function of soils granulometric composition.


133-145 139
In a long term (1995-2010) stationary field experiment on a loamy sandy soddy-podzolic soil in three cycles of grain crop rotation, the effect of different levels of mineral fertilization on the productivity of agricultural crops and the agrochemical properties of soil was studied. It was found that the maximum crop productivity (8,2 t f.u./ha) was ensured at the average annual application of N90P40K89 in combination with 12,1 t/ha organic fertilizers. During the period of studies (14 years), the contents of mobile phosphorus and potassium forms (Kirsanov) increased in the treatment with the optimum productivity by 16 and 54 mg/kg soil, respectively, and the soil acidity increased by 0,68 pH units, the content of humus being remained stable. Keywords: productivity, crop rotation, fertility, loamy sandy soddy- podzolic soils, fertilizers.
146-156 123
In the article the information about the influence of separate and complex usage of mineral fertilizers and plant protection means on the intensity of productive processes, yield and quality of grain winter triticale cultivated on sod-podzolic light loamy soil is presented.
156-165 124
Increasing doses of nitrogen fertilizer to the ground with the introduction of N16 to N90 against R60K90 significantly increased the yield of malting barley and the content of crude protein in the grain, but it is not in one of the variants of the experiment did not exceed the permissible level (10.5 %). The maximum grain yield of barley (53.1 kg/ha) on average for 2011-2012 was when foliar feeding barley complex preparation MikroStim Cu, which, compared with the background N60P60K90 + N30 in fertilizer, increased the yield of 7.4 t/ha with an acceptable content of crude protein in the grain.
165-177 117
The influence of organic fertilizers different types and doses effect on crop rotation unit productivity on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil is studied. The best productivity obtained in variants with organic-mineral fertilizer system - 308,2-316,3 c / ha, at the maximum nutrients removal: nitrogen - 473-501 kg/ha, phosphorus - 215-231 kg/ha, potassium - 539-583 kg/ha. Litter chicken manure (15 t/ha) is characterized by the greatest payback - 424,2 f. un./t. The lowest payback is at cattle liquid manure application (73,8-61,1 f. un./t).
178-185 204
As a result of long-term investigation of amino acids composition (lysine, threonine, valine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine) in grain it is established, that under the averaged specific contents of critical amino acids winter and spring cereals can be ranged on decrease in a following order: bare-grained oats (12,86 g/kg) > barley (8,91) > spring wheat (8,18)> buckwheat (7,76) > winter triticale (7,75 g/kg) > winter wheat (7,03) > spring triticale (6,91) > winter rye (6,75) > oats (6,7) > millet (5,37 g/kg); essential amino acids: bare-grained oats (42,36 g/kg) > barley (33,74) > millet (30,54) > spring wheat (30,03) > winter wheat (28,72) > winter triticale (26,92) > buckwheat (25,98) > oats (25,89) > winter rye (24,81 g/kg) > spring triticale (24,33 g/kg). Differences of averages on a specific yield of critical amino acids with grain on 1 hectare have been found up to 2,5 times, essential amino acids - up to 1,7 times.
186-198 132
As a result of model stationary field experiment with different exchangeable magnesium content in the podzoluvisol loam soil (1 n КСl) 74-120-181-240 mg Mg/kg and varying Ca:Mg ratios 10,7-6,5-3,9-2,7 it was found increasing corn grain yield on 5-13 % (6,9-15,2 c/ha) in the soil with Mg content 74-181 mg/kg and equivalent Са:Mg ratio 3,9. Subsequent increasing exchangeable magnesium content to 240 mg/kg and narrowing Са:Mg ratio to 2,7 was result to small decrease corn grain yield. Carring out foliar spray of corn plant by magnesium sulfate was effective at exchangeable magnesium content 74 and 120 mg/kg with yield response 7,4 and 6,6 c/ha correspondingly. Raw protein content in corn grain essential increased (on 0,9-1,5 %) in result of application basic system of fertiliser N110+30P60K120 and sulfur fertilisers, highest raw protein (9,6 %) was obtained at 181 mg/kg exchangeable magnesium content. Amino acid composition of corn protein and biological value of critical and essential amino acids was change a little against investigate factors.
198-208 203
In article results of researches for 2010-2012 with flax oil grades Brestsky. It is established of high efficiency of this culture in the north-eastern part of Belarus: seed yield up to 24,7 ts/ha in their oil content 48,6%. The nutrient status of the plants depended on the applied mineral fertilizers and plant growth regulators. The better conditions for the supply of flax basic nutrients and increase its productivity provide double processing of crops brassinosteroids (early phase of "fur-tree" in tank mixtures with herbicides and micronutrients complexonate "Polycom L" in the budding stage in tank mixtures with fungicide "Derozal") on background of complex NPK fertilizer application.
209-217 105
Maximum productivity of the crop rotation 146,0-161,2 c k. ed. /га on both level of acidity sod-podzolic loamy sand soil of ground was formed when contributing 20 т/га manure KRS + N75P70K120 + microelements. The сontents of rolling phosphorus increased in arable layer on 20-45 mg/kg. Using the potassium fertilizers at a rate of 100 and 130 kg/ha did not compensate stand bear potassium agricultural culture.
217-225 136
As a result of carried out researches it is determined that during the vegetation period at various stages of crop development the amount of nitrogen removed by weed plants has made 2,7-14,8 kg/ha, phosphorus - 2,2-20,1 kg/ha, potassium - 6,7-39,0 kg/ha, calcium - 1,7-4,5 kg/ha, magnesium - 0,9-3,1 kg/ha. A dependence of feeding elements removal on weed plant species and vegetative mass is revealed.
226-235 110
Results of researches on study of influence of various levels of cobalt content in podzoluvisol loamy sand soil, doses and cobalt fertilizers on the yield and quality of blue lupine are presented in the article. It is established that higher efficiency (grain increase 3,3 and 2,9 c/ha at profitability of 530 and 490 %) provides the application introduction of MikroStim-Cobalt in foliar fertilisations in a dose of 0,025 kg/ha a.s. at low (0,9 mg/kg) and average (2,0 mg/kg) levels of the cobalt content in a soil.
236-243 157
In field experiments on sod-podzolic soils with winter wheat and barley the efficiency of various kinds and dozes of liquid two component complex micro fertilizers EleGum has studied.
243-255 113
Studied the distribution of microelements and clay minerals in the soil profile in the typical forest-steppe transeluvial landscapes of Ukraine. Established that the formation of the carbonate layer, mineralogical heterogeneity and erosion processes lead to significant differences ensuring of physiologically essential microelements in slope soils.
256-265 133
The article presents data on changes in trace element composition in chernozems soils of Left-bank Forest-steppe zone of Ukraine and labile organic matter under the influence of the soil plowing, long-term using of fertilizers and crop rotations. Determined that treatment of chernozem soil bring to a significant reduction of the labile organic matter content, in composition sharply occurs increases mass fraction trace element. Prolonged use of fertilizers contributes to the enrichment of labile soil organic matter with copper and iron, while when contributing manure, on the contrary, contained relatively less trace elements. Ability of the soil to the mobilization / immobilization of trace elements from organic matter by microorganisms could assessed by the indicator, which are, defined similarly nitrification capacity.
266-272 120
The research results of the study on the efficiency of foliage application of boric micro fertilizers in mixture with nitrogen on fodder beet crops var. Lada are presented in the article. It has been established that the best term of plant fertilizing is the stage of “joining rows”. It provides obtaining both of maximum yield (783.8-811.6 q/ha) and profitability (163-215 %). Foliage application of Ekolist Mono Bor (2 l/ha) with nitrogen (30 kg/ha of active substance) at the above mentioned stage provides the highest net profit of 1274 thousand roubles per ha).
272-282 141
The influence ofthe individualelements of the technologyof sugarbeetroot cropprocessingqualityin hybridswith varying degreesof resistance tocomplexpathogens.It is establishedthat the application ofadditionalnitrogenfertilizationinappropriate.Highcultivatedonsod-podzolic soil application ofmicronutrientsPolycom"Beet" + "Polibor" in pure formfor the technologicalqualities of rootshad noeffect. In a joint applicationwith fungicidesshowed improvementof technologicalqualitiesof roots.The useof fungicidesinyearsepiphytotycercosporosis, and when it isjustifiedbya moderatedevelopment ofhybridswith varyingdegrees of stability.
282-299 128
The article presents data on the effectiveness of nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers with micronutrient supplements in growing perennial legume-grass mixtures on sod-podzolic-gley loam soil in the Vitebsk region of Belarus (2010-2012). It is found that the use of new nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer forms with modifying additives in the growing technology perennial legume-grass mixtures of the first year, first and second year of use (for the first mowing grass) with the additional application of nitrogen-potassium fertilizer under aftermath is efficient farming practices increase the yield of green mass, dry matter and mineral fertilizer recovery.
300-306 115
The оptimum system of the fertilizer of the potatoes is an using 50 t/hа organic fertilizers and mineral fertilizers in dose N80+40Р30K120. The most high productivity is received under such system of the fertilizer in experience club 256 ц/га at contents of the starch 16,2 %, net income 594,0 USD/ha and profitability 119 %. Specific stand bear main element of the feeding under given system of the fertilizer has formed: nitrogen - 7,1 kg/t, phosphorus - 2,9 kg/t, potassium - 14,8 kg/t.
306-319 132
Effectiveness of phosphorus solubilizing inoculant was studied in the field experiment on Luvisol loamy sand soils characterized by different erosion degrees. Application of phosphorus solubilizing bacteria resulted in the increase of winter and spring wheat yields on watershed, medium- and severely eroded soils under organic, mineral and organic-mineral fertilizer systems. Yields and values of responses to inoculation depended on slope elements and fertilizer system.
319-335 115
Results of the joint researches executed in Belarus and Russia, on studying of influence of pollution of the cespitose and podsolic sandy and loamy soil, the chernozem are presented in article ordinary and the chestnut soil by heavy metals on accumulation of these elements in barley and lupine plants. Various degree of mobility of heavy metals in the cespitose and podsolic soil, the chernozem and the chestnut soil is established. Accumulation of heavy metals in green material and grain of a lupine and grain and barley straw is shown at different levels of pollution of the soil by them. Correlation dependences between the content of heavy metals in plants and the maintenance of gross and mobile forms of heavy metals in soils are established.
335-351 126
The article provides a comparative effect of doses and complex fertilizers with micronutrient supplements and biologically active substances, as well as nitrogen and sulfur fertilizers are used for the main application to the soil on crop roots carrot, which is removed in the early stages of implementation and lay in storage. The article also reflects the influence of the studied fertilizer on quality of table carrot - the output of standard products and nitrates.
351-365 146
Methods of definition of mineral connections of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in plants are founded on their extraction from weight crude vegetative weight of 0,2 M by a solution of an acetic acid at a parity of weight of a plant and a solution 1:10 with the subsequent definition of nitrogen of nitrates of ammonium and phosphorus - in the form of the painted connections, potassium - on an ardent photometer.
365-373 152
The paper describes the results of the research on the optimization of the acclimatization procedure of propagated in vitro planting stock of birch decorative form ( Betula pendula Roth. var. dalecarlica Schneid.). This woody plant is promising for use in the city and private landscaping. Optimal soil substrate for acclimatization to non-sterile conditions is a mixture of peat, sand and perlite in the ratio 3:1:2 respectively.


374-383 203
The research results of the study on the efficiency of the application of the domestic preparation of Fitovital containing amber acid and balanced complex of micro elements in cultivation of different crops are generalized. It is shown that this preparation can be used both for seed treatment and for treatment of vegetative plants. Fitovital application has positive influence on growth, development and yield of grain, leguminous, cruciferous, fruit, vegetable, decorative and officinal crops what shows expediency of its production in the republic.

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ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)