
Soil Science and Agrochemistry

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No 1 (2009)
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7-14 132
The comparative estimation of ecological stability of territory erosive and swamped agrolandscapes the central soil-ecological province is resulted in the article. It is established, that ecological stability the share of arable lands in structure of ground fund most essentially reduces. The stability of territory in swamped agrolandscapes is in 2 times above, than in erosive.
15-21 135
The results of research reflective capacity agrohumus horizons of agrosod-podzolic soils of different granulometric composition was presented. It was established, that reflect coefficient of agrohumus horizons is defined by its granulometric composition; agrohumus horizons of light-loamy soils has signitifically more values of reflect coefficient than sandy soils at equal humus content. Values of reflect coefficient for diagnostic the degree of cultivation of agrosod-podzolic soils were attempted.
21-28 131
Based on studies of specialized soil databases creating, as part of an overall information system of soil cover characteristic of Belarus, was sets their types for the country conditions. Theirs content at different levels of aggregation, methods of formation and stages of creation, the basic relational context of input information, was developed and various forms of theirs output was presented.
28-34 194
The correction factors of soil stoniness score for basic group of cultivated in the republic crops, cereals and leguminous, have been refined based on experimental data obtained by integrating yield on varying degrees stoniness soils. The correction factors differed by depending on boulders volume in m3/hc. There are 9 groups of soil stoniness, the correction factors for each was determined
35-46 129
Mineralogical investigations of silicate part of virgin and plough-land (over 100 years) gray forest soils showed similarity of minerals' weathering profiles, significative of genetic continuity between them. There was detected relatively high content of smectite in the plough layer. This may point to activation of smectite formation process in plough land, contributed by anthropogenic decrease of acid reaction in soil. Balance calculation for the both soils demonstrated heterogeneity of the soil forming rock by profile, coinciding with their illuvial horizons.
47-58 114
On fragments of the pliocene planation surface of the northern part of Moldova there formed specific soils called stagnic chernozems. In comparison with zonal chernozems, stagnic chernozems are characterized by hidden lamination of rock-forming solid, high content of clay minerals (among them - smectite and illite). Quantitative ratio of the latter minerals disclose affinity with modern alluvial compact soils, as well as with compact chernozems. Stagnic chernozems are considered as polygenetic soils.
58-65 160
Experiments were conducted at the Voke Branch of Lithuanian institute of Agriculture during 1998-2005. Results of studying the effect of different soil and crop management on the humus status of loamy sandy Haplic Luvisols were generalized. It was found that the application of different green manure species ( Lupinus luteus L., Trifolium pratense L., and Raphanus sativus L.) and straw from cereal crops ( Secale cereale, Hordeum L.) under conventional conditions helped to sustain a stable humus budget in cereal agrophytocenoses. A significant change in the fractional composition of HAs and FAs occurred under the effect of green manure. The decomposition of green manure and the formation of humic substances also depended on the hydrothermal conditions during application of manure.
65-72 196
The size areas indexes of arable lands of republic and their effect on fertility in the article was presented. The main factors are responsible for size areas of arable lands forming were established. The arable lands of districts and regions of Belarus have been grouped in accordance with the size arable areas on the basis of land inventory valuation data. Crop yielding amount in accordance with size areas of arable lands was showed. Close correlative dependence (r=0,77) between size areas of arable lands and grain crops was established.
72-81 112
On the basis of application of methods of mathematical planning and the analysis of the experiment is developed the following: algorithm and probabilistic-statistical models for calculation of the general and effective porosities of mineral soil with light mechanical structure in function of its granulometric structure.


82-89 161
The results of researches on study of efficiency of mineral fertilizers application at cultivation of spring wheat on light loamy soil are given in the article The basic application N60P60K120 and top dressing by nitrogen in a doze of 30 kg/hа in a phase of first unit has ensured the maximal yield of a grain 68,2 c/hа. The most qualitative grain is obtained in a variant with split application N60+30+30 against application P60K120: the protein content in spring wheat grain has made 12,0%. The sum critical amino acid - 10,17 g/kg of a grain, irreplaceable - 36,24 g/kg of a grain.
89-93 116
In the article outcomes of study of operational effectiveness of various doses and times of depositing of nitrogen top-dressings for a winter wheat a breed the Suite are introduced. It is established, that a triple nitrogen top-dressing (N60 + N40 + N15 + N15), which one increases yielding ability on 38,1 ts/hectares, a gluten contents on 13,9 % is most expedient.
93-102 148
The main results investigations influence of the nitrogen fertilizers and means of protection of plants, productivity on the crop capacity of three forage barley varieties and usage of nitrogen fertilizing by breeds of spring barley are represented in the article.
102-111 141
As a result of the study of mineral fertilizers doses and ratio for barley Honar it was shown that optimal yield level 40-45 c ha-1 on Luvisol loamy sand soil was formed under the application of fertilizer system with maintaining balance of phosphorus and potassium at the background of organic fertilizer aftereffect.
111-118 134
In the article the results of field investigations (2006-2008) on the effect of liquid nitrogen fertilizers KAS with addition of microelements and biological active substanees and liquid complex fertilizers (LCF) using as outside root application of fertilizers on content and supply echange of mineral nitrogen in sod-podzolie light loamy soil for vegetative period of spring wheat variety “Rassvet” are presented.
118-128 119
In researches on sod-podzolic light loam soil the highest productivity of green mass of spring rapeseed is received at N110Р60К120 application on background of aftereffect of 40 and 60 t/ha manure - 41,5-42,9 t/ha at average response of yield from mineral fertilizers - 15,7 t/ha, from aftereffect of organic fertilizers - 4,7 t/ha. Application of organic and mineral fertilizers on given variants has provided green mass with optimum zootechnics parameters: gross output of feeding and proteinogenous units in average was 5,91 and 7,17 t/ha correspondingly, the contents of crude protein - 17,4%, supply of feeding unit by digested protein - 119 g at ratio K/(Са + Mg)=1,71.
128-134 119
In researches with a pea-barley mix on sod-podzolic light loamy soil the application of increasing doses of organic fertilizers of 20-60 tha-1 has increased gathering of feed units on 0,58-2,75 tha-1 at the general efficiency of 6,10-9,38 tha-1 of fodder units and a recoupment of 1 ton of manure of 29,0-48,0 f.u. Adequate provision of 1 f.u. of a digestible protein in variants with entering of organic fertilizers has made 172-223 g, the maintenance of crude protein - of 17,3-21,7%. Entering of full mineral fertilizer N60P40K80 promoted additional gathering of 1,21-1,83 tha-1 of f.u. at a recoupment of 1 kg NPK of 6,7-10,2 f.u. Specific carrying out of nitrogen with 1 ton of green weight of a pea-barley mix has made of 6,6-8,9 kg, phosphorus - of 2,1-3,2, potassium - of 6,3-8,1, calcium - of 1,3-1,6, magnesium - of 1,0-1,2 kg.
134-143 138
The analysis of a condition of acidity agricultural soils prior to the beginning of intensive liming is given, rather high soil acidity on loess breeds and lowered - on glazial adjournment is shown. It is established that modern acidity of arable soils is not connected with initial properties and depends only on a level of chemical land improvement. Significant differences in liming efficiency level on regions of Belarus is proved.
144-155 125
In field experiences conducted on sod-podzolic light loamy soil with pH 5,51-6,00 liming by dolomite meal, chalk and carbonate sapropel has shown positive effect on photosynthetic action for process production of peas. Using dolomite meal and carbonate sapropel on the background of N16P60K90 increase quantity of protein in the peas grain and irreplaceable amino acids, influence of the chalk on the quality of peas was poor. Liming by various forms of calcareous means, potassium fertilizer application had positive influence on lisin considerably increasing this index, in which connection the most impact had chalk application in a soil.
155-162 121
The results of researches received in conditions of deficiency of a moisture in stationary experience (2006-2008) on various by origin mineral soils the western part of the Byelorussian Polesie, in crops yellow and blue lupine. Positive influence of entering of various dozes micromacrofertilizers on efficiency and quality of grain and green weight is established.
163-174 139
Data on new forms complex nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers with additives of microelements for asparagus bean are resulted in the article. Their efficiency on soils with a different fertility level and influence on quality production is considered.
174-183 146
Results of researches with new kinds of liquid complex fertilizers on cabbage white, carrots, a table beet and an onions are resulted. It is shown that using of the given fertilizers promotes increasing of productivity of vegetable cultures, improvement of quality of received production, and also increase profitability at 23-39 %.
183-187 139
The results of the research carried out on turf-podsolic sandy soils, at the “Magnum-Chmel” farm from Pruzany county of Brest region showed that the maximal productivity (16,3 -19,3 c/ha) and alpha acid contents (11,3-12,0%) of the “Hallertauer Magnum” hops variety was achieved while using N180P160K240 on a background of 30 t/ha of organic fertilizers.
188-195 122
Outside root top-dressing of corn by iodine in dozes 60 g/ha reactant with zinc in doze 150 g/ha reactant on different rates of mineral nutrition (50 t/ha manure+N120 P60 K120-rate 1 и 50 t/ha manure +N180 P90 K180-rate 2) gives increase productivity green mass on 67-80 c/ha and grain on 4,6-5,8 c/ha. Entering of iodine in dozes 60, 120, 180 g/ha reactant with zinc in doze 150 g/ha reactant increase contain iodine until optimal level in green mass corn. Influence above mentioned dozes on contain iodine in grain corn was evidence, but fall short optimal level (0,4-1,5 mg/kg dray mass ). Contain zinc in green mass was 20,0-24,3 mg/kg and grain corn was 21,0-24,5 mg/kg. Use selenium in dozes 30, 60, 90 g/ha reactant on different rates of mineral nutrition does not to really increase yield corn, but increase selenium content in green mass and grain corn until optimal level (100-500 mkg/kg dray mass ).
195-200 112
The efficiency of new forms of selenium-containing nitrogen fertilizers for optimization of selenium content in a grain in the field experience with spring wheat cultivated on sod-podzolic light loamy soil has been studied. It is found that selenium-containing nitrogen fertilization under spring wheat has not substantial influence on yield increase but promotes the accumulation of this element in grain harvest up to the optimum concentration by introduce selenium in KAS in doses 0,25 and 0,3 5 kg/ha and in urea - 0,05-0,25 and 0,35 kg/ha.
200-206 113
In field experience with clover meadow cultivated on podzoluvisol loamy sand soil with low selenium supplying terms and dozes outside root top-dressing of crops by sodium selenite are studied. It is established that at clover meadow cultivation on podzoluvisol loamy sand soil with low supplying of general selenium, with planned productivity of dry weight in the sum of two hay harvest more than 75 c/ha, root top-dressing by sodium selenite in the beginning of stem formation in a doze 20-25 g/ha, or in bud-formation in a doze no more than 20 g/ha under hay harvest are provided the increasing of the selenium contents in dry weight up to optimum meanings. This technique contributes to net income obtaining on 1 rubles expenses 0,37 rubles without the account of zootechnical value of enriched by selenium forage.
206-214 123
In the article the analysis of influence of separate and complex usage of liquid nitric fertilizer mixture of carbamide and ammonium saltpeter with microfertilizers on winter wheat and triticale crop capacity and seed quality is shown. The economic effectiveness of investigated methods is calculated. For winter wheat: the highest crops on average for the period of 2005-2007 (64,6 centner per ha), the raw protein of 9,3 c/ha, the net profit of 354,2 $/ha and profitability of 196% are gained with the combined usage of CAS with complex micro-fertilizer Vitamar-Z on the background of N19P70K100 + N50. For winter triticale: the highest crops on average for the period of 2005-2007 (64,5 centner per ha), the raw protein of 9,0 c/ha, the net profit of 152,1 $/ha and profitability of 92% are gained with the combined usage of CAS with complex micro-fertilizer Vitamar-Z on the background of N19P70K100 + N50.
214-220 137
In article results of researches on application microfertilizers Helkom and Seybit on productivity and biochemical indicators of tubers of a potato are resulted.
220-227 111
For the maximal productivity and quality of valerian at the sod-podzolic sandy soils at the maintenance of mobile forms of the boron no more than 0,5 mg/kg it is normally recommended to apply В(0.050+0.050+0.050) or into the soil - В1,5 kg/ha on the background of organic fertilizers (60 t/ha) and mineral fertilizers (N90P90K120) to valerian medicinal plants during vegetation. Appling the boron to the plants during vegetation В(0.050+0.050+0.050) or to the soil- В1,5 kg/ha is of equal value in regard to the yields (23,0-23,3 c/ha) and extractive substances contents (27,8-27,9%) in the roots and rhizomes. The maximal yield of the extractive substances from unit of the area (6,36-6,49 c/ha) is obtained in these variants accordingly.
227-234 146
The results of field and laboratory researches on the establishment of hops cones anti-microbe activity testify that hops solutions poses the high anti-microbe activity. Depending on the degree of influence of hops solution on the microorganisms quantity they were settled down in the following order: Escherichia coli > Staphylococcus aureus > Candida albicans. The highest micocide activity of hop was received in samples, where the doze of nitrogen did not exceed N120. The increase of nitrogen dozes up to N180-240 caused some reduction of micocide influence of hop on microorganisms. The usage of complex fertilizer - (NРК - 13:12:19 and 13:7:17-19) incorporating boric, zinc etc. increases the anti-microbe activity of hop in comparison with the usage of standard mix of nitrogen -phosphorus-calcium fertilizers.
235-243 135
The effect of Kaliplant on pea yield and different potassium forms use by pea plants was found to depend on mobile potassium content in Luvisol loamy sand soil as well as on the rate of K-fertilizer. Significant stimulation effects of Kaliplant on the use of water-soluble, exchangeable and unexchangeable potassium forms were observed under following conditions: at the first level of soil K-supply (94 mg kg-1 K2O) - at treatments NP, NPK60 и NPK90; at the second level (146 mg kg-1 K2O) - at treatments NP, NPK60 and at the third level (164 mg kg-1 K2O) - at treatment NP.
244-249 174
In Institute for soil science and agrochemistry complex fertilizers for separate agricultural crops are developed. Distinctive feature of complex fertilizers consists is that macro-, microelements, growth regulators are included in one granule with the most comprehensible correlation of nutrients for concrete crop and in consideration of soil fertility. The developed fertilizers are protected by patents of the Republic of Belarus and the Eurasian patent office made on a large scale and successfully applied in economies of the republic.
249-258 114
Results of researches on study of efficiency of soil acidity optimization on decrease of a collective doze of an irradiation90Sr on the population of Belarus are submitted. On the basis of the "cost-benefit" analysis it is shown, that expenses for averted collective doze for liming on cereals are 21-170 thousand $ per 1 man.-Sv depending on density of90Sr soil contamination of rural districts.
258-268 175
As a result of soil-ecological assessment of agricultural lands adjacent to “Belaruskalij” enterprise were established three-dimensional distribution and concentration of heavy metals in soil. The basic pollutants of soils of agricultural lands are lead and cadmium, which in enhanceable amounts revealed in soils directly areas 1-4 rudoupravleniy and wayside stripes.
268-282 123
Results of researches of pollution of soil and wood plantings of a Norway maple in a roadside strip of Minsk are resulted. The interrelation of the heavy metals content in soil and plants with the content of photosynthetic pigments is established. Influence of agrotechnical methods (application of new fertilizers forms and meliorants) on the a chlorophyll and carotinoide content in leaves, and also on growth top and lateral runaways of a acer platanoides in city conditions is revealed.

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ISSN 0130-8475 (Print)